American exorcist god.

Chapter 342 The arrival of the door

Chapter 342 The arrival of the door

Boston, a secret underground chamber.

The lizard dragon stood up from the viscous green liquid. He twisted the joints of his head vigorously, the mechanical scales on his body rose, and thick black steam spewed out from the gaps.

"It's finally fixed!" The lizard dragon let out a sigh of relief.

The crow man stood next to the sink and looked at the lizard dragon quietly, "The hosts of the seven deadly sins have been found, and it's time to start the reincarnation plan."

The lizard dragon nodded, "Count the time, the foggy world is about to dissipate, we need to hurry up."

He looked at the crow man and suddenly his voice changed: "Is there any difficulty?"

The crow man looked like he was hesitating to speak, obviously he had something to say to him.

"What do you think of Xu Yi?" Crow Man asked instead without answering directly.

Lizard Dragon's heart moved. He and Crow Man have known each other for hundreds of years. It can be said that the two of them are very familiar. When the other party mentioned Xu Yi, he guessed what the other party wanted to do.

"Do you want to use the Gate of Truth to deal with Xu Yi?"

Crow Man did not deny: "You must have seen Xu Yi's threat to our Ring of Destruction. In the past, the other party was just a troublemaker, but now he is a killer. The other party has already controlled the power to kill us!"

"Do you have a detailed plan?"

The Lizard Dragon felt heavy as he thought of the dead silver giant ape.

The crow man was telling the truth. Xu Yi's growth rate was too fast. If it was not curbed, he would definitely become a serious problem for the Ring of Destruction.

The crow man did not speak, but took out Xu Yi's severed hand.

The Lizard Dragon looked at the incantation engraved on the severed hand and suddenly understood, "You want the Knight of Destruction to take this severed hand and enter the Gate of Truth."

Now that things have happened, the crow man has nothing to hide, so he nodded.

The Lizard Dragon frowned, "Isn't this too dangerous? If the other party is allowed to pass the baptism of the Gate of Truth, it may affect the reincarnation of the world tree species."

“Baptism through the Gate of Truth?”

The crow man suddenly sneered. He looked at the lizard dragon and asked, "Do you think it's possible?"

The lizard dragon laughed dumbly, feeling that he was thinking too much and wanted to pass the baptism of the Gate of Truth, unless the other party was a god!


West walked the streets of Boston late at night and looked up.

He could actually see a little bit of the starry sky, but he couldn't see anything in the past two days.

"The fog has become thinner!" West sighed, which is a sign that the foggy world is gradually receding.

The crow man stood behind West, two positions behind, holding a sharp death scythe in his hand. Rather than two people walking together, it was better to say that the crow man was escorting West.

West seemed oblivious and was enjoying the night view of the streets of Boston. He suddenly stopped.

In the fountain square in front of him, a metal tower like a bull's horn stood quietly.

Such a conspicuous thing has never been discovered. It is obvious that the metal tower in front of you has the function of camouflage and concealment.

The door of the metal tower has been opened, and the crow man stood in front of the door and stared at West, making a gesture of invitation.

West made no move and still stood there with the same smile on his lips as always, "Where is what I want?"

The crow man's eyes flashed with light. After hesitating for a moment, he took out a thick metal book.

The ancient book looked rusty, with some unknown writing engraved on the cover.

If Xu Yi were here, he would definitely be surprised, because the book in front of him is the legendary "Book of Aenoton". It is a book of gods given to mortals by the gods. It only exists in legends.

West took over the "Book of Aenoton", and even with his capital, he couldn't help but feel excited.

He looked through the pages to himself, completely forgetting himself. It wasn't until the crow man urged him that he came back to his senses.

"It is indeed the Book of Aenoton that records the secrets of life and death!" West sighed leisurely. The crow man stared at West expressionlessly, "What you asked for has been given to you. It's time to fulfill your promise."

"Of course!" West waved not far away, and a fat living zombie rushed out of the shadows and stood obediently in front of West.

West threw "The Book of Aenoton" to the zombie. The fat zombie opened its huge mouth and swallowed the heavy metal book in one mouthful.

The fat man's zombie jumped out, and after a few ups and downs, disappeared into the shadow of the house.

West walked towards the door of the metal tower, the smile on his face was a little stiff.

Although he had expected this, when he actually stood in front of the door, he couldn't help but feel frightened.

"I hope Singui can help!"

West sighed secretly in his heart and stepped into the tower. The heavy metal door closed with a bang behind him.


Notting Hill, in the patio room of Yaoyao House.

Xu Yi sat cross-legged under the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree, in the posture of a Taoist priest meditating, with his eyes slightly closed. In his slow and long breathing, he seemed to merge into nature... Shit!

The effect of meditation cannot be said to be weak, it is simply non-existent.

Ever since the True God's Spirit was sealed into the Serpent of the End, the True God's Spirit has been completely ruined.

Without the active supply of the True God's Spirit, the soul energy that the magic circle can extract becomes stretched thin.

There is nothing that can be done about it. In order to ensure the stability of the magic circle, it will naturally sacrifice part of its efficiency.

So Xu Yi began to try various methods to see if he could absorb more soul energy, and even started to try metaphysical meditation, but it had no effect at all.

The reason why Xu Yi worked so hard is because the current absorption speed is too slow.

If you want to completely absorb the spirit of the true god, you don't know that you will have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

He sighed and prepared to go out to relax. As soon as he reached the door of the villa, his pupils suddenly dilated.

The dark Boston was suddenly illuminated, and seven huge light pillars rose into the sky. They were of different colors and converged towards the same point.

"That's... the old barn cemetery!" Xu Yi recognized the location of the gathering point.

He felt a familiar aura in the light pillar, the aura belonging to the origin of original sin. He immediately realized that the operation of the Ring of Destruction had begun!

In the center where the light gathered, a huge white vortex slowly formed. An inexplicable aura came out of the vortex, and Xu Yi's body couldn't help trembling slightly.

The heavy giant door descended from the whirlpool. It was golden in color and densely engraved with characters on the door, from twisted dragon characters to various ancient characters.

The moment the door appeared, Xu Yi confirmed its identity, the Door of Truth, one of the three origins!

Xu Yi stared at the door, feeling a very ominous premonition, and his heart felt heavy.


Old Barn Cemetery.

The Crow Man and the Lizard Dragon stood under the Door of Truth, watching quietly as the door opened.

The Crow Man couldn't help but sigh, "As expected of the Gate of Truth, this kind of oppression is simply suffocating!"

"Hurry up, everyone will be attracted later!" Lizard Dragon urged repeatedly.

The Crow Man nodded and stopped talking nonsense. He walked to the metal coffin and awakened the Destruction Knight inside.

The body of the Destruction Knight trembled violently. It was not that there was something wrong with the armor, but that the thing inside the armor was expressing its desire.

The crow man took out a severed hand, which was engraved with dense incantations. It was Xu Yi's severed hand.

The Destruction Knight grabbed the severed hand and rose into the air, flying towards the Gate of Truth in the sky.

In the expectant eyes of the crow and the lizard dragon, the Knight of Destruction passed through the Gate of Truth, was engulfed in golden light, and disappeared before his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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