American exorcist god.

Chapter 341 "Sealing" God

Chapter 341 "Sealing" God

Xu Yi slightly unlocked the seal of the "Taotie" dagger, and the golden thread flew out of the dagger, and his heart suddenly lifted.

The spirit of the true god seemed to sense the approaching danger, dancing crazily in the air with astonishing power.

Fortunately, Xu Yi was cautious enough and only let a piece of gold thread as long as a finger leave the dagger.

The Formation of the Gods came into effect, powerful force acted on the spirit of the true god, and the thin golden thread was pulled towards the Serpent of Ending little by little.

The sculpture of the Serpent of the End actually came to life. The seven snake heads pounced on the spirit of the true god, biting the golden thread and swallowing the opponent into its abdomen.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult at the beginning. Once you take the first step, the rest will unfold naturally.

The process of sealing the Spirit of the True God was much smoother than he had imagined. There were no further setbacks, and all the golden threads were swallowed into the Serpent of Finality.

Xu Yi took a deep breath to calm down his nervousness a little.

In the whole process, transferring the spirit of the true god is the easiest, and the next step is the most dangerous stage.

He carefully inspected the magic circle engraved on the Serpent of the End, especially the "filter" part.

The "filter" is the top priority of the magic circle. It not only needs to filter the messy energy of the true god's spirit, but also serves as the "safety door" of the magic circle.

He checked it more than ten times in a row, and after making sure that no detail was missed, he carefully opened the "small window" reserved on the magic circle.

He was highly concentrated, paying attention to the movements of the magic circle. After a moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Everything went extremely smoothly, there was no abnormality in the magic circle, and the "filter" was rock solid.

The pure soul breath overflowed from the Serpent of the End, and his soul felt that breath, revealing an urgent desire, just like a dry field encountering a spring that can nourish it,

Xu Yi walked into the magic circle, followed a specific route to the central altar, and picked up the sculpture of the Serpent of Ending on it.

The sculpture was pressed in front of his eyebrows, and a magical scene happened. The Serpent of the End suddenly became illusory and merged into his soul.

This scene seems simple, but in fact it is the most difficult point in the whole process.

If it weren't for the special nature of the Final Snake, and he was the host of the Final Snake.

If it were any other thing, it would be easy to cause big problems. Either they would be mutually exclusive and lead to soul disorder, or the soul would be contaminated by foreign objects.

But because of the Snake of the End, this step became particularly easy.

Xu Yi closed his eyes involuntarily, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Although the soul energy leaked by the True God Spirit is not even a drop in the bucket, for Xu Yi's weak soul, it is no less than the Shiquan Dabu Pill.

He was continuously absorbing pure soul energy, but his face suddenly turned pale, without a trace of blood.

The soul energy output by the True God Spirit is actually increasing, so much that it exceeds the threshold he can bear!

This is obviously abnormal. No matter how powerful the magic circle is, no matter how optimized it is, the soul energy that can be extracted is very limited.

There is only one explanation for so much soul energy, and that is that the spirit of the true God is actively providing him with soul energy.

At the beginning of the design of the Conferred God Formation, Xu Yi was thinking about how to extract the soul energy of the True God Spirit.

Who would have thought that the Spirit of the True God would completely act out of common sense?

His soul is about to burst!

He wanted to close the "window" of the magic circle, but as the controller of the magic circle, he couldn't do it.

This is like a reservoir flood discharge. When the water flow is small, the gate can be closed easily, but once the water flow becomes turbulent, it becomes extremely difficult to close the gate.

Xu Yi's body was shaking with pain, but he could barely remain calm.

When designing the array, in order to avoid unexpected situations, he designed a "trip" function for the array to provide "power-off protection."

But this is also the last resort.

It is almost impossible to disconnect the true god's spirit. If the true god's spirit is under his control, there will be no need to bother.

Therefore, the so-called power-off protection is to disconnect yourself and force yourself to go offline.

The Snake of Ending suddenly burst out with bright light, and Xu Yi's soul felt a strong suction force that he could not resist and did not need to resist. He allowed his soul to be sucked into the sculpture of the Final Serpent.

His vision blurred for a moment, and the next second, he had appeared in a strange place.

"It turns out that the inner space of the Snake of the End is like this." Xu Yi looked around and murmured to himself.

All he could see were red walls, shining like red crystals. He was standing in the void. It was not that he was flying, but that there was a transparent barrier under his feet.

He looked down at the True God Spirit below through the barrier. This transparent barrier could obviously isolate the breath, otherwise the True God Spirit would have pounced on him.

Golden flames flowed from the true god's spirit, and even through the barrier, Xu Yi could feel the terror of those flames.

His face changed slightly, and the flames gathered towards the exit, condensing into a golden "sun".

Under the brilliance of the "sun", a hole was burned out in the "filter" of the magic circle. It was like the prison door suddenly opened, and the spirit of the true god rushed out excitedly.

The golden thread flew out from the Snake of Ending, and the Snake of Ending was located in Xu Yi's body. The moment the thread flew out, it connected to Xu Yi's body.

In reality, Xu Yi opened his eyes suddenly, and the golden light in his pupils was as dazzling as a supernova explosion.

The combination of the spirit of a true god and the body of a demigod produces an effect that is simply unimaginable.

Xu Yi is a god at this moment!

The room was shaking violently, and Yaoyaoya couldn't suppress the breath of God at all. It was involuntarily afraid.

Isolt's students happily returned to Notting Hill in a truck full of monsters.

The breath of God swept over them, and the driver slammed on the brakes. The car almost rolled over, but no one cared. Their bodies could not stop shaking, and their backs were covered in cold sweat.

In the Eight Demons House, Xu Yi stared at the true god's spirit that escaped from the cage, with a solemn look on his face, but he did not completely lose his sense of proportion.

The "Taotie" dagger in the magic circle suddenly trembled violently, making a crisp sound like a rattle, and the dark golden light on the blade was as bright as a ball of fire.

The "Taotie" dagger was not the only one that was trembling, the "Arrogant" samurai sword, the "Lazy" spear... every alchemy weapon of the Seven Deadly Sins was trembling violently.

The sounds they make are different, some are as high as a drum, some are as low as a cello... They are like a famous band, playing a perfect tune.

In this piece of music played by the Seven Deadly Sins, the thin golden thread that had just escaped from the Serpent of Death suddenly paused and was fixed in the air.

At the same time, the magic circle on the Serpent of the End was also moving with all its strength, and the spirit of the true god could not move.

The metal plates of the "Celestial Punishment Batteries" are steaming hot, emitting an astonishing amount of heat. These "batteries" are outputting maximum power, and surging energy is injected into the Formation of the Gods.

In the deep grooves of the magic circle, what flows is no longer red mercury, but lava-like golden light, forming a criss-crossing mysterious pattern.

The lava golden magic circle rose up and enveloped the spirit of the true god.

The golden thread that the spirit of the true god escaped was only one inch long. It could not resist the power of the magic circle, and the golden thread was forced back bit by bit by the magic circle.

Xu Yi spent so much thought and prepared so many resources before setting up the magic circle in front of him, not only to complete the seal, but also to avoid unexpected situations.

The spirit of the true god was driven back to the Serpent of the End, and the lava formations suspended in the air did not disappear. They shrank rapidly and enveloped the Serpent of the End.

After the experience of forging the Seven Deadly Sins, Xu Yi has become very skilled in using this magic circle flow technology.

The lava formation was imprinted on the Snake of Finality, and the lines on the Snake of Finality became particularly clear.

The golden light gradually dissipated, and the formation of the Snake of the End was also strengthened.

After this step, unless Xu Yi takes the initiative to unlock the magic circle, it will be difficult for the spirit of the true god to escape.

At the same time, a large cloud of black smoke erupted from the "container" in the room, and the energy of the Scourge Crystal was exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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