American exorcist god.

Chapter 343 "Baptism" at the Gate of Truth

Chapter 343 "Baptism" at the Gate of Truth

Notting Hill.

Xu Yi suddenly found that he could not move, like an insect sealed in amber.

He turned his eyes as hard as he could and looked at the Door of Truth on the horizon. It was obviously a door, but he actually felt the door's gaze.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced to the side. The others were just marveling at the terror of the door, and their actions were not affected.

Why did the Gate of Truth specifically target him? Is it because of the Ring of Destruction?

What frightened him the most was that not only was he unable to move, but the flow of blood in his body also seemed to have stopped. He was unable to activate the "Blood as Holy".

In other words, he couldn't even commit suicide!

"Is this the true power of the three gates?" Xu Yi was shocked.

Although he was embarrassed in front of the Soul Gate and the Black Void Gate, at least he could still commit suicide.

Of course, this does not mean that the Door of Truth is more powerful than the other two doors. It is more likely that the previous two doors did not use their full strength. This can be noticed from the degree of opening of the door.

The Soul Gate and the Black Void Gate are only slightly opened, while the Truth Gate in front of you is almost fully open.

A surging suction force suddenly acted on Xu Yi. He could not resist and was sucked into the sky.

"Xu Yi!" Maria was also standing in front of the villa. She immediately noticed Xu Yi's abnormality and shouted angrily.

She rushed towards Xu Yi, trying to pull him down.

But the next second, she was ejected. Xu Yi was surrounded by an invisible force field, making it impossible for others to get close.

Xu Yi was floating high in the sky, like a kite tied by a string. Now the other end was taking up the string, and he could only watch helplessly as he was being pulled away.

Getting closer to the Door of Truth, he saw the crows and the lizard dragons under the Door of Truth, looking at him coldly.

He tried every method, even trying to make a deal with the Black Void Gate.

But Heixu Gate is indeed a profiteer. Perhaps it was too tricky to see the Gate of Truth, and the chips he exchanged were not enough, so the other party did not respond.

"What does it look like inside the Gate of Truth?"

Xu Yi knew that he had no way to escape. He looked at the door of truth that was constantly enlarging in front of his eyes, and suddenly became curious.

His body was pulled into the Door of Truth, and a strong golden light enveloped him.

But the strange thing is that he doesn't feel any pain, but instead feels indescribable relaxation all over his body, like a traveler soaking in the warm spring water, and his body and mind are healed.

His soul gradually sank in the light. He didn't know how long it took before he slowly opened his eyes.

The sun was extremely dazzling. Xu Yi squinted for a while before he could adjust. He found himself lying under an ancient tree with a huge crown.

He looked a little dazed, and he seemed to have forgotten something very important, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember it.

"Xu Yi, why are you still here? The ascension ceremony is about to begin!"

A young man wearing bright silver armor suddenly appeared behind him and cried out in surprise.

Xu Yi remembered what the important thing was. Yes, he was going to participate in the ascension ceremony today.

Because I was too excited last night, I didn't sleep all night. I felt a little sleepy before the event and fell asleep inexplicably.

The air is filled with an unknown fragrance, and preparations for the ascension ceremony are complete.

The people who came to participate in the ceremony could not see the end at a glance, so they were not prepared to say so, because they were not humans, but gods, with colorful divine lights shining behind them.

Palm-sized flower elves were flying in the air, and wherever they flew, colorful petals fell from the sky.

In front of the crowd, Xu Yi saw his father, the God King of the Cloud Kingdom, and of course he was the "Son of God."

Today is the day when he comes of age, and it is also the time when he inherits his godhead.

Behind his father, a goddess of similar age stood tall and graceful.

The goddess is wearing a cloud-green flowing gauze skirt and a corolla made of vines and flowers. Just looking at the other person's moving face is an extremely beautiful experience.

The goddess found Xu Yi looking at her and immediately hid behind her mother, but she couldn't help but poke her head out and peek at Xu Yi with a blushing face.

That is his fiancée, and he will marry her after the ascension ceremony is over.

His father is the King of Gods, and he is about to take over the kingdom of God. His fiancée is so beautiful and moving. This is simply a winner born from a "god". The long ladder made of heavenly gold is in front. There are twelve steps in total. The dazzling diamond-shaped godhead is placed at the top of the long ladder.

As long as he crosses the long steps to become a god, climbs to the top, and obtains the godhood, he can become a god!

"Go! Remember to let go of all your defenses and accept the baptism of the light of the Kingdom of God!" His father's eyes were full of encouragement.

"Come on!" His fiancée clenched her fists and whispered to cheer him on.

Xu Yi smiled and nodded in response. He took a deep breath and stepped onto the first step of the steps to become a god.

White divine light came from all directions, carrying a strange fragrance. Xu Yi was wrapped in the light, and all the cells in his body were jumping for joy, greedily sucking in the divine light.

When he stepped onto the steps to ascend to the gods, everyone was behind him, so he couldn't see that everything behind him suddenly changed.

The encouraging look in the eyes of the God King's father disappeared and was filled with indifference. The fiancée no longer looked shy and stared at his back with a sarcastic expression.

The gods who came to watch the ceremony were not emitting colorful divine light, but rich black mist and blood energy.

Those flower elves with beautiful faces are just skeletons, and what they scatter is not petals, but pieces of white bones.


Notting Hill.

Maria was feeling extremely anxious at the moment, but she knew she couldn't panic.

Xu Yi was sucked into the door, and Lisa was unconscious again. At this moment, she was the only one who could make the decision in Notting Hill.

She kept taking deep breaths to force herself to calm down.

There is no doubt that they want to rescue Xu Yi. What matters is how to rescue him.

There are only two ways. One is to follow and enter the door.

But as soon as the idea came to her mind, she rejected it.

Although she didn't know what that door was, Xu Yi couldn't resist it, let alone them. When they entered the door, not only were they unable to rescue Xu Yi, but they might catch themselves.

"Then the only way left is to destroy the ritual!" Maria stared at the source of the light with a determined expression.

Once the decision was made, Maria no longer hesitated. She asked Ellente to gather everyone while she returned to Yaoyao House.

When she came out a moment later, there was a metal cabinet behind her.

The metal cabinet was opened, and seven weapons of different shapes were placed in an orderly manner. The alchemy weapon "Seven Deadly Sins" appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

After the "Seven Deadly Sins" were used to amplify the Divine Conferment Array, the radiation from the Heavenly Punishment Crystal remained on it, so Xu Yi temporarily placed the "Seven Deadly Sins" in a standing cabinet, thinking that he would wait for the radiation to dissipate before distributing it to everyone.

Now that Xu Yi is away, Maria naturally performs the task on his behalf.

"I'm going to destroy the node of the ritual now. What do you do? Make your own decision!"

Maria glanced around and saw all familiar faces. Ellente called them all over.

After saying that, she took out the "arrogant" katana from the cabinet and ran towards one of the sources of light. She had already felt the aura of the same origin from there.

"Mr. Xu Yi, as the benefactor of our Finn family, is now in danger. How can I stand by and watch?"

Keith walked to the cabinet and took off the "Lust" kukri. Xu Yi was kind to him, so he couldn't just die without saving him.

William stepped forward silently and took out the "Jealousy" foil sword.

He felt the foil sword in his hand, and fighting spirit boiled in his body. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Carrie quietly removed the "Jealousy" knight's sword.

Although she is not strong, she can risk everything. Xu Yi is not only her teacher, but also her "relative".

"Do you need our help?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind. Eukni came with the students from Isolt College. She was not informed by Arent that they came here voluntarily.

"The teacher is in trouble. As students, we can't just sit back and watch, right?" Little Judy in the crowd clenched her fists and shouted.

While everyone was discussing the detachment, the fiery red figure had already passed through the sky. Under the control of Xu Changrong, the ghost warrior flew towards one of the ritual nodes at high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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