American exorcist god.

Chapter 329: The first seven burn paper, you have to burn double copies

Chapter 329: For the first seven days of burning paper, you have to burn double copies.

Xu Yi rushed towards Zihai, but in the next second, his body was ejected and his soul felt a suction force.

His expression changed slightly, because the purple sea in front of him seemed to only allow souls to enter.

His soul can be described as a "weak chicken". Without the protection of his demigod body, it would be difficult to cross the purple ocean.

And he was even more worried about another question, could the "Taotie" dagger enter the Purple Sea?

If even the "Taotie" dagger cannot enter, then everything is really at a loss.

The dagger flew toward the Purple Sea, but was blocked outside the Purple Sea.

Xu Yi's heart kept sinking, but at this moment, water-like lines appeared on the surface of the dagger, and it turned into a wisp of clear spring and merged into the purple sea.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the worst case did not happen.

He stared at the "Taotie" dagger and suddenly thought of a way. He rushed towards the Zihai again. This time he did not resist the suction and allowed the Zihai to pull his soul out of his body.

An endless chill came over, and Xu Yi felt that his soul was about to be frozen.

He still underestimated the Zihai. With such low temperatures, let alone crossing the Zihai, his soul would be annihilated after walking dozens of meters.

But the "Taotie" dagger flew down next to Xu Yi, and a large amount of water vapor filled the dark golden blade. The water vapor enveloped Xu Yi, and Xu Yi's soul was pulled into the dagger.

Xu Yi exhaled a comfortable breath, feeling as if he had entered a heated room from the outdoors in the cold winter, and the coldness on his body was driven away.

The "Taotie" dagger inherits Yata Mirror's core ability, which is "soul seal".

Since he can seal other souls, he can also seal his own soul. Anyway, as the owner of the dagger, he can release the seal at any time.

In this case, isn’t the sealing function equivalent to the protection function?

His body left outside suddenly moved. This was controlled by Annabelle's evil control ability. Annabelle took his body to avoid the earth-boring insects here.

After getting rid of these bugs, it will come back here.

"As soon as possible!" Xu Yi took a deep breath and controlled the dagger deep into the purple sea.

Even for a demigod, the soul cannot leave the body for too long, because rigor mortis targets the soul, not the body.

Besides, no one could tell when Behemoth would come back, so he had to hurry up.

The "Taotie" dagger is like a small boat traveling through the purple sea. This is not a real sea, but some kind of special energy.

The purple sea suddenly surged and condensed into a huge purple figure, which was the projection of Behemoth.

Even though he was hiding in the "Taotie" dagger, he could still feel the terrifying aura coming from that figure.

He understood that this was the last line of defense set up by Behemoth!

Behemoth's projection stepped down, and the "Taotie" dagger could not move. It was imprisoned by a terrifying energy.

Xu Yi's face was solemn, because he found that he had nothing to do, and it was impossible for him to break through the blockage of Behemoth's projection.


Outside Beacon Hill.

"He's dying! Show some real skills!"

The crow man waved the death scythe and blocked Behemoth in front of him. He roared at the silver giant ape next to him.

The silver giant ape glanced at Behemoth indifferently. He could keenly notice that Behemoth's actions in front of him became slower and his attacks became careless.

In such a high-intensity battle, it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to lose focus, so there is only one explanation.

The other party is dying!

In fact, the reason why Behemoth was distracted was entirely because he was controlling the projection in the purple sea.

The silver giant ape suddenly jumped into the sky, and the surface layers of his right arm opened up, revealing the complex mechanical structure below. He moved the small hourglass inside with his hand. The hourglass turned upside down, and the fine red sand quickly slid down. The silver giant ape exhaled two slender streaks of red steam from its nostrils. He clenched his fist and swung it down violently, and the raging red steam spurted out from the gap in his right arm.

His fist fell off like a missile, shooting towards Behemoth below.

The fallen fist struck Behemoth's head, and the head that could not be seriously injured by a knife or fire was dented by the fist.

But this was just the beginning. The crows and other alchemy machines all moved away from Behemoth, knowing that this punch would not be that simple.

The small hourglass was connected to the back of the fallen fist. At this moment, the fine red sand fell away, and the raging red flames surged out, instantly surrounding Behemoth and forming a huge fireball.

The fireball was like a furnace, constantly calcining Behemoth.

A smile appeared on the face of the silver giant ape. These flames not only hurt the body, they are also the fire of the soul, which can burn the soul.


Xu Yi wanted to forcefully drive the "Taotie" dagger, but it was useless. Without the dagger infused with the holy flame, it was impossible to shake Behemoth's projection.

He had already retreated in his heart. The situation was already so bad that he even committed suicide in order to save resurrection coins.

Because the 5-minute threshold is about to be exceeded, if it drags on any longer, I'm afraid two resurrection coins will have to be used at the same time.

At this moment, Behemoth's projection suddenly disappeared, like a bubble being popped.

What's going on here?

Because the thing happened so suddenly, Xu Yi looked dull.

But he quickly realized that there was definitely something wrong on the battlefield, and he quickly switched his field of view.

Under Beacon Mountain, a red fireball stood in the center of the battlefield, just like the sun rising from here.

"From now on, if you burn paper for the first seven days, you will have to burn double copies for our comrades from the Ring of Destruction!" Xu Yi couldn't be happier.

He was at his wits' end, but he didn't expect the Ring of Destruction to "punch hard", causing Behemoth to suffer heavy damage and the projection had to be interrupted.

Of course, he couldn't let go of such a good opportunity and drove the "Taotie" dagger with all his strength, and the dagger advanced rapidly in the purple sea.

With a soft "pop" sound, Xu Yi felt like breaking free from the sticky gel. The "Taotie" dagger crossed the purple sea and came to the center of the space.

"Finally found you!" Xu Yi stared at him.

The bright golden lines flowed in the black void, and they were beautiful. The terrifying pressure belonging to the spirit of the true god rolled down like the sky was falling, and the "Taotie" dagger kept trembling.

Although it is only a partial remnant of the true spirit of God, only when you truly face it can you know its horror.

He had thought too simply before. Even if the "Taotie" dagger inherited the power of the Yata Mirror, could it really seal such a terrifying spirit of the true god?

But one of the three magic spells, "Everyone comes, comes" began to take effect, and Xu Yi was determined to try anything.

He drove the "Taotie" dagger, and a large amount of water mist spread out, forming a huge "fog tornado", and powerful suction swept the entire place.

An embarrassing scene happened. The golden lines were unmoved, as if they were not facing a tornado, but a breeze blowing in their faces.

Xu Yi's face turned dark. He knew that the sealing journey would not go smoothly, but the effect was so weak. Isn't it too disrespectful?

Things were completely stuck, and Xu Yi was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

At the other end of the battlefield, Behemoth was completely enraged. A roaring roar came from the center of the fireball. The faces of everyone present changed, and they all felt a sense of heart palpitations.

They don't understand, Behemoth should have been very weak, why is it getting stronger now?

The fireball surrounding Behemoth exploded. Behemoth's body was filled with a rich white airflow, but its pupils were as black as ink, and it coldly glanced at the alchemy machinery present.

(End of this chapter)

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