American exorcist god.

Chapter 331 It still has to be the Ring of Destruction

Chapter 331 It still has to be the Ring of Destruction

Xu Yi controlled the "Taotie" dagger to return at high speed, and the purple ocean became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The purple sea was created based on the spirit of the true god. Now that the spirit of the true god is "stolen" away, this purple sea will naturally disappear soon.

A roar came from the purple sea, and Xu Yi subconsciously moved away from that sound, which was the sound projected by Behemoth.

After flying a few meters, he suddenly turned back.

In addition to anger, that voice also gave people a feeling of pain.

If he goes out directly now, he will definitely be blocked by Behemoth's body.

So he had to think of some special methods.

The waves of the purple sea surged, and Behemoth, who had shrunk countless times, screamed in pain. That was Behemoth's soul.

This space is isolated from the outside. After he came in, Behemoth's projection was able to stop him immediately because there was a split soul of the other party here.

Even a true god needs a medium if he wants to cast an illusory shadow.

The split soul has been here for who knows how many years. It has long been integrated with the purple sea. At this moment, the purple sea dissipates. The split soul is like a fish out of water. If it is not taken back in time, it will soon "die of thirst". ".

Of course, the chance of this happening is very low, because the body of the split soul is outside and can usually be recovered in time.

Xu Yi stared at the divided soul, his brain running rapidly.

If the split soul dissipates, the main body will definitely suffer backlash. As long as something goes wrong with Behemoth, his chances of escaping will increase.

"Maybe the Ring of Destruction can bring him an unexpected surprise?"

When Xu Yi thinks about the Ring of Destruction now, he inexplicably has great expectations. He doesn't know where this outrageous idea comes from.

Even if the split soul is a "fish out of water", it is still a ferocious tiger fish, and it is not easy to defeat the opponent.

But Xu Yi knew where there were more ferocious predators.

The "Taotie" dagger approached Behemoth's split soul. Even though the split soul itself was already in pain, the moment it discovered the intruder, it still jumped out subconsciously.

Xu Yi didn't panic at all. He unlocked a very small part of the seal of the true god's spirit. The "Taotie" dagger filled with light mist, and a thin golden line extended out from the mist.

The moment the golden lines gained freedom, they danced wildly, like a vicious dog out of its cage, wanting to bite all living creatures around it.

The spirit of the true God is like a poisonous snake that falls into hibernation. As long as it sleeps, it will not feel hungry.

But now someone not only wakes it up, but also teases it with delicious food in front of its eyes. The most hateful thing is that it can see it but cannot eat it.

Under such circumstances, it would be difficult for the true god's spirit not to become violent.

At this moment, Behemoth's ghost appeared in front of it and attacked it. How could it endure it?

The thin golden thread danced wildly, like a biting snake, or like a cutting knife, cutting the separated soul into pieces. In just a moment, the separated soul went to annihilation with a painful whimper.

Xu Yi took out the Fruit of Faith at the right time. When the violent golden thread smelled the Fruit of Faith, the golden thread automatically penetrated into the sealed space without Xu Yi having to think too much.


On Beacon Hill.

At the moment when the separated soul was annihilated, Behemoth let out a painful whimper, his huge body slowly fell to the ground, and the ground shook violently.

Xu Yi himself did not expect that the effect of destroying the divided soul would be so good.

The split soul is more important to Behemoth than imagined.

The crow man Augustus was already in despair. Behemoth was far more terrifying than expected, especially the weird field at the beginning, which kept their strength being reduced.

By the time they reacted, it was already too late.

But when he saw Behemoth suddenly falling to the ground in pain, his heart suddenly moved.

Maybe Behemoth is really at the end of his rope this time?

The Ring of Destruction spent so many resources only to fail miserably. This was like a sunk cost for gamblers who were unwilling to accept such a painful loss.

next time! Maybe we can make a comeback next time?

The gambler's mentality of Crow Man Augustus was completely aroused. He was cruel and made a decision.

The machinery on the surface of the chest separated, and the gears rotated rapidly, revealing black water droplets wrapped in three metal rings in the center.

This is the "Tears of Death". The essence extracted from the bones of Death is his trump card. He has very few Tears of Death left.

The "ball" wrapped in the tears of death rolled out. Augustus caught the ball and stuffed it into the crow's mouth.

The next second, the crow's head fell off and flew towards Behemoth with the tears of death.


Xu Yi left the different space in a hurry.

The cave has collapsed, heavy boulders rolled down, and the sound of rocks being crushed kept coming from above. It was Behemoth writhing in pain among the ruins.

Annabell took Xu Yi's body and escaped from a narrow cave formed by the collapse. Xu Yi's body was unscathed.

The soul in Annebell, after studying for a long time, already has a strong spiritual intelligence.

"Awesome!" Xu Yi praised and quickly returned to his body.

He shuddered suddenly. Because of the soul-stealing seed, his soul was already weak. Now he felt the "rigor mortis" in his body, and the feeling of weakness was magnified countless times.

He had never felt so weak.

"It seems that we need to find a way as soon as possible to strengthen our soul!"

If the weakness of the soul is allowed to remain unattended, at some point in the future, he will definitely fall into a big trap because of this.

"It's better to find a way to get out of here now!"

Xu Yi looked around, trying to find a safe passage. At this moment, a powerful energy locked onto him.

Although Behemoth was in unbearable pain, this did not prevent him from looking for the thief Xu Yi.

"Oops!" Xu Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he was also a little confused.

Why was the opponent able to lock his position so quickly?

You must know that he not only sealed the body of the demigod, but also had the effect of the shadow cloak. Shouldn't it be so easy for the other party to discover him?

His palm suddenly felt extremely hot. The heat came from the "Taotie" dagger. The dagger was inactive at the moment. Logically speaking, the dagger should "hide its power and bide its time".

But at this moment, the dagger was flashing with a scorching red light, and the temperature was still rising.

"It's the spirit of the true god sealed in the dagger!"

He suddenly came to his senses. The power of the true god's spirit was beyond his expectation. It had been sealed in the dagger and could actually act as a demon.

The aura of the true god's spirit emanating from the dagger revealed his position.

After he realized this, he immediately took out the magic box and threw the dagger into it.

The effect of the magic-forbidden box was very obvious. The flashing red light of the dagger gradually receded. Xu Yi threw the magic-forbidden box back into the toy space.

Although the problem of the "Taotie" dagger was solved, his heart continued to sink.

Behemoth has locked his position, and it is already very difficult to retreat quietly.

Once exposed, he will face not only the pursuit of Behemoth, but also the people of the Ring of Destruction. When the time comes, he will be attacked by two parties, and there will be no way for him to survive.

Cold sweat fell from his forehead. At this moment, a terrifying wave suddenly came from above. He had felt this wave before, on Fuji, Japan.

The Crow Man takes action, and it’s a killer move!

Xu Yi's eyes lit up instantly, because the annihilation barrier was not targeting him, but the Behemoth above him.

If the sky falls, the taller one will hold it up first!

He switched to the perspective of the Evil God's Nest outside, and a huge black ball of light rolled over Behemoth's back. This scene was like the mythical Sisyphus being crushed by a boulder.

It has to be the brothers of the Ring of Destruction!

Xu Yi gave Crow Man a big thumbs up in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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