American exorcist god.

Chapter 330: Teasing the “evil dog”

Chapter 330: Teasing the “evil dog”

The situation on the battlefield was already precarious. If the Ring of Destruction had not been affected by that weird field, they might still be able to fight.

But now their strength is only half of what it was at its peak.

As Behemoth used all his strength, the Ring of Destruction could only barely resist.

The reason why they are still persisting is because they feel that Behemoth is "returning to the light". As long as they can survive, victory will still belong to them.

But Xu Yi knew very well that the miracle they expected would never come, and this was far from Behemoth's limit.

The Ring of Destruction can't hold on much longer, and there isn't much time left for him.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He opened the system panel and browsed through his abilities one by one. His abilities were very complex, but the low-level abilities could be ignored. His eyes were mainly focused on the red entries.

The entry "Authority of the Evil God: The Ultimate Intent of Thieves" has a total of five abilities, but the first three abilities are most used.

The "Soul Stealing Seed" was only used once, to deal with the evil god behind the Gongyang cult.

As for the "Divine Leap", it has never been triggered once, but Xu Yi knows very well that as the ultimate ability of "The Ultimate Intention of Thieves", the divine leap will never be that simple.

It couldn't be triggered, just because he opened it the wrong way.

But now is not the time to dwell on this. His eyes are fixed on the "Evil God's Seed".

This ability targets the soul, and the true spirit in front of him is also the soul... Xu Yi's eyes flashed with light, and he had an inexplicable hunch that this ability is likely to create miracles.

A soul-stealing seed floated out from the dagger and floated towards the golden lines in the void.

The golden lines seemed to have not seen the soul-stealing seed, and were still swimming about on their own.

"There is a way!" Xu Yi's eyes lit up.

The soul-stealing seed is like a floating dandelion, successfully "embedded" on the golden lines, like a spore.

Xu Yi didn't know what the essence of the soul-stealing seed was, but he knew that the soul-stealing seed was extremely hidden.

The great evil god behind the Gongyang cult failed to detect the soul-stealing seed, and even allowed him to steal the very rare "occult genius" entry.

Xu Yi felt that he had gained a little control over the golden line. Although it was extremely weak, it was a good start.

He continued to create soul-stealing seeds, and large "dandelions" floated towards the golden lines and attached to them.

The golden thread was densely covered with soul-stealing seeds. Xu Yi stopped making soul-stealing seeds. It wasn't that he didn't want to continue making it, but that he couldn't.

Creating soul-stealing seeds requires the consumption of soul power. Although each soul power is not much, it cannot be added up.

His soul was already very weak, like an ordinary person who had lost two waists.

The already weak soul is even worse. If the spirit of the true god cannot be collected, it will be a blood loss.

"One last attempt!" Xu Yi took a deep breath and activated the soul sealing ability of the "Taotie" dagger again.

The turbulent "Water Mist Volume" appeared again, and at the same time, Xu Yi liberated all the soul-stealing seeds.

The soul-stealing seed instantly grew a large number of "black rhizomes". Those rhizomes were thinner than golden lines. They grew in the spirit of the true god, trying to control the other party.

Under the dual effects of the "Taotie" dagger and the soul-stealing seed, it finally had an effect this time. The golden thread densely covered with the soul-stealing seed was drawn into the water mist.

The golden thread slowly "floated" toward the dagger, and Xu Yi stamped his feet anxiously, wishing he could step forward and pull it himself.

At the same time, he switched his perspective and observed the battle outside.

Just looking at it made his heart skip a beat.

The four major alchemy machines were scattered around the battlefield, emitting billowing steam. Although they were not completely damaged, they no longer had much combat effectiveness. Behemoth won the final victory. It moved its long legs and walked towards Beacon Mountain. In only five or six steps, he arrived at the stone mountain where Xu Yi was.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Xu Yi prayed anxiously.

Perhaps his prayer took effect, and the golden thread was finally swallowed into the dagger. The thread suddenly came to a strange environment and tried to struggle, but it was already too late.

This sealed space is a typical "brittle on the outside and steel on the inside". After the original sin was sealed, it could only be rescued by external power.

Now that it has become a solid "body of sinful bones", it becomes even more difficult to break through the seal.

But Xu Yi was still too happy too early.

The section of thread covered with soul-stealing seeds was pulled into the sealed space, but the subsequent threads did not change because of this. It was like an old monk entering concentration and could not be pulled in at all.

The entire stone mountain shook violently. Behemoth stepped down and the solid and huge mountain was split into two.

"I'm going to suffer!" Xu Yi's expression suddenly changed.

But a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed through his mind, which perfectly explained what it means to be wise in a hurry. If it weren't for the huge pressure brought by Behemoth, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to remember it.

He tapped his eyebrows lightly, and a black fruit flew out from his eyebrows. This was a mature fruit of faith.

Since the Latmar incident in New York, Cat Spirit Buster has been able to absorb very little faith every day, but with the faith accumulated in the past, he has still condensed it into a mature fruit of faith.

The fruit of faith has no entity. For convenience, he stores the fruit in his soul.

“What does the true God desire most?”

The answer is self-evident, of course faith.

The golden thread that was pulled into the sealed space instantly became violent, as if a mentally ill man suffering from mania suddenly became ill and rushed towards the fruit of faith like a madman, or like a poisonous snake biting its prey.

But it is a pity that even if the golden thread is straight, it is still some distance away from Xu Yi.

Xu Yi felt like he was teasing a chained vicious dog with a delicious sausage, testing like crazy on the edge of danger.

The golden thread suddenly extended forward. Relying on the desire for faith, it actually burst out with powerful force, forcibly pulling the outer golden thread into the sealed space.

Those golden threads that did not have soul-stealing seeds suddenly smelled the breath of faith and behaved even more crazily, just like evil ghosts passing through the gates of hell and coming to the world of abundant blood.

The spirits of the true God have been silent for who knows how many years. They may be hungrier than hungry ghosts, struggling to pounce on the fruit of faith.

This is like a domino, knocking down the first one will gradually collapse due to a chain reaction.

It seems that the Spirit of the True God is made up of densely tangled lines. In fact, this is just because it is too long. It actually has only one line.

The lines entering the sealed space were getting longer and longer, and Xu Yi was frightened. He was surrounded by dense lines.

If it weren't for the fact that this was the sealed space of the "Taotie" dagger, he would have been eaten alive by the furious spirit of the True God.

"How about throwing the fruit of faith to them?"

Xu Yi shuddered as soon as this thought came to his mind.

He had a premonition that if the spirit of the true god ate the fruit of faith in his hand, something terrible would happen.

Behemoth stepped on the stone mountain again, and the huge stone mountain suddenly shattered. Behemoth's body was covered with a strong white airflow, and the surface of the stone mountain was instantly flattened.

At this moment, all the spirits of the True God entered the sealed space. Xu Yi breathed a long sigh of relief and quickly put away the Fruit of Faith.

But his heart was hanging again, because he would face a more fatal problem next.

How to escape from Behemoth?

(End of this chapter)

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