American exorcist god.

Chapter 334 "Hero" sees the same thing

Chapter 334 "Hero" sees the same thing

Xu Yi wore a shadow cloak and walked quickly on the streets of Boston.

The streets were extremely quiet, without a single pedestrian. Boston in the thick fog was like a ghost town.

The reason why no one was seen was because the government had moved all the residents of Boston to safe places.

Surprisingly, there are not even living zombies to be seen on the streets.

It was impossible for all the zombies to be eliminated. The only explanation was that West hid them. He didn't know whether this was the conspiracy of the Ring of Destruction or West's own intention.

Two days have passed since the trip to Beacon Mountain.

In these two days, he forged the two weapons of "arrogance" and "jealousy". At this moment, the controllers of the weapons, Maria and Carrie, were following behind him.

The reason why the three of them came out at this time was because the divinity in the ghost warrior's body had been exhausted.

Those monsters carrying divinity are basically gathered around Behemoth. He alone is not enough to challenge the opponent.

So he remembered the "good brothers" of the Ring of Destruction.

These days, the "good brothers" of the Ring of Destruction are not having a good life. They are hiding everywhere. Now it is time to help them get relief!

Xu Yi suddenly stretched out his hand to signal to stop, and Maria and Carrie stopped instantly.

They arrived at their destination. In front of them was an ordinary residential house, with nothing unusual about it. There were no patrols around it, and no hidden sentries were found.

Was he deceived by West?

But after much thought, he couldn't think of any reason for West to lie to him.

"Is the host of the source of anger really here?" Xu Yi was a little confused.


"It's time to add some entertainment to you!"

Crow Man came to the outskirts of Notting Hill quietly. He looked at the quiet and peaceful mountaintop villa and murmured in a low voice.

The crow man took off his own head and threw it towards Notting Hill. The crow's head burst out with a dazzling red light, like a fireball, which was especially conspicuous in the dark night.

Euknie lived in Notting Hill during this time. The place where she lived was in ruins because it was too close to Beacon Hill.

The moment she found the crow's head, she climbed out of the window and summoned the evil dragon's shadow with the golden scepter in her hand.

But the crow's head didn't fight her head-on at all. Like a slippery loach, it kept circling in the sky above Notting Hill, and the aura of the alchemy machine spread in all directions.

The crow's head was so fast that Eukni was unable to do anything to him for a while.

A huge "shadow" suddenly appeared on the horizon, and Behemoth led its army of monsters towards Notting Hill.

Eukni's face changed, she could feel Behemoth's terror, and the worst thing was that Xu Yi happened not to be in Notting Hill tonight.

Fight or flee?


Xu Yi stood in the shadow, frowning and staring at the houses in front of him.

Although he didn't think West would lie to him about this kind of thing, what puzzled him was that the "Angry" Tang Dao in his hand didn't react at all.

After thinking for a moment, he put the question behind him.

As the saying goes, great efforts can produce miracles. If there is any problem, wouldn’t it be clear after a quick wave?

In order to avoid accidentally injuring innocent people, he took out his night vision goggles.

This product from the military can work wonders at certain times.

After putting on his night vision goggles, he looked around and found no heat source in the house, not even a mouse.

Xu Yi suddenly believed that the original host of "anger" was here.

Because the magic circle can easily block the night vision goggles.

Moreover, he has confirmed with the New York government that everyone in this area has been evacuated and he can move as he pleases.

“The city is so gray and needs a little color.”

Xu Yi took out a fist-sized metal ball, which was the "little toy" he got from Boston's top management, the Arc of Divine Punishment. He suddenly turned his head and looked back in the direction of Notting Hill.

It was still some distance from Notting Hill, and even with his powerful eyesight, he could only see a faint light of fire.

But it doesn't matter, he left the Evil God's Nest in Notting Hill, and he immediately switched perspectives.

The moment he saw the crow's head, Xu Yi understood what was going on.

The Ring of Destruction obviously wanted to use its own aura as bait to lure Behemoth into attacking Notting Hill so that it could kill people with a knife.

Xu Yi didn't know whether to say that the "heroes" saw the same thing, or that they were in the same boat, because he thought so too.

He and the Ring of Destruction actually thought of going together!

Xu Yi took out the magic-forbidden box and took out the "Taotie" dagger. After a moment, he threw it back into the magic-forbidden box and put it away.

The aura of the true God's spirit is exposed.

Far away in Notting Hill on the edge of the city, the Crow Man looked at the menacing Behemoth and felt happy.

The plan worked!

But at this moment, Behemoth suddenly turned around and flew towards the city of Boston with a mighty army of monsters.

The crow man August was stunned. He really couldn't understand why his head suddenly lost its allure.

The next second, golden light rose from the direction of Boston City, and Augustus's face changed instantly.


Xu Yi pressed the switch on the metal ball and threw it out. The metal ball was like a cannonball, piercing the wall of the house and going down.

If there is a problem in this place, it is most likely in the basement.

The Arc of Scourge was launched, and golden light came out from the doors and windows of the house, lighting up the foggy Boston for a moment.

A group of men in black filed out of the house, screaming.

Their bodies were extensively burned by the radiation from the Scourge Crystal, but the door symbols on their foreheads could still be seen.

The people of the Ring of Destruction! There is indeed something fishy here!

The next second, two more figures hit the wall and came out, their bodies covered in boiling steam.

Xu Yi was suddenly stunned. They were actually the lizard dragon and the silver giant ape. He just came to find the host of the source of "anger", but he didn't expect that it was like poking a mouse's nest, so many people came out at once.

The lizard dragon and the silver giant ape were both frightened and angry.

They didn't understand how the news leaked. They watched the ceremony proceed to the most critical stage, but were suddenly interrupted by powerful radiation.

The two of them stared coldly at the darkness where Xu Yi was, seeing that the war between the two parties was about to break out. At this time, billowing "dark clouds" came from the sky, and Behemoth arrived with its army of monsters!

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are jealous.

Without saying a word, Behemoth rushed toward the lizard dragon and the silver giant ape.

In Behemoth's view, alchemy machinery and thieves belong to the same group.

If he wasn't an accomplice, why should he work so hard to stop it and buy time for the thieves?

And just now he sensed the breath of the true God's spirit here. It was obvious that the true god's spirit was in the hands of these iron toys.

The faces of the Lizard Dragon and the Silver Giant Ape changed slightly. They didn't understand how Behemoth discovered them.

They looked at the place where Xu Yi was just now, and there was no one there.

As a young man with quality, morality and ideals who is a good member of society, Xu Yi certainly cannot hinder others from fighting.

While the other party was in a daze, he had quietly left with Maria and Carrie.

He stared at the house with a twinkle in his eye.

There is definitely something wrong with the house in front of me. Even if it is not the location of the original host of "Wrath", it is also an important hiding place for the Ring of Destruction.

And the moment the Arc of Scourge broke out just now, he felt a special aura from the ground of the house, which was extremely obscure, but also extremely powerful.

 This chapter is Chapter 333. I made a mistake and can’t change it~



(End of this chapter)

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