American exorcist god.

Chapter 338 Ominousness in Armor

Chapter 338 Ominousness in Armor

Xu Yi didn't have time to check the "Soul of the Zealot" when a tearing sound suddenly came from below. His eyes lit up and he decisively took out the "Angry" Tang Dao.

In order to avoid being sucked dry, the Angry Tree actually tore apart part of its body and shortened its "tail" to survive.

It finally realized the horror of the metal coffin, and used the roots as arms and legs to climb up the wall quickly.

Of course, Xu Yi couldn't let go of this opportunity. At this time, when the angry tree was weak, he suddenly threw out the Tang Dao in his hand.

The Tang Dao was like a dark golden rainbow light that instantly penetrated the Angry Tree and nailed it to the wall.

The Angry Tree never expected that there would be a Lao Liu waiting for it above.

It had just escaped from the devil's cave and immediately fell into the tiger's den again.

The Tang Dao was activated at the moment, and the Angry Tree finally noticed the aura of the "angry" sin skeleton on the Tang Dao. Countless branches rolled towards the Tang Dao, thinking of swallowing the sin corpse.

But Tang Dao suddenly burst out with a terrifying suction force, and a large amount of its origin was extracted.

The angry tree roared in pain and fell from the wall.

Xu Yi was a little happy. After the sin skeleton was made into an alchemical weapon, its devouring power actually became stronger.

The weak angry tree was already meat on the chopping board. Xu Yi looked at the falling silver giant ape, a little hesitant.

Any alchemy machine in the Ring of Destruction is priceless, and the metal tetrahedron in the opponent's hand also makes him very concerned, which may be related to the existence of the metal coffin.

But the silver giant ape has the aura of the true god's spirit. If he snatches the silver giant ape, it means that Behemoth will target him.

It is the spirit of the true God that leads to success, and the spirit of the true God that leads to failure!

Just when he hesitated, the silver giant ape suddenly moved. It was not that the other party came to life again, but that something was pulling it.

Just when Xu Yi hesitated, a black shadow broke through the roof and rushed down, grabbing the silver giant ape.

The crow man finally came back. When he saw Behemoth suddenly turning in Notting Hill, he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, so he hurried slowly all the way.

He noticed the soul breath diffused in the reincarnation device, his body trembled suddenly, and his heart was filled with disbelief.

He raised his head suddenly and looked at Xu Yi, his pupils flashing fiercely.

Xu Yi and Crow Man looked at each other with expressionless faces.

No one is willing to look away first, because whoever looks away first will be at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

After looking at each other for a moment, it was the crow man who was defeated first and lowered his head slightly.

The crow people were filled with fear. This time was different from last time. Last time it was because the soul left the reincarnation device, but not this time.

The other party can kill the silver giant ape, can he also kill him?

He didn't understand how the other party did it.

A loud bang came from above, and the roof, which was already riddled with holes, finally collapsed completely.

The black shadow with boiling steam fell heavily at the crow man's feet.

It was a lizard dragon. He tried to get up, but a scorching arc of electricity erupted from the metal body, and he fell to the ground again.

Behemoth was suspended above the roof, roaring at the crows and lizard dragons.

The Lizard Dragon alone is no match for Behemoth.

Xu Yi glanced at Ailan and Carrie, asking them to come back behind him. Although Behemoth had the upper hand, he had a vague feeling about something bad.

The crow man glanced around. The silver giant ape was dead, the lizard dragon was seriously injured, and the anger tree was continuously drained of its source. At this moment, he was the only one with combat power.

What he has to face, in addition to Behemoth and its army of monsters, is also Xu Yi's group who may kill him.

The situation could not be worse, but there was no trace of panic in his eyes.

He took the metal tetrahedron from the hands of the silver giant ape. The top inside had stopped selecting. He flicked his hand and the top spun again, making a high-speed "buzzing" sound.

The crow man picked up the lizard dragon and walked towards the underground passage.

"Stop him!" Xu Yi instantly noticed what the other person was thinking, and his face changed slightly.

Since the Angry Tree cut off its "tail" to escape, the metal coffin has been silent, and the metal arm has also retracted into the coffin. At this moment, the crow man is obviously preparing to wake up the things in the coffin.

Xu Yi raised the alchemy revolver, took aim and pulled the trigger. Now was not the time to be reluctant to part with Ceres bullets. The bullet came out with a bang and flew towards the crow man.

Behemoth also moved at the same time. The tentacles on its head separated, revealing ant-like jaws. Strong white light spurted out from the mouth, and the slender light pointed directly at the crow man.

The Crow Man faced the surging attacks with an expressionless face.

He kicked out fiercely and kicked the silver giant ape under his feet like a football, blocking his way.

"Oops!" Xu Yi's expression suddenly changed, and he turned around and rushed towards Ailan and Carrie.

The broken silver giant ape flashed with rapid red light, and the energy in the alchemy machine became extremely unstable.

The crow man was actually willing to give up his precious alchemy machinery and detonated the energy supply circle in the silver giant ape's body!

But he had to admit that this might be the best way to deal with it.

Xu Yi instantly burned a large amount of blood in his body, and white air surged out, condensing into a point in front of him.

The "light spot" was punctured, but instead of turning into an attacking holy flame sword, it turned into a huge shield, wrapping Xu Yi and the others.

The silver giant ape exploded, violent energy pouring out, turning into a red purgatory.

Whether it was the Ceres bullet or Behemoth's attack, they were all eliminated in the red purgatory.

The red purgatory pushed forward and collided with the Holy Flame Shield. Xu Yi could only see bright light and nothing else.

After a moment, the light slowly dissipated, Xu Yi glanced at Ai Lan and Carrie, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the opponent made a hasty response and failed to completely detonate the energy in the alchemy machine, so he was able to withstand it.

He looked around and saw that the house had completely disappeared, and tall buildings within a hundred miles had also been leveled.

Behemoth was covered in scorching airflow, but it did not lose its combat effectiveness. This was expected, after all, the explosion just now couldn't kill even Xu Yi.

In the deep pit, the center of the underground passage array.

The crow man stood beside the metal coffin. He stretched out his hand and let the metal cube in his hand fall into the coffin.

The ominous premonition in Xu Yi's heart became stronger. He stretched out his hand to summon the "Angry" Tang Dao on the Angry Tree, and Tang Fei flew back into his hand.

Because the Angry Tree was close to the Crow Man, it escaped the explosion just now.

It will take a lot of time to completely swallow the angry soul, but Xu Yi no longer intends to stay here.

Anyway, I have already devoured a lot of my origin just now, so I have to know how to let it go when it’s good.

Amidst the extremely unsmooth rolling sound of gears, the thing in the metal coffin slowly sat up. Xu Yi saw the figure clearly and was a little surprised.

That was not the advanced alchemy machine as imagined, but rather a retro knight's armor.

The armor should have been completely black, but it was covered in dark red rust, probably due to improper preservation.

Looking through the cracks in the armor, it was empty and there was nothing magical about it.

He even wondered if he was being too unfounded.

Xu Yi could wait, but Behemoth had no patience at all. It swooped towards the Crow Man, white gelatinous substance pouring out of its tentacles.

The jelly is highly corrosive, and even the alchemy machinery of the Ring of Destruction cannot resist it.

But the crow man stood there with no intention of defending.

Xu Yi smelled the strange fragrance again, which was very much like the fragrance of vegetation.

The knight's armor in the metal coffin suddenly moved. It rushed towards Behemoth, but before it could touch Behemoth, it was restrained by the tentacles. White gelatin dripped on the armor, corroding the Large swaths of smoke.

The armor shook slightly, and something was pouring out of it.

The cold hairs on Xu Yi's body suddenly exploded one by one, and what emerged was some kind of vine, black and green, without leaves, and the vines were covered with mysterious inscriptions.

The vines gave him a very contradictory feeling, full of life, yet extremely ominous.

He finally understood that what made his hair stand on end was not the knight's armor, but what was inside the armor. The armor was just a carrier.

(End of this chapter)

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