American exorcist god.

Chapter 340 The Formation of the Gods

Chapter 340 The Formation of the Gods

Xu Yi looked excited as he looked at the Lance of Longinus gradually melting in the flames.

What he is forging at the moment is the "Laziness" spear, which is also the last alchemical weapon in the "Seven Deadly Sins" series.

He switched the perspective of the Evil God's Nest and saw that Lisa's exclusive weapon was being built, but Lisa still didn't wake up.

I don’t know whether it was because of Lisa’s special constitution or other reasons, but it took an extra long time for Lisa to digest the Poseidon potion.

Five days have passed since the war. During these five days, he forged the two weapons of "greed" and "lust" respectively.

Greed is a foil sword, somewhat similar to the weapon used by fencers.

In the sport of fencing, the blade is kept closed to protect the opponent. The foil sword made by Xu Yi is of course as sharp as it gets.

The reason why it is made into a foil sword is because William, as the proxy host, can only use this kind of weapon.

After the "Greedy" foil sword is activated, the blade is covered with vine-like patterns. This magnificent pattern comes from the Evergreen Sword of Mysterdin.

"Lust" is a kukri.

This kind of knife also has a more famous name, that is, the Nepal Army Knife.

The most famous weapon of the Finn family is the kukri. Keyes wanted to revive the Finn family, so he naturally chose this weapon style.

"Lust" was forged using the Shield of Creation, and the blade was covered with tortoise shell-like patterns, making it look a bit plain and simple.

This knife is the strongest in the Seven Deadly Sins series.

"It's finally done!"

It was late at night, and Xu Yi stared at the "lazy" spear in his hand, feeling an unparalleled sense of satisfaction in his heart.

It took so long to prepare, and the forging was so hasty at the beginning. Fortunately, the result was perfect.

Xu Yi put away the "Seven Deadly Sins" that had been forged,

Logically speaking, the forging of the Seven Deadly Sins is completed. Not to mention grand celebrations, at least you should take a good rest.

Xu Yi has been working continuously during this period, with no time to rest at all. At this moment, he is exhausted both physically and mentally.

But he couldn't rest yet, there were more important things to accomplish.

"The seven deadly sins have been forged and it's time to proceed to the next stage!" Xu Yi took a deep breath.

It's not that he doesn't want to rest, but the Ring of Destruction is like the Sword of Damocles hanging above his head and may fall at any time.

Although the past five days seemed calm, he seemed to be able to smell the coming storm.


Xu Yi came to another room in the Eight Demons House and at the same time took out the Snake of the End from his pocket.

During this period, the Philosopher's Stone has been a great harvest.

Originally, there was only 15ml of the Philosopher's Stone left, but it successively swallowed up the origins of "jealousy", "anger" and "arrogance", and the total amount reached an astonishing 120ml.

But this time he took out the Serpent of Finality not for the Philosopher's Stone. The Snake of Finality had a more important role this time.

The room in front of me was recently opened, and it is by far the largest room in the Yaoyao House.

An oversized metal plate was placed in the center of the room, 20 centimeters thick, made of expensive Austrian copper.

Copper is an alchemical material known for its strength. The price of the same volume is tens of thousands of times that of gold. The value of such a large plate of Copper is inestimable.

This was something that Xu Yi managed to obtain from Boston's senior management.

Intertwined deep grooves like snakes are engraved on the metal plate. The deep grooves flow with precious red mercury. These deep grooves form a circular magic circle. The complexity of the magic circle is mind-numbing.

As his forging skills continued to improve, it took no more than five days to forge the remaining three alchemical weapons.

The reason why it was delayed until now was because he still took the time to carve out the magic circle in front of him. This array comes from the Golden Book of the Sun and the last chapter of the Black Book of the Dead.

As the ultimate secret of the Book of Origin of the Magic Circle, Xu Yi spent two resurrection coins to fuse them together and make some modifications. He now only has 38 resurrection coins left.

He named this array: "Array of the Gods"!

There are eight nodes on the Formation of the Gods, and each node is a circular metal altar. Xu Yi inserted the seven sins into the grooves of the altar one by one.

The "arrogant" katana sword, the "jealousy" knight sword, and the "angry" Tang sword.

Then there is the "Laziness" spear, the "Greed" foil, the "Lust" kukri, and finally the "Taotie" dagger.

Behemoth was captured, and Xu Yi didn't have to worry about the aura of the true god's spirit being leaked.

When Xu Yi obtained the True God's Spirit, he thought over and over again, what method should be used to absorb the power of the True God's Spirit?

He is carrying a heavy treasure but cannot use it.

This feeling is like sleeping in a nest of gold coins, but can only eat steamed buns every day.

The Spirit of the True God is too powerful. If it is forcibly fused, the final result will be that his soul will be burst.

This problem can actually be solved. The most difficult thing is that the spirit of the true god has an indelible mark on the soul.

If you fuse directly without purification, what you will get when the time comes is not Xu Yi, but a strange creature wearing someone else's skin.

Xu Yi thought hard and finally thought of the solution, which was the Formation of the Gods in front of him.

He planned to seal the spirit of the true god within his body, but not completely, leaving a very small gap.

If it were just to realize such a small function, there would be no need to use such a complex magic circle, nor would it require such a big movement.

The real difficulty was that he needed to install a "filter" over the gap.

The "filter" only allows pure soul energy to pass through, blocking everything else.

In this way, he can use the true god's spirit as a "power bank", absorbing the soul energy in it bit by bit, and slowly strengthen himself.

Such a powerful magic circle has extremely high requirements for the carrier.

Xu Yi searched hard but couldn't find the right one. Unexpectedly, when he looked back, he saw that the carrier of the magic circle was already on his body.

In fact, it was not because he was careless, but because the Serpent of the End had only recently undergone transformation.

Xu Yi looked at the Snake of the End in his hand. The eyes of the seven snake heads were all lit up. The sculpture seemed to come alive, exuding an inexplicable power.

He never expected that after gathering the seven origins of original sin, he would have such an unexpected surprise!

As the carrier of the magic circle, the Serpent of Finality can be described as "perfect".

As the host of the Final Snake, he can easily integrate the Final Snake into his soul without any rejection.

As the foundation of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Serpent of the End is needless to say strong. It can also mobilize the power of the "Seven Deadly Sins" at any time to suppress the spirit of the true God.

Xu Yi placed the Snake of Ending on the altar in the center of the magic circle and glanced at the large number of "containers" surrounding the magic circle.

The area occupied by the magic circle is not that large. The reason why the room is so large is because of the surrounding "containers".

Of course, these cannot be real containers, but they are somewhat similar in shape. They are all made of precious metals.

Xu Yi prefers to call them "scourge batteries."

The main material of the "Scourge Battery" is the raw stone of the Scourge Crystal, and there are more than 30 auxiliary materials. The metal box outside is not ordinary, using the latest energy-guiding technology researched by Boston's top executives.

These batteries are connected together one by one to form one high wall after another. The reason why the room is so large is mainly used to place these batteries.

There are ten tons of raw crystals of divine punishment in the "battery"!

The reason why Boston's top management was willing to spend money was of course because of the Dragon Blood Warrior's potion formula, which was the result of exchanges and negotiations between the two parties.

The energy consumption of the "Array of Conferred Gods" is extremely terrifying. Without these scourge batteries, it would be impossible for the array to operate smoothly.

Xu Yi pulled down the heavy knife, and the Divine Punishment Battery began to supply energy. Amidst the loud rumbling sound, magma-like golden light flowed into the array, and the Formation of the Gods was slowly activated.

(End of this chapter)

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