American exorcist god.

Chapter 346 Passing "Baptism"

Chapter 346 Passing "Baptism"

On the road in Boston, Alan and West ran towards the suburbs. They were heading to the source of the next light beam.

Alan looked at West's back and recalled what happened a few minutes ago.

This man who claimed to be "Xu Yi's best friend", after being resurrected, non-stop controlled the living corpse to help her destroy the metal tower.

Although the other party helped her just now, she still remained vigilant.

Xu Yi never mentioned that he still had this friend, and the other person made her feel too dangerous.

West seemed not to notice Alan's cold attitude, and kept a warm smile on his lips as he told Alan about his escape process.

But his voice suddenly changed, "Looking at how anxious you are, could it be that something happened to Xu Yi?"

Alan glanced at West lightly and did not answer.

"It seems I guessed it right!" West didn't ask again. He raised his head and looked at the Door of Truth hanging in the sky, thoughtfully.

After a while, Ailan, who was running wildly, suddenly stopped because they had reached their destination.

A metal tower like a bull's horn stood in front, and the light that penetrated the sky and the earth burst out from the top of the tower and rushed towards the door high in the sky.

Ailan subconsciously clenched the handle of the "Arrogant" katana, his muscles tensed up, and he looked ahead warily.

In the open space around the metal tower, a woman with a beautiful face was wandering, her pupils were scarlet, like a hungry hound searching for food.

There is more than one such beautiful woman, densely packed together. What is shocking is that they all look exactly the same.

What is even more horrifying is that they randomly picked up sharp objects on the ground and kept dismembering their bodies.

"This is my friend, Tomie Kawakami, you can just call him Tomie!" West introduced softly.

West still had a faint smile on his face, as if what he was seeing was not cruel self-dismemberment, but a friend practicing his flower arranging skills at home.

At the same time, Tomie Kawakami also spotted West and the two of them. They all turned around, twisted their slender waists, and rushed towards the two of them.

As they move around, their bodies emit a light pink mist.

"Try not to inhale the mist, otherwise it will be very troublesome!" West reminded softly.

West faced the surging "Fujiang Tide" without any panic on his face. He waved his hand, and the living zombie hidden in the shadows suddenly rushed out and stopped in front of West.

There are three of this special kind of living zombies. They have lost their human shape, their limbs have degenerated, their heads are only small, and their bellies are infinitely swollen, like a filled balloon.

When they walk, they are more like a rubber ball bouncing.

They suddenly opened their mouths, and black dust spurted out from their mouths. A violent rain of black powder fell instantly, covering Tomie Kawakami who was rushing over.

Tomie Kawakami's body was covered in dust, as if he had been splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid. He fell to the ground and rolled in pain, his body melting like snow.

Alan recalled the previous scene and suddenly understood that the man named West in front of him had expected all this.

All the Kawakami Tomie disappeared, leaving only puddles of viscous liquid on the ground.

West squatted down in front of a puddle of liquid, put his hand into the thick liquid, and pulled out a black-gold "pebble" from inside.

Ailan looked at the "little pebble" and suddenly felt that it looked familiar.

Her peripheral vision glanced at the "arrogant" katana in her hand, and she suddenly realized that the material of the "pebbles" was similar to the long sword in her hand.

West waved, and the living zombie that looked like a cabinet came to him. He reached out and took out a test tube from the chest of the living zombie. There was a pink ball of flesh wandering in the test tube.

He smashed the test tube casually, and the meat ball swam toward the "pebble" like a snake, swallowing the "pebble" in one bite.

The piece of meat squirmed and continued to multiply. The size of the piece of meat became larger and larger, its shape became clearer and clearer, and finally it completely grew into a person.

"Hello!" The reborn Tomie Kawakami took the clothes thrown by West and said hello to Alan.

Ai Lan ignored the other party at all, her mood at the moment was extremely urgent.

She drew the sword out of its sheath, violent thunder and lightning condensed on the blade, and she swung it out violently, creating an effect similar to sword energy.

Dark green lightning penetrated the horn metal tower, causing the metal tower to tremble violently.

West was not idle either, controlling the zombie attacks. The zombies jumped towards the metal tower and exploded. Fluorescent green blood splashed on the tower, and bursts of pungent smoke evaporated from the metal tower.

Black-green vines emerged from the gaps in the metal tower, like snakes that wanted to bite everyone, but they seemed unable to leave the metal tower. After being exposed, they quickly withered and turned into powder and scattered.

The pink light beam emitted from the top of the tower slowly dissipated. After losing the two "energy supply lines", the door of the Door of Truth closed slightly.


Xu Yi looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

The phantom ghosts that had completely torn off their disguise surged forward. The spirit of the true god stood in the center of the phantom ghosts, like a lonely boat standing in the storm, and it seemed that it might capsize at any time.

But the expression of the True God Spirit did not change at all, and its golden eyes were as cold as if they were looking at a swarm of ants.

In fact, the result is indeed worthy of its "arrogance".

Golden flames surged out from its hands and condensed into a blazing lightsaber. The lightsaber swept across and the ghosts fell in pieces like wheat.

The spirit of the true god is like an unparalleled general, and the ghosts rushing in front of him are just low-level soldiers. This is a ruthless massacre.

Phantom ghosts go on and on without worrying about whether they will die. To a certain extent, death is a kind of relief for them.

These phantoms are nothing to be afraid of, the real terror is those "divine lights".

Xu Yi now also sees clearly the true face of the "divine light", which is extremely strong resentment, even to the extent that it can be transformed.

They transformed into terrifying creatures that could not be imagined in nightmares, roaring and rushing towards the spirit of the true god.

These "divine lights" are not the means of phantom ghosts. They come from the gate of truth and are the "evil energy" spawned by the gate of truth.

Even if it is as powerful as the spirit of the true god, it cannot resist these divine lights.

As the divine light continued to wash away, the spirit of the true god was eliminated, and the golden thread became darker and darker.

Xu Yi was very heartbroken.

Although the true spirit of God had escaped from the trap, it was hard not to feel heartbroken to see the treasure he had worked so hard to obtain being wasted like this.

His soul is close to dissipating, and the true god's spirit is the best "tonic." Without the true god's spirit, where can he find anything that can restore his soul?

Xu Yi stared sadly at the True God Spirit, but he was suddenly stunned.

He noticed something was wrong. That part of the golden thread had not completely disappeared, but had lost its luster and became transparent.

Because it was translucent, he couldn't notice it just now.

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly burst into surprise. The true God's spirit had indeed been eliminated, but the eliminated part was more of an indelible mark on the true God's spirit.

This is determined by the characteristics of "divine light". Divine light can erase memories and blind the mind. The mark on the spirit of the true god is naturally the first to bear the brunt.

"In other words, after the true God's spirit is washed away by divine light, what remains is pure soul power!"

Xu Yi's heart couldn't help but beat loudly when he thought of this.

Although the True God's Spirit has been weakened, the pure soul power is more advantageous than the True God's Spirit that can be seen but not used.

Xu Yi looked at the "battle of gods" and was secretly frightened.

If it were Xu Yi, let alone the soul-crushing divine light, these ghosts alone would not be something he could handle.

But the broken true god's spirit, coupled with Xu Yi's demigod body, actually exerted terrifying power that surpassed that of a demi-god.

Waving the blazing lightsaber, the true god's spirit actually killed all the phantom ghosts, but it did not stop swinging the sword, and one after another golden flames slashed towards the void.

Just when Xu Yi wondered if the True God Spirit was stupid, a huge crack opened in the void.

As gaps appear, the world falls apart.

"This world is actually fake!"

Xu Yi's face was full of surprise. This illusion was so realistic that he couldn't find any flaws at all.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Pass baptism and obtain the qualification for exchange."

(End of this chapter)

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