American exorcist god.

Chapter 332 Goodbye!

Chapter 332 Goodbye!

Behemoth roared in rage, eager to catch the thief. The other party is not just a simple thief. The other party is a peerless thief who stole its most precious treasure.

But it can't do it now. It needs to fight against the Realm of Annihilation, and can only feel Xu Yi's breath moving away.

The aura of the True God Spirit has disappeared. If the opponent escapes from its perception range, it may be difficult to find the opponent again.

Xu Yi holds the "Angry" Tang Dao and cuts through the solid stone blocking the front.

The brothers of the Ring of Destruction had created such a good opportunity for him, and of course he couldn't waste it.

The exploration map of Beacon Mountain flashed through his mind. He had already planned an escape route for himself. After about half a minute of hurried walking, he suddenly cut through the thick wall in front of him.

The rocks collapsed and the sound of water flow came from behind the cave.

Although Beacon Hill has been greatly changed, some of the previous buildings are still preserved. Behind the cave is the sewer of Beacon Hill.

Xu Yi rushed into the sewer and ran as fast as he could.

While running, he took out a spray and sprayed it on his body.

It's not that he can't stand the stench of the sewers, but the spray is some kind of alchemical potion in order to eliminate the smell on his body.

The road ahead suddenly cut off, but he also escaped to the outskirts of Beacon Hill. He used the "Wrath" Tang knife to pierce the cement slab above.

He first made a hole the size of a palm, and let Annabell go out to explore the wind. After making sure there was no danger outside, he made a larger hole.

The exit happened to be in the center of the bushes. He turned over and hid in the shadow of the bushes, looking back at Beacon Mountain.

The "black iron ball" gradually dissipated, and Behemoth was overwhelmed and fell to the ground. It was like a toy crushed by a heavy object, and a huge crack appeared on its back.

The cracks continued to extend, spreading to every corner of the body, and Behemoth's terrifying aura gradually became lower.

"The Ring of Destruction actually solved Behemoth?"

Xu Yi was a little surprised. At the same time, he was also confused. Is the destruction of the split soul really that big of an impact on Behemoth?

Do you want to go back and find out?

He began to think about this problem. He must know that the opportunity to swallow up the origin of laziness is too rare.

"Forget it! Keep everything stable, after all, we have obtained the most precious Spirit of the True God."

After Xu Yi thought for a moment, he gave up this tempting idea. He looked around the entire battlefield. The purple light curtain still stood, and the dense monsters were blocked from the outside.

He glanced at the group of zombies on the battlefield and was slightly startled.

There were many more living zombies preserved than he imagined. These zombies looked like they had been cursed with "lazyness". They were lazy and couldn't muster any energy.

"The acting is really terrible!" Xu Yi complained secretly.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it. Although West is behind the control of these living zombies, it is still too difficult for them to complete complex instructions.

With West's IQ, he might have noticed Behemoth's strange realm a long time ago, maybe even earlier than he did.

Xu Yi's eyes fell on one of the zombies.

It was a male corpse with horns growing out of its head and a long scorpion's tail growing out of its back.

Although it looks weird, it is inconspicuous among the zombies of monsters and monsters.

Xu Yi felt the aura of "arrogance" sin on the living corpse.

There is no doubt that those were the beads of sin he "gifted" to West.

Could this be West's true identity?

He immediately shook his head, because this was unlikely. He probably had some guesses about West's ability.

West can transfer his mind and soul to other zombies at will, so it is very difficult to kill them.

The reason why Ring of Destruction chose to cooperate with West instead of controlling the other party has to do with the other party's ability.

Xu Yi has always had a question in his mind.

West tried so hard to get the little bit of sin from him, but what was it used for?

What kind of characteristics can the other party obtain after fusing the sinful body?

Xu Yi can still feel the sinful body, but it has become extremely difficult to control it. West has made some kind of taboo on the sinful body.

And it is simply impossible to use that little bit of guilt to swallow up the opponent's arrogant origin.

Perhaps West had already thought of this, so he just asked for a little bit of guilt.

The zombies suddenly became commotion, and they rushed towards Behemoth. Behemoth's aura was already very weak, and West, the chicken thief, was ready to make a wave of presence.

But for some reason, Xu Yi's eyelids suddenly jumped wildly. The next second, Behemoth's huge body was scattered like a broken mirror, and the white skeleton had turned into fly ash before it hit the ground.

The alchemy machinery was walking towards Behemoth, but they stopped abruptly.

Behemoth's huge body disappeared, but there was a white flesh cocoon in the air, shaking slowly.

The silkworm trembled more and more violently, and its white jade-like tentacles suddenly penetrated the cocoon, tearing it open, and the "white jade butterfly" broke out of the cocoon.

Although it is in the shape of a butterfly, its head is the original shape of Behemoth, only it has been shrunk countless times.

What was behind him was not wings, but swimming white tentacles, densely packed, and only the body resembled that of a butterfly.

A more violent breath surged out than before, and everyone present felt a stinging pain.

"Phase 2!"

A word suddenly flashed in Xu Yi's mind. He was a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't lean over just now.

But his heart was also worried. He didn't know if the potion to eliminate the aura would be useful. If Behemoth still locked onto him, it would be terrible.

The people in the Ring of Destruction all realized that they were wrong. Behemoth would soon be exhausted. This was just their wishful thinking.

The next second, the purple light curtain shattered, and the Ring of Destruction took the initiative to remove the magic circle.

Xu Yi had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He ran towards the outside while turning back to pay attention to Behemoth's movements.

His heart skipped a beat.

Behemoth was chasing him straight!

It's over. As expected, I couldn't completely erase my aura.

Xu Yi looked around the battlefield, and suddenly his heart moved.

The alchemy machines of the Ring of Destruction fled in all directions. This was a normal choice. After all, the four major alchemy machines were all seriously injured. If they ran away in the same direction, they would easily be killed.

The purple sea snake and the direction he chose to escape happened to be the same.

He suddenly had an idea. He dived into the darkness, always paying attention to the purple sea snake behind him. If the opponent turned left, he would turn left. If the opponent fled to the right, he would also flee to the right.

The main thing is to have the same direction.

Karen among the purple sea snakes felt that he was extremely unlucky. He had a 1/4 chance, but it was his turn.

Behemoth was already very close, and it was impossible for him to escape pursuit.

Rather than being overtaken and ravaged after being overtaken, it is better to give it a try, so that you can at least test the opponent's strength.

Karen made a decision, turned around resolutely, and rushed towards the second-stage Behemoth.

He had never thought that the target Behemoth was chasing was not him at all.

Xu Yi has been waiting for this moment, and he knew that the people in the Ring of Destruction would not sit still and wait to die.

"Bye bye!" Xu Yi jumped into the nearby tributary of the Charles River.

He was just thinking about how Behemoth sensed him. His aura was restrained enough, and he was also assisted by the shadow cloak and dark stealth.

After thinking about it, the most likely thing is the smell.

It's hard to describe how dirty his body is now.

Xu Yi sneaked all the way in the water, using the rapid current to wash away the dirt on his body. After sneaking for a certain distance, he floated on the river bank, took out a lot of breath and odor elimination medicine, and sprayed it on his body.

He looked back in the direction of Behemoth. The purple sea snake was like a toy in the hands of a naughty child, broken into pieces and falling from the sky.

Xu Yi looked at the remains of the eight-headed sea snake and felt a little jealous.

He knew that there must be a mythical artifact in the wreckage, but at this time, even if he had eaten the courage of a bear and a leopard, he would not dare to go back and get it.

"It's a pity that to forge the Seven Deadly Sins, we still need the last mythical artifact."

Xu Yi was filled with regret.

But what made him relieved was that Behemoth finally did not rush towards him like before, but stood in the air and roared angrily.

But he didn't dare to relax completely. He continued to sneak in the river for a certain distance, sprayed the medicine several times, then landed on the shore and ran towards Notting Hill.

(End of this chapter)

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