American exorcist god.

Chapter 344 Toward Destruction

Chapter 344 Toward Destruction

Xu Yi greedily absorbed the divine light. He felt that he had become stronger than ever before, and no one in the sky or on earth could rival him.

But the divine light was quickly swallowed up, and a strong feeling of weakness came over him like a tide.

This feeling is really terrible, like a god suddenly falling from the sky to a mortal.

He couldn't wait to lift his legs and step up to the next step.

More intense white divine light surged toward him, and he was like a thirsty trekker in the desert who suddenly encountered sweet spring water and sucked it in big mouthfuls.

An unparalleled sense of fullness filled his body, and he felt that he was getting stronger and stronger.

But the same scene appeared again, the light dissipated, a strong feeling of weakness came, and he subconsciously climbed to the next level.

What Xu Yi didn't know was that in reality, his body was becoming thinner and thinner, with sunken cheeks and thick dark circles under his eyes.

Compared with the body, the damage to the soul was the most serious. His soul became lighter and lighter, as if the traces had been erased by an eraser.

While climbing the steps, the feeling of strength he felt was illusory, but the feeling of weakness was real, and his soul was gradually disappearing.

But the weaker he gets, the more he desires to absorb more divine light. The more he absorbs, the weaker he becomes, completely falling into a vicious cycle, like drinking poison to quench his thirst.

Behind him, the walls of the magnificent temple began to peel off, revealing mottled blood stains underneath.

The so-called gods are no longer as bright and beautiful as before. Their faces are darkened, their pupils are red, and their teeth are sharp, making them look like evil ghosts.

They stared at Xu Yi indifferently, watching Xu Yi step by step toward destruction.


Fountain Square, among the horn metal towers.

West roared in pain, and black-green vines fell from above, piercing deeply into his body.

Even someone as strong as West could not break free from these vines, and could only watch helplessly as the power within his body was extracted.

His disguised body is useless against the Ring of Destruction, because the Ring of Destruction has mastered the ability to perceive the origin of original sin, so he can only come to the appointment in person.

The ability to transfer souls was also unavailable, and the connection between him and the zombies was cut off by this strange metal tower.

As a large amount of the origin and life force in the body was extracted, a boundless feeling of weakness enveloped him, and West could only gasp for breath.

If it continues like this, he may be drained directly until he dies completely.

But there was no look of despair on his face. Instead, he looked at the layout of the tower with great interest.

Since he merged with the origin of "arrogance", he has the ability to "see everything".

He could tell that these metal towers were not human creations, and had "anti-human" design details in many places.

Although he couldn't see the scene outside, he could probably guess that the goal of the Ring of Destruction was the legendary Door of Truth.

When the people from the Ring of Destruction found him, they were initially prepared to "coerce" them, but after realizing that he was difficult to deal with, they changed their intention to "coercion".

West had no interest in the cake drawn by the Ring of Destruction. He only made one request, and that was knowledge, a lot of occult knowledge.

He was lucky enough to visit one of the "book collections" in the Ring of Destruction and was amazed by the large number of lost ancient books there.

Although the Ring of Destruction destroyed the knowledge about the "Three Gates" in the book, he still deduced it from the clues.

If Xu Yi knew this, he would definitely be surprised.

He is just a fake genius created by "entry burning", while West is a genius in the true sense.

Especially after integrating the origin of "arrogance", West's thinking ability has probably reached an unimaginable level.

West knew very well that these metal towers were necessary to keep the doors of truth open.

Ordinary members of the Ring of Destruction have limited capabilities. It is obviously not enough to protect these metal towers. What should we do at this time?

West can probably guess the idea of ​​​​the Ring of Destruction.

At this moment, a spider-like metal arm reached down from above. At the front of the metal arm was an injection, with thick black liquid flowing inside.

The injection was injected into West's body, and strong intensity filled his entire body.

He gritted his teeth and struggled to activate his ability.

This is one of the abilities he gained after merging the soul of "Pride". He can analyze any medicine injected into his body. "Powerful vitality, blinded consciousness, bloodthirsty madness..."

As more information was analyzed, the smile on his lips became stronger. The effect of the potion was similar to what he had guessed.

"Everything is according to plan!" West whispered softly.

After a while, the potion began to take effect, and when West started to act like a beast, his pupils turned scarlet and he completely lost his mind.

In normal times, he could resist the effects of these potions, but now he is too weak.

The red vines were disconnected from West's body, and the heavy door of the metal tower slowly opened. West subconsciously walked towards the door.

Every time he takes a step, his body will mutate accordingly.

When he walked to the door, he had transformed from a gentle social elite into an out-and-out monster.

The eyes in the pupils split and turned into blood-red double pupils; two extremely thick arms stretched out from the armpits; six pure black wings grew from the back.

This is his true form as the origin of "arrogance"!

Entering the true form was not West's original intention, but the effect of the black potion.

The medicine not only made him lose his mind, but also forcibly stimulated the little energy in his body. This was obviously a waste of money.

Of course, the Ring of Destruction doesn't matter. To them, the host of the original sin is just fuel and the key to the door of truth.

Now that the door has been opened, these hosts are naturally useless.

But instead of wasting it, it is better to use it to protect the metal tower, which can be regarded as making the best use of it.

When Maria rushed to Fountain Square, she happened to meet West walking out of the door. She felt the terrifying aura on him, and her face became particularly solemn.

She told Ailan the information she had detected using her soul power, and her body was put under Ailan's control.

This is the battle mode they have figured out. Maria is responsible for exploring, and Alan is responsible for fighting. They are like navigators and racing drivers.

Ailan stared at the enemy in front of him with an unprecedented serious expression.

Among the opponents she has encountered, the opponent is definitely at the forefront. She has realized that she is no match for the monster in front of her.

She took a deep breath and cleared out the messy thoughts in her mind. No matter what, she couldn't retreat from this battle.

At this moment, something unexpected happened.

Sewer manhole covers around the streets were suddenly pushed away, and strange-looking zombies rushed out of the sewers, roaring loudly.

Ailan's heart sank to the bottom. She was not sure how to deal with the monster in front of her, let alone this group of zombies.

But a surprising scene happened. Those living zombies did not attack her, but instead pounced on the four-armed and six-winged monster.

The six-winged monster began an unparalleled killing spree, and the zombies fell down one after another like cut straw.

But there is no such option in the dictionary of zombies. They are more like robots that strictly follow instructions, rushing out one after another.

Of course, the group of living zombies was no match for the six-winged monster, but Ailan was keenly aware of the anomaly.

When the zombies die, their bodies will explode, with fluorescent green blood splattering on the six-winged monsters.

The blood seemed to have a strong restraint effect on the six-winged monster. As the six-winged monster was stained with more and more blood, it began to become weaker and weaker.

As time passed, the six-winged monster's weakness finally reached a threshold, and the zombies knocked it down and gnawed on it crazily.

After a while, the six-winged monster's flesh, flesh, and even bones were chewed away, leaving only a "small pebble" suspended in the air.

The "little pebbles" flew towards a living zombie at will and submerged into the opponent's body.

The flesh and blood of the zombie began to squirm, and in just the blink of an eye, it transformed from a ferocious monster to a gentle man.

If the other party wasn't wearing tattered clothes covered in blood, he could even be described as personable.

The man found blood-stained black-rimmed glasses on the ground, wiped them casually with his clothes, and put them on again.

West looked at Alan with a smile on his lips, "Do you want to destroy these spiers? I can help!"

(End of this chapter)

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