American exorcist god.

Chapter 335 Metal Coffin x Angry Tree

Chapter 335 Metal Coffin x Angry Tree

While the Ring of Destruction was fighting Behemoth, Xu Yi and the other three sneaked into the house, but they could not find the door to the basement.

This is obviously not normal. Most houses of this type have reserved basements.

But they found the metal ball of the Arc of Scourge, which was in tatters and embedded in the floor.

According to the strength of Xu Yi's throw, it was enough to easily penetrate seven or eight walls, but now it is only embedded in the floor. Obviously there is something fishy underneath.

Xu Yi took away the metal ball and looked down through the hole. The light of the magic circle was flickering.

Although the magic circle is strong, the point in front of it has been exposed to the radiation of the scourge crystal, so it is natural that it will be damaged.

"This will save a lot of effort."

Xu Yi took out the "Angry" Tang Dao. The dark golden blade flashed with black arcs, and the ability to destroy space was activated.

The intact magic circle is equivalent to a solid embankment, and the holes in front of you are the "ant nests" on the dam. As Tang Dao penetrates the weak point of the magic circle, the entire magic circle is torn apart by the black arc.

Without the support of the magic circle, the ground that had long been destroyed by the Arc of Divine Punishment collapsed.

Xu Yi and the other three fell together with the rubble, and the bottom of the house was completely hollowed out, forming a huge circular passage.

Although the circular passage is underground, it does not appear dark at all. The alchemy lamps on the walls illuminate it like daylight.

The light also illuminated the men in black robes below. They were hiding under the magic circle, so they were not affected by the radiation of the Scourge Crystal.

They discovered Xu Yi and the others, but they actually had no intention of facing the enemy. They still stood where they were, and they just accelerated the speed of their chanting.

Under their feet, an unknown black viscous liquid painted a complex magic circle, and an ominous atmosphere filled the air.

Xu Yi stared at the magic circle and frowned involuntarily.

As a magic circle master, he only needs to glance at many magic circles to roughly know what they are about.

But the magic circle in front of him was very strange, and many aspects were completely contrary to his understanding.

"Is this supposed to be some kind of awakening ritual?"

Xu Yi could only roughly draw this conclusion.

But no matter what kind of magic circle it is, there is nothing wrong with destroying it!

Xu Yi and the other three landed safely. They were about to launch an attack, but the next second, they were all stunned.

The people in the Ring of Destruction suddenly took out their daggers, but instead of preparing to resist, they pierced their hearts together, then pulled out the daggers, letting blood spurt out from the wounds.

The strong smell of blood filled the air, and the people in the Ring of Destruction fell to the ground one by one, with blood flowing on the ground.

"What a bunch of lunatics!" Xu Yi took a breath of cold air.

But he felt something was wrong. Even if they knew they were defeated, these people should not commit suicide.

The blood on the ground did not flow freely. It was absorbed by the magic circle, which glowed with a faint red light.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly. These people in the Ring of Destruction were not afraid of fighting, but sacrificed themselves to speed up the effectiveness of the magic circle.

He immediately took out a bottle of alchemy potion from the toy space and threw it towards the magic circle in front.

The potion was packed in an ordinary glass bottle. It broke immediately when it was dropped on the ground, and the dark green liquid splashed on the magic circle.

As soon as the magic circle encountered the medicinal liquid, a large amount of pungent smell evaporated. That is a "magic circle dissolving agent", specially used to destroy the magic circle.

The magic circle became unrecognizable, and Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, the ground in the center of the magic circle suddenly separated, and amid the heavy sound of machinery, something hidden underneath slowly rose up.

The rusty metal coffin was frozen in ice. As the metal coffin rose, the ice melted rapidly, and a thick mist filled the air, mixed with the fragrance of plants.

Xu Yi just took a sip and felt so comfortable that the pores on his body opened.

He thought to himself that it was terrible and immediately closed his breath.

Because according to experience, the aroma is likely to be poisonous, but if he waits and waits, he won't wait until the poison is released. Instead, he feels that his soul is slightly strengthened. Since the last time a large number of soul-stealing seeds were split, his soul would feel a faint tingling from time to time. He knew that this was hurting the foundation of his soul.

There are many ways to make up for the body's shortcomings, but the soul is much more complex than the body, and it is very difficult to make up for it.

He couldn't think of any good solution for the time being.

The metal coffin is covered with red rust, and it is no longer clear what pattern is engraved on it. There is no doubt that this is an ancient object with a long history.

The sound of jamming gears came from the metal coffin. The lid of the coffin slowly cracked from the middle. A black air flow rose into the sky. The floor above and even the house were instantly corroded.

Outside the house, the lizard dragon and the silver giant ape were miserable. They were no match for Behemoth, let alone face the surging monster army.

But when they saw the black air rising into the sky, they instantly cheered up and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The ceremony will be completed soon!"

In the underground secret passage, Xu Yi stared closely at the metal coffin, his whole body tense, and the breath coming out of the coffin made his hair stand on end.

At the same time, the strange fragrance that can strengthen the soul becomes even stronger.

Although he was curious about the source of the fragrance, he was already retreating.

The aura revealed in the metal coffin is more suffocating than Behemoth!

"Xu Yi, there is a secret door here!"

Maria suddenly spoke. Her soul perception was stronger than Alan's, and she was more suitable for exploration. When there was no need to fight, she was in control of the body.

Xu Yi took a glance and confirmed that there was indeed a hidden magic circle there.

He didn't intend to bother to crack it. The "Angry" sword penetrated the wall and destroyed the magic circle above it.

He kicked open the secret door and was slightly startled when he saw clearly what was inside.

A huge square "glass box" stood in the center of the room. Xu Yi knew what material the "glass box" was made of just by looking at it, because he had something similar on his hand.

"I don't know where the Ring of Destruction came from for such a large magic-forbidden box!" Xu Yi said in surprise.

An ancient tree is entrenched in the magic-forbidden box, almost filling the magic-forbidden box. The ancient trees have no leaves, only gnarled trunks and tangled root systems.

Upon entering the room, the dead dead wood suddenly came to life. The tree trunks were like tentacles, beating against the magic box crazily.

"The dead tree in front of me should be the host of the source of anger!"

Xu Yi suddenly realized that no wonder "Angry" Tang Dao couldn't feel the original aura. It turned out to be blocked by the magic box.

There are not many things that can isolate the original breath, and the magic box happens to be one of them.

This "Angry Tree" looks like he has a bad temper!

Xu Yi looked at the dead wood in the magic-forbidden box, and then at the metal coffin that was gradually opening outside.

After thinking for a few seconds, he cut off the chain of the magic-forbidden box with a knife, then took Maria and the two of them and left the room in a hurry.

After the "Angry Tree" left the magic-forbidden box, the anger it had accumulated for a long time was finally released, and it attacked everything around it crazily.

The wall was penetrated, and the magic-forbidden box was lifted high and crashed down.

Xu Yi and the other three had already escaped to the top. He stood on the edge of the pit and looked down. The "Angry Tree" was rushing towards the metal coffin. The anger made it lose all reason.

Densely packed tree trunks wrapped the metal coffin, and the "angry tree" lifted the coffin high.

It's ready to do it again.

At this moment, a rust-red mechanical arm stretched out from the coffin and grabbed the branch of the Angry Tree.

(End of this chapter)

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