American exorcist god.

Chapter 333 Destruction Knight

Chapter 333 Destruction Knight

Xu Yi returned to Notting Hill and could no longer suppress the joy in his heart, clenching his fists and shouting.

This wave was truly a predatory act, stealing the true spirit of God from under the eyes of Behemoth and the Ring of Destruction.

The Spirit of the True God is undoubtedly the most precious thing in this misty world.

"Xu Yi, you are back!"

Carlisle, wearing a pretender mask, stepped out and looked at Xu Yi in surprise.

The Pretender's Mask needs to be used by someone with similar blood to achieve the best effect, so Xu Yi had an idea and asked Carlisle to suck his blood.

Carlisle inherited vampire abilities and was an expert at playing with blood.

"Is there any movement over there?" Xu Yi asked.

The people responsible for monitoring him in the Ring of Destruction are around Notting Hill. This is due to the nature of Roy's ancient lamp. The closer to the target, the better the effect of Roy's ancient lamp.

Xu Yi quietly found the supervisor, but instead of alerting the enemy, he carried out counter-monitoring.

"Everything is business as usual, nothing happened." Carlisle shook his head.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, in the eyes of the Ring of Destruction, he had never left Notting Hill at all.

Even if the Ring of Destruction discovers clues afterwards, there should be no suspicion on his head.

The chance of the True God Spirit incident being leaked will also be greatly reduced.

"Boss! Someone from the Boston government is here!" Allen hurried over.

Xu Yi nodded, he was not surprised at the people coming from Boston.

If it weren't for the jumping zombies and then the Kingdom of Mist, Boston would have had people coming.

He took off the shadow cloak and asked Carlisle to take off the pretender mask at the same time. Because they stood close enough, they would not appear. Roy's ancient lamp monitored the situation of the two Xu Yi.

Xu Yi met with Boston's top executives, and to his surprise, Arturo, the so-called exorcist, was also there.

"Now that I've met the person, there's no need for me."

Arturo left in a hurry after saying a few words. There were still many things waiting for him in the church. He could come here today just for Xu Yi's sake.

Xu Yi nodded towards Arturo as a greeting.

"Mr. Xu Yi, this is Mistedin!" One of the people suddenly handed over a long and narrow metal box.

"Didn't you say that you need to train ten great exorcists before you can obtain the mythical sacred weapon?" Xu Yi wondered aloud, but his hand movements were not slow at all and he took the box neatly.

He suddenly understood why Arturo had to come here specifically.

The Mythical Sacred Artifact is such an important thing, and naturally it needs to be escorted by experts, and the situation in Boston is so bad now.

Misterdin, also known as "Evergreen Sword".

This was a mythical artifact that he had chosen early on. As a "Bostonian", he naturally had some privileges.

Among the mythical sacred weapons available to choose from, the Evergreen Sword is the most powerful one, and the others are more or less less interesting.

"For Mr. Xu Yi, this is a matter of time." The other party's voice suddenly changed, "I don't know about the Dragon Blood Warrior Potion..."

Xu Yi had already expected this. How could Boston's top brass not be covetous of a potion that could cultivate masters in batches?

After discussing for a while, the other party left with satisfaction.

Xu Yi was equally satisfied. He had obtained the Evergreen Sword and had gathered all the sacred tools needed to forge the "Seven Deadly Sins".

Of course he did not hand over the formula for the dragon blood warrior potion.

Now we have only reached a preliminary intention to cooperate. Boston's top management is not so conceited yet, thinking of using the mythical artifact, so they changed the formula.

Giving the mythical artifact in advance is just a meeting gift. The actual exchange of the potion formula requires negotiation between both parties.

Xu Yi opened the metal box, and the light cyan sword blade reflected his profile. The Evergreen Sword, a sacred weapon, was considered exquisite.

But he took a few glances and put it away.

It will be melted in the end anyway, it doesn't matter whether it is exquisite or not.

"We must seize the time to create the remaining seven deadly sins!"

Xu Yi looked around and saw that there were very few monsters around Notting Hill. They had all been summoned away by Behemoth. During his absence, the ghost warrior once again absorbed a large amount of divinity, filling the nightmare bones with divinity.

The divinity of "One Nightmare" can probably create two "Seven Deadly Sins".

There are still many monsters left in Boston today, but Behemoth is searching for the Ring of Destruction all over the city. It is only a matter of time before a battle breaks out between the two.

Once a war breaks out, monsters carrying divinity will definitely die in large numbers. If he doesn't hurry up, he may not be able to find monsters to supplement divinity later.

Yaoyaoya, the forging room.

The next things Xu Yi wants to forge are "arrogance" and "jealousy".

The users of "Arrogance" are Maria and Ailan. As a master of swordsmanship, Ailan naturally can forge "Arrogance" into a long sword.

Among the many styles of long swords, Xu Yi finally chose the Japanese samurai sword for no other reason than because Ailan was used to it.

The "Eight-foot Magatama" fell into the golden flames, and the melting fire kept burning the sacred weapon. The eight-foot Magatama was suitable for the sin of "arrogance".

In fact, among Japan's Three Sacred Artifacts, the one that impressed him most was the eight-foot magatama.

The green thunder that filled Tokyo at that time was astonishingly powerful.

Now used to forge "arrogance", it can be regarded as complementing each other.

The next weapon he is going to forge is "Jealousy", which is styled as a knight's sword and made of Tian Cong Yun sword.

As the proxy host of "Jealousy", Jiali has a good talent in the long sword.

Jiali's orange-red evil flame, combined with Tiancong Yunjian's soul cutting, may have unexpected effects.

Whether it is the Eight-foot Qiong Magatama or the Tiancongyun Sword, they are both sacred weapons for the soul.

Xu Yi forged them in advance, and the purpose was self-evident.

He is ready to take action against the people of the Ring of Destruction!


Boston, some hidden basement.

The lights were dim, and the three major alchemy machines of the Ring of Destruction were hidden in the shadows. No one spoke for a long time, and the atmosphere was particularly solemn.

"The plan to capture Behemoth failed, and Karen's reincarnation device was also destroyed."

There was silence for a long time, and finally the lizard dragon broke the silence.

"Use that thing!" The Crow Man said in a deep voice after hesitating for a moment.

The Lizard Dragon subconsciously retorted, "That thing is too important to our Ring of Destruction. If something goes wrong, there is no way to make up for it!"

"Then do you have a better way?" Crow Man asked coldly.

In order to ease the atmosphere, he immediately explained, "The existence of the foggy world is limited. When the foggy world subsides and we return to reality, we will inevitably face the pursuit of the ancient god sacrifice organization."

The crow man sighed, "And you also know that because of the time and space anchor, we can only summon the mist world once. Without the host of the lazy origin, we cannot open the door of truth at all!"

He glanced at the Lizard Dragon and the Silver Giant Ape, "Now there are only three of us here, let's vote directly! Those who agree with using the 'Destruction Knight', please raise your hands!"

The silver giant ape glanced at the lizard dragon and raised his hand. The lizard dragon did not object again.

"Using the Destruction Knight requires time to prepare. And when awakened, it will create quite a noise."

The silver giant ape was a little worried, "We are now being targeted by Behemoth. I'm afraid the ceremony will be affected by then."

"How is Xu Yi's situation?" The crow man did not answer, but asked the lizard dragon next to him.

"It's still the same, staying in Notting Hill." The lizard dragon replied softly.

An inexplicable red light flashed in the Crow Man's pupils, "In that case, let's find something for each other to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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