American exorcist god.

Chapter 336 He is not in a hurry, but some people are

Chapter 336 He is not in a hurry, but some people are

Xu Yi stared at the mechanical arm, and he felt the vast breath of time from the arm.

His pupils suddenly contracted, and the part of the Angry Tree that was grabbed by the metal arm shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a sugar cane strip that had been drained of its juice.

This dryness spreads to other parts of the Angry Tree like a plague.

The vitality of the angry tree was constantly being devoured, and it let out a scream like a fox. The tree body trembled in pain, and a large number of branches violently slapped the metal coffin.

The metal coffin looked rusty, but it was exceptionally strong, with no signs of cracking.

The passage below was empty, with only the corpses of Ring of Destruction members scattered on the ground. The Angry Tree grabbed the corpses on the ground, or tore them into pieces, or threw them high into the air.

Xu Yi dodged the corpses thrown out from below. He looked at the miserable state of the angry tree and felt a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't approach the metal coffin rashly before.

As the "Angry Tree" vented, the house above the passage was also covered with corpses, and there was sticky blood everywhere.

Xu Yi stared at the body on the floor, his eyes flashing with thought.

"Hurry up and put on this black robe!"

The plan slowly took shape in Xu Yi's mind, and he spoke eagerly.

Neither Maria nor Carrie took off their original long hooded trench coats without asking why. They quickly put them on without bothering to see the blood stains on their black robes.

Xu Yi threw the two corpses into the toy space, took out two potions at the same time, and injected them into the two of them respectively.

After injecting the medicine, the two people "died" quickly.

He was injected with a fake death potion. As long as they didn't take the initiative, they would all be "dead" in the next ten minutes.

Xu Yi glanced around the house, determined the location, and moved the two of them to a dark corner while keeping their weapons at hand.

The two weapons "Arrogance" and "Jealousy" are pitch black and do not emit any fluctuations when not activated. They are difficult to detect in a dark environment.

With everything arranged, Xu Yi hid in the darkness and waited for a "lucky person".

The angry tree below was half withered, but Xu Yi had no intention of snatching the food from the tiger's mouth.

He was not anxious at all. Anyway, what was sucked was only the vitality of the Angry Tree, not its origin.

The more vitality is extracted from the angry tree, the weaker it will be, and the easier it will be for him to attack.

He wasn't in a hurry, but he knew someone was.


The silver giant ape crashed through the roof of the house and hurried toward the underground passage.

He was still very happy when the black air surged into the sky before, because it meant that the Destruction Knight had been successfully awakened.

But when they heard the fox-like screams, they knew something was wrong.

They brought the Angry Tree here to open the door to truth, and the Angry Tree must maintain enough energy in its body.

They know the ability of the Destruction Knight. After the Wrath Tree is ravaged by the Destruction Knight, even if it does not die, it will be severely disabled. How can it be used to open the door of truth?

The roar of the lizard dragon kept coming from outside. It was a bit difficult for both of them to deal with Behemoth, let alone the lizard dragon alone.

At this moment, the Lizard Dragon activated the "Dark Prison Mode" and forcibly increased its combat power to hold back Behemoth.

So no matter how you look at it, he has to speed up.

He took out a hollow metal cube, and at the same time his fingertips split open, revealing an extremely fine metal syringe underneath.

The syringe advanced automatically, and a drop of bright red blood fell on the metal cube.

In the center of the square is a rust-red top. After absorbing the blood, the top spins rapidly and makes a soft "buzzing" sound.

He reached the top of the secret passage and glanced at the corpses scattered around without paying attention.

These are all peripheral members of the Ring of Destruction. For the ideal of "rebirth of the world", they deserve to die.

In the dark corner where the silver giant ape didn't care, Xu Yi slowly opened the magic box. He stared at the silver giant ape's back with a hunter-like look.

He had already put on a glove on his right hand. This was a specially prepared breath-isolating glove. The "Taotie" dagger was coated with thick black liquid and lay quietly in the magic-forbidden box.

The black liquid is not venom, it is just a very "friendly" breath transfer agent, not toxic at all.

The silver giant ape had his back turned to him and was only ten meters away from him. He knew the time had come!

A large amount of blood burned in his body, and "Blood is Holy" was fully activated. Xu Yi burst out at extreme speed and rushed towards the silver giant ape.

The silver giant ape noticed the movement behind him and sneered secretly in his heart.

Do you really think he was defenseless? Do you really think he doesn't know why things are like this?

Although he was in a hurry, he kept paying attention to the goings-on around him.

He turned around suddenly, and the metal arm spurted out rich red steam, holding it against the dagger.

The "panic" flashed across Xu Yi's face, as if he was a little overwhelmed after being caught in a sneak attack.

He waved the dagger indiscriminately, and the dagger collided with the opponent's metal, making a sharp sound.

The silver giant ape spurted out two streams of red steam from its nose, and the whole body was filled with red light. He punched Xu Yi hard and powerfully in the chest.

Xu Yi was blasted out and smashed into the wall, with sawdust flying everywhere.

Hidden by sawdust, Xu Yi quickly threw the dagger back into the magic box. After closing the magic box, it was put back into the toy space.

He also took off the glove on his right hand and threw it towards the silver giant ape.

When the silver giant ape saw what Xu Yi threw, he thought it was some kind of lethal weapon and turned sideways to avoid it.

When he realized it was just an ordinary glove, he subconsciously caught it.

In the era in which he lived, chivalry was still respected. When someone took off their gloves and threw them at you, it represented a challenge and insult.

If you dare not pick it up, it means cowardice and avoidance, so he picked it up reflexively.

Xu Yi was slightly stunned. He threw out his gloves, just to get rid of the aura of the true god's spirit.

What he was thinking was that even if the opponent's gloves were torn into pieces, the opponent would still be contaminated with some of the spirit of the true god. Unexpectedly, the opponent actually caught it directly.

What is this operation?

When both sides were stunned, the roof was suddenly broken, and Behemoth fell from the sky with boundless anger. Tentacles all over the sky surged towards the silver giant ape, and each tentacle was filled with hot white air.

The silver giant ape couldn't understand why Behemoth suddenly gave up on the lizard dragon and came straight to him with overwhelming anger.

Is it because of these gloves? The silver giant ape subconsciously looked at the glove in his hand.

This was Behemoth's angry blow, and it was also a full-strength blow. The silver giant ape could not dodge, and could only reluctantly make a defensive posture to protect the core of his chest.

The white tentacles penetrated the metal body of the silver giant ape, and a large amount of steam spurted out from the wound.

The silver giant ape suddenly trembled violently, and the light in his pupils flickered.

The penetration of his body was not fatal, but what was fatal was that a special wave poured into his body from those tentacles and spread towards the core of his chest.

If left unchecked, this reincarnated device would be completely destroyed and even damage his soul.

A black shadow suddenly rushed in, with black air steaming all over its body. The lizard dragon finally got rid of the monster army outside and came back to rescue.

The lizard dragon opened its mouth suddenly, and deep in his mouth, a black ball split open, forming a metal flower.

The metal flower rotated, violent black air flow surged out, and the lizard dragon breathed out black "dragon breath".

"Dragon's Breath" was like a sharp sword, and it actually cut off Behemoth's tentacles in one go. However, after spitting out the dragon's breath, the lizard dragon obviously also succumbed.

But he still used his last strength, slammed into Behemoth, took Behemoth away from here, and bought time for the silver giant ape to recover.

In the neglected shadow, Xu Yi took out the Alchemy Revolver Messiah and stared closely at the trembling silver giant ape. He knew that the time had come!

(End of this chapter)

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