American exorcist god.

Chapter 339 Broken Hand x Harvest

Chapter 339 Broken Hand x Harvest

The vines entangled Behemoth, and Xu Yi watched the next scene in great horror. Behemoth trembled violently, almost turning into a sieve.

What happened to the Angry Tree also happened to Behemoth. Its body shriveled up quickly.

Behemoth struggled wildly, but to no avail.

Xu Yi was stunned. The Angry Tree was not too strong, so it was understandable that the knight's armor would drain him of his vitality.

Behemoth has mastered the existence of the field, and he is not immune to it!

What the hell are those vines?

"Let's go! Let's get out of here right now!"

Xu Yi and Ailan left quickly, but before he could get far, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind him.

Behemoth's back split open like a cicada, and a white octopus-like creature squeezed out of the crack and chased Xu Yi.

Not only did Behemoth encounter a similar situation to the Angry Tree, but his means of escape were also similar, and he also chose the golden cicada to escape.

"Brother, I'm not familiar with you!"

Xu Yi secretly thought that was bad, he was actually very confused.

Of the seven deadly sins, only the origin of "laziness" has not been swallowed up, so of course he wants to seek perfection.

There is no doubt that this is the time when Behemoth is at his weakest, and the origin of "laziness" can be said to be close at hand.

But the terrible thing is that the terrifying knight armor also followed. The reason why Behemoth chose the same direction as him was that he had no intention of causing trouble.

"Starve the timid to death and starve the bold to death!" Xu Yi gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

"You guys go back to Notting Hill first!" Xu Yi warned Ailan and Jiali, then turned and ran in the other direction.

It wasn't that he had to take the risk, but that he had consumed too much blood just now to resist the explosion.

There is not much blood left in his body, and the speed that bursts out at this moment is just a flash in the pan, and he will soon be overtaken.

Instead of waiting passively, it’s better to give it a try!

And he was also betting that the Knight Armor would attack Behemoth first.

The Crow Men should be more interested in capturing Behemoth than killing him.

The Behemoth that had taken off its outer shell was already very close to him. Xu Yi suddenly turned around and pounced towards Behemoth. The "lazy" sin body slipped silently from his hand.

Behemoth was suddenly startled, but it had no time to react. Xu Yi held the "lazy" sin skeleton in his hand and plunged it into Behemoth's body.

The "lazy" sin skeleton burst out with powerful suction.

Under normal circumstances, Sin Skeleton would not be able to absorb Behemoth's origin at all.

But now Behemoth is too weak, and he can only watch his origin being absorbed by the Sin Bones.

Behemoth let out an angry roar, which was not only mixed with pain, but also panic.

Because the knight's armor had already caught up, slender vines flew out from the gaps in the armor and instantly penetrated Behemoth.

Xu Yi gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain radiating from various parts of his body.

His arms and chest were dripping with blood from the tentacles. Behemoth's tentacles were highly corrosive. Large areas of his flesh and blood were corroded, and the bones were clearly visible.

If it weren't for the super-accelerated regeneration entries resisting corrosion, the corrosion would have penetrated deep into the internal organs.

Xu Yi looked very miserable, but there was a smile on his lips.

Because he made the right bet, Knight Armor chose to attack Behemoth first instead of him.

He suddenly kicked Behemoth, and at the same time, he used the recoil to rush back.

Behind him is the old city. As long as he rushes into it, he has a chance to escape by relying on the complex routes of the old city.

His pupils suddenly shrank into dots, and another slender vine flew out of the armor at an extremely fast speed, instantly wrapping around his arm.

A strange suction force came from the vines, and all defensive means seemed to be non-existent in front of the vines.

In just one or two seconds, his arm had completely shriveled up, becoming as thin as a bone. Xu Yi's face was solemn. If he continued at this speed, it would only take another three or four seconds before he would be drained and turned into a skeleton.

Fortunately, there was an angry tree who set an example before and let Xu Yi know how to rescue him.

He raised the "Angry" Tang Dao with his right hand and cut off his left hand cleanly.

Green thunder and orange fire winds suddenly rose from below, like a wall, blocking the knight's armor who wanted to pursue.

Ai Lan and Jiali did not leave. They saw Xu Yi in danger and decisively turned around to rescue him.

Xu Yi was at the end of his strength. After staggering a few steps, he was hugged by Ailan, and everyone ran towards the old city not far away.

Xu Yi, who was running away, did not forget to reach out his hand and summon the "lazy" sinner.

The sin skeleton made a "buzz" sound, flew out of Behemoth's body, and chased Xu Yi.

Crow Man stared at Xu Yi's back coldly. He really wanted to keep him, but unfortunately he was unable to do anything at the moment.

Behemoth has shriveled up for the most part, and its struggle is getting smaller and smaller.

The crow man took out a red injection and injected it into Behemoth's body. Behemoth's body trembled suddenly and his tentacles slowly drooped down.

The black and green vines let go of Behemoth and retracted into the knight's armor.

The crow man raised the death scythe high and suddenly dropped it, nailing the angry tree crawling on the ground.

He found the intact magic-forbidden box among the ruins and shut the angry tree back.

The knight in armor walked towards the metal coffin, his body swaying like a dying old man.

The moment it climbed into the coffin, it was like a doll whose clockwork had run out. The entire armor hit the bottom of the metal coffin, making a crisp sound of metal collision.

The crow man also came to the metal coffin, checked the condition of the knight's armor, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the fundamental reason why he did not pursue Xu Yi. The Destruction Knight's action time was limited.

He found Xu Yi's severed hand among the ruins. He stared at the severed hand with a flash of thought in his eyes.

After a moment, he solemnly put away Xu Yi's severed hand.


Xu Yi looked at Notting Hill, which was just around the corner, and breathed a long sigh of relief. It was safe to return here.

The bleeding at the broken arm had stopped, and under the influence of the super-accelerated regeneration entry, a new arm grew out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He counted what he had gained tonight. In addition to the souls of fanatics, he also devoured the "angry" and "lazy" origins one after another.

Logically speaking, this was already a fruitful harvest, but when he thought about the knight's armor in the Ring of Destruction and the weird vines, he felt a little uneasy.

The most important thing is that the other party has found all seven hosts of the original sin!

The Ring of Destruction took so much effort, it couldn't possibly be just for fun, right?

There is definitely a huge conspiracy behind this that he doesn't know about.

Xu Yi couldn't help but think about it. If he were a member of the Ring of Destruction, where would he choose to implement the plan.

The biggest possibility is this foggy world.

This place is temporarily isolated from the outside world, with fewer variables and less resistance. There is no place more suitable than here.

Xu Yi shook his head, clearing the messy thoughts from his mind.

Even if he knew that the Ring of Destruction was going to make big moves, he could only slightly remind Boston's top brass that it would be powerless to stop them.

He looked back in the direction of the battlefield, and the panicked sounds of birds came from time to time.

After Behemoth was captured, the monster army was a little overwhelmed and flew around in the city.

Behemoth's arrest is not without any benefit. At least they can hunt these monsters carrying divinity and "recharge" the ghost warriors.

"The most important thing now is to seize the time and create the remaining seven deadly sins!"

(End of this chapter)

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