American exorcist god.

Chapter 337 Soul of the Zealot

Chapter 337 Soul of the Zealot

The alchemical revolver is loaded with six Ceres bullets, and the warheads of the Bones of the True God will be indestructible.

Xu Yi raised the alchemy revolver, and six red dots appeared in his vision, locking on the silver giant ape.

Noon has arrived! Start!

The silver giant shuddered violently. He felt that he was locked by the muzzle of the gun, and his body's weaknesses were exposed.

If it were an ordinary bullet, he could still resist it with his strong reincarnated body, but he felt the breath of the Bones of the True God.

He knew very well that if the weak point on his body was hit, the reincarnation machine would be directly destroyed.

The surface of the silver giant ape is not hair, but fine metal scales. At this moment, they are surging up and joining together one after another.

After a moment, the silver giant ape turned into a "big egg", which was his most defensive form.

The five-second countdown ends.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!"

"Here it comes!" The silver giant ape braced himself, but he waited and waited, but he didn't wait for the bullet, and his body didn't feel any collision.

Xu Yi looked at the silver giant ape quietly, with a faint smile on his lips.

No bullet came out because he didn't pull the trigger at all, and the sound of "Peng Peng Peng" was simulated by his mouth.

Who said that after the power of Noon has arrived, you must pull the trigger and fire the bullet?

Ceres bullets were so precious that he would be extremely distressed every time one was used, let alone six.

And knowing that after firing, the effect will not be very good, in this case, still insisting on pulling the trigger, isn't that a fool's errand?

"It's just a joke between good friends, don't be so nervous!" Xu Yi chuckled.

The silver giant ape waited for a moment, but the bullet still didn't come, and at the same time, the feeling of being locked disappeared.

He knew he was being fooled!

The silver giant ape exited the "silver egg" state and returned to a normal state where he could move. He glared at Xu Yi, as if he could spit fire out of his eyes.

If he didn't have more important things to do, he would have definitely pounced on the opponent and fought hard for him.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry yet!" Xu Yi persuaded softly.

When the silver giant ape heard this, the anger in his heart rose again, but other than that, he had no special feeling. It was purely regarded as Xu Yi's provocation.

But in the ears of Maria and Carrie, it had a completely different meaning.

This was the code Xu Yi had agreed with them. When Xu Yi said this, it meant they could take action.

Maria quietly transformed into Aylan, who was better at hiding her, so the battle was naturally left to Aylan.

The silver giant ape was first attacked by Behemoth, and then faced the bullets of Ceres, which made him highly nervous.

Realizing that Xu Yi was playing tricks on him, he immediately relaxed, followed by anger.

His mood was like a roller coaster, with ups and downs. After experiencing such high-intensity changes, his vigilance was at its worst at this moment.

The silver giant ape forcibly looked away from Xu Yi, intending to ignore him.

He originally thought that the people in the organization's evaluation of Xu Yi's "shit stirrup" was not objective enough, but now it seems that it is too damn objective!

The silver giant ape's attention was all on Xu Yi. What he failed to see was that the two corpses behind him slowly stood up, holding sharp swords in their hands.

Alan and Carrie were only three steps away from the silver giant ape.

This was no coincidence. Both the location where Xu Yi ambushed and the location where they faked their deaths were carefully calculated.

The purpose is to make the silver giant ape stand in a specific position. The current situation is even more perfect than Xu Yi imagined.

The two pounced at almost the same moment, and because Carrie was closer to the other, her attack arrived first.

The "Jealousy" Knight Sword was activated, and the black-gold blade was covered with swirling cloud patterns. Those cloud patterns flowed, and the strong wind with amazing cutting power swirled around the blade. This was the ability of the Tian Cong Yun Sword.

Jiali concentrated her attention, and the orange-red demonic fire appeared out of thin air and blended into the strong wind. The fire took advantage of the wind to form a violent fire wind that swirled around the knight's sword.

Jiali was still a rookie with swords. She could not control this power, and the knight sword almost came out of her hand. She gritted her teeth and stabbed out the long sword in her hand.

The quality of this sword was very poor. It just stabbed the silver giant ape's hard back and made a crisp impact sound.

But fortunately, the fire wind scroll took effect, and the silver giant ape was swallowed up by the raging flames.

The silver giant ape didn't care at first, as the mere flames couldn't hurt the reincarnation weapon at all.

But his expression quickly changed, because it was no ordinary flame, he felt the heat.

The flames can actually affect his soul through the "soul box"!

The "soul box" is located on the chest of the reincarnated weapon and is tightly protected by a series of components. However, due to the intrusion of Behemoth's powerful energy, there were some loopholes in these strict prevention and control.

His soul was staying well in the "soul box", but under the raging demonic fire, it was actually ejected!

The function of the "soul box" is very powerful. It only takes a short second to pull his soul back into the soul box and stabilize it.

But it was this short second that became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Ailan ran over with a long knife in hand.

The "Arrogance" katana was activated, and the lightning-like lines on the blade flashed, and a large amount of green electric light poured out.

She raised the knife to cut. This was a perfect knife, both in terms of the transmission of power and the precision of the cut.

The long knife struck the silver giant ape's neck, penetrating three inches, and the hard metal body was actually cut open!

The electric light wrapped around the blade seemed to have found an outlet, pouring into the inside of the alchemy machine from the breach, and the entire alchemy machine was enveloped in green electric light.

The silver giant ape suddenly discovered with horror that he could not move. Those green electric lights had paralyzed his soul, making it impossible for the soul to return to the "soul box".

"It doesn't matter! The reincarnation machine has a powerful energy elimination function, you just need to hold on for a while!"

He kept comforting himself in his heart.

And even if you are unable to return to the "soul box" by then, you can forcibly activate the soul disconnection function and return to the Well of Eternal Life.

He caught a glimpse of Xu Yi from the corner of his eye, and his heart trembled suddenly.

Xu Yi's lips moved slightly but he didn't make a sound, but he still read what the other party wanted to say, which were two words: "Goodbye!"

Huge fear suddenly enveloped him, and his mind went blank.

Xu Yi pulled the trigger resolutely. There was no gunshot, and the gunshots were all eliminated by the realm of silence.

To be cautious, he fired twice.

This is not the time to save.

The Ceres bullet spun out of the barrel and headed towards the silver giant ape. Under Carrie and Alan's attack, the opponent's "vital gate" has been completely exposed.

The opponent can't even make defensive movements, so these two shots are bound to hit.

Even the alchemy machinery of the Ring of Destruction was still unable to withstand the bullet with the True God's Bone as its warhead. The bullet pierced the chest of the silver giant ape and accurately hit the opponent's soul.

After the opponent's soul lost its protection, it was as fragile as an ant in front of Ceres bullets that could eliminate all energy.

With two muffled sounds, the silver giant ape slowly fell to the ground, and a system notification sounded in Xu Yi's ears.

[Entry swallowing is activated. You can choose to swallow ordinary entries or "soul entries". Please choose? 】

Xu Yi decisively chose the "soul entry".

This is not a multiple-choice question at all. From the attitude of the Black Void Gate towards soul entries, we know how precious this thing is.

[Congratulations on getting "Soul of the Zealot"! 】

(End of this chapter)

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