American exorcist god.

Chapter 345: The picture shows the dagger

Chapter 345: The picture shows the dagger

Xu Yi stepped onto the twelfth level of the "Ascending God's Long Stairs". The divine light was as rich as a lake. He greedily absorbed the divine light around him.

Before he knew it, he was almost at the top.

The godhead emitting colorful light is right in front of him. As long as he swallows the godhead, he can become a god.

In Xu Yi's eyes, the godhead was dazzling, as if it were polished with the most beautiful gems in the world, but in the eyes of the "gods" behind him, it was clearly a dark heart filled with pus and blood.

The eyes of the "gods" looked forward to it. As long as Xu Yi swallowed the heart, everything would be settled.

When the time comes, Xu Yi will be reduced to a "phantom ghost" like them, staying in the Gate of Truth for life after life and suffering all kinds of torture.

They are too painful, and only when new people come in can they get some pleasure from torturing the new people.

Xu Yi picked up the Godhead on the altar, with a little warmth in the Godhead.

The opportunity to become a god was right in front of him, but for some reason, he felt an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.

The palpitations in his heart only faded away, replaced by a stronger desire, and Xu Yi's eyes were once again covered with a gray shadow.

The gods below saw that Xu Yi had been silent for a "long time" and felt extremely anxious.

In the endless years of torture, their spirits have long been distorted, and their past memories have faded. They have turned into outright evil ghosts, taking pleasure in torturing people.

If you see someone who can get out from here, it will be more uncomfortable than killing them!

"Brother Xu Yi! Hurry up and accept the godhead! Don't you want to marry me?" the fiancée's soft voice sounded.

"Put down all your defenses, unlock all the restraints in your body, accept this power, and become a god!" The voice of the God King seemed to have some kind of magic power that could make people obey involuntarily.

The doubts in Xu Yi's mind only flashed by, and even after a few seconds, he couldn't remember it. The spiritual blindness of the Gate of Truth continued to work.

He subconsciously followed the words of the God King's father, completely letting go of his guard, and at the same time unlocked all the restrictions in his body.

When the order was given, the "God Conferring Array" on the Snake of the End was quietly untied.

The Snake of Ending is a dead thing after all, and there is no way to tell whether Xu Yi was voluntary or deceived when he gave the order.

It faithfully carried out Xu Yi's orders.

The "Apotheosis of the Gods" was unlocked, and the spirit of the true god within the circle rushed towards the exit impatiently, just like a prisoner who saw the cell door open.

Thin golden threads flew out from the Snake of Ending and instantly connected Xu Yi's body.

The moment the spirit of the true god escaped, the "power outage protection" function of the Snake of the End was activated, and Xu Yi's soul was forcibly pulled into the Snake of the End.

Xu Yi suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar space with a confused look on his face.

Could it be that the enemies of the Kingdom of God were unwilling to let him inherit the divine head and so they attacked him? Xu Yi thought to himself.

Why didn't the father stop the other party? Are the other party's methods really that clever?

This is the horror of the Gate of Truth. It blinded Xu Yi's intelligence and tampered with his memory. Even after breaking away from the long steps to ascend to the gods, he still could not escape the illusion.

Xu Yi suddenly raised his head and looked upward.

As the host of the Serpent of the End, after entering this space, the outside world is automatically projected on the void.

He saw "himself" standing at the top of the long steps to ascend to the gods, holding the dazzling godhead in his hand, and the golden light in his eyes was as rich as lava flowing.

Is it really the enemy's conspiracy? His body was actually taken away! Xu Yi looked at the impostor on the long steps and thought to himself.

The counterfeit's palm suddenly exerted force, and the veins on the back of the palm were exposed, and the godhead was crushed to pieces, turning into ashes and scattered.

Xu Yi was shocked, the other party actually destroyed the godhead!

But he was a little confused, the godhead should be an extremely solid thing, how could it be destroyed so easily?

The gods below yelled curses, but the impostor remained expressionless, and golden flames rose in his body.

It waved its hand, and the golden flames that filled the sky swept across in all directions like a storm.

The flames swept across the long steps to ascend to the gods, and the golden steps began to fade, revealing mottled bloodstains below.

The flames swept across the gods present, and the glory of the gods dissipated. Each god turned into a withered corpse, with hatred flashing in his eyes.

The elves in the sky also turned into skeletons, scattering fine bone fragments all over the sky.

Only the God King and Xu Yi's fiancée remained the same. "Destroy the Godhead, do you want to rebel?" God King's father shouted angrily, his majestic voice like thunder exploding in the sky.

"Xu Yi, can you inherit the godhead obediently? I'm still waiting for you to marry me?" The fiancée looked at Xu Yi and burst into tears.

When Xu Yi saw this scene, the hair on his body stood up. He didn't know that this was the case.

Hallucination! It's all an illusion!

There was a sudden severe pain in his brain. Xu Yi fell to the ground in pain holding his head. After a moment, he opened his eyes again. The gray light in front of his eyes dissipated, and his eyes returned to clarity.

Xu Yi was completely awake and understood what was going on.

Any creature that enters the door of truth will undergo "baptism", its memory will be tampered with, and its intelligence will be confused.

If he fails to withstand the test and becomes a god in the illusion, his body and soul will sink here forever and become a "phantom ghost" wandering in the door of truth.

Xu Yi broke into a cold sweat on his back just thinking about it.

If his soul sinks here, since it is not considered a complete death, the resurrection coin will not be activated.

The soul whose baptism failed will not wake up, but its memory will be completely tampered with and become a "ghost" of the spirit of the true God.

Xu Yi took a deep breath. For the first time, he felt that he was so close to death.

Although he did not die completely, becoming a ghost without his own thoughts was not much different from death.

This also taught him a lesson. Resurrection coins are not omnipotent. In some extreme cases, resurrection coins are completely useless.

But fortunately, there are very few existences in this world that can achieve this level. After all, the Gate of Truth is something at the "original" level.

At this time, Xu Yi began to check his own condition. His soul was much weaker than before, almost like a wandering spirit that could dissipate at any time.

In the past, the transformation of a large number of God-stealing seeds only damaged the foundation, but now it is seriously ill.

Even if there is no external influence, given his current situation, if he does not make up for the defects in his soul, he may only be able to live for one or two years.

"Do you want to use resurrection coins?"

Xu Yi's current soul condition was really bad, and he subconsciously wanted to save it.

But after thinking for a moment, he discovered to his dismay that even if he tried it over again, he would still not be sure to break free from the blindness of the door of truth, and he would still walk towards death in a muddle-headed manner.

"What kind of baptism? It's just murder, right?" Xu Yi couldn't help but think.

Is it really possible for ordinary people to pass the baptism of the door of truth?

The only way he could think of to break the situation was to see through the false gods.

But how can an "ordinary person" know whether these gods are true or false, especially when one's spiritual intelligence is blinded?

This is like an isolated village, where no one has heard of aj. If you come to the door with a pair of fakes made in Putian, can the other party see through it?

"Fortunately, there is the spirit of the true god in his body!" Xu Yi couldn't help but feel lucky.

The reason why the spirit of the true god can see through it is because it is the true god itself. Although it is just the remnant soul of the true god, it is still easy to see through these fakes.

While he was happy, deep worries also arose in Xu Yi's heart.

This time is not like last time. Last time, not only was there the help of the God Conferring Array, but the spirit of the true god only escaped a little.

This time, all the true gods' spirits escaped from the trap, just like a dragon entering the sea, and nothing could stop it.

Xu Yi really couldn't think of any way to re-seal the spirit of the true god and take back his body.

While Xu Yi was thinking, the "gods" began to make plans.

They swarmed towards the True God Spirit on the long steps, roaring angrily, with piercing hatred in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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