American exorcist god.

Chapter 348: Extraterrestrial Demon

Chapter 348: Extraterrestrial Demon

"Ability God!" Xu Yi kept chanting this word.

In the information provided by the Gate of Truth, it is not clearly stated how powerful the alien god is, but one thing is certain, that is, it is definitely much stronger than the ordinary true god.

The alien god is also known as the "god of the outside world".

If they are true gods who hate them, they will also call them "foreign demons". Just from the name, you can hear their fear of the alien gods.

In the ancient times, once the alien gods came, the true gods would attack in groups, fearing that their status would be threatened.

The laws of strange gods should not exist in this world, and the Gate of Truth was only included in the "Ocean of Knowledge" by an extremely accidental circumstance.

Xu Yi suppressed his inner excitement forcibly.

Obtaining the "method of the alien gods" is indeed something worthy of ecstasy, but the most important thing now is to leave the Gate of Truth first.

Although he obtained the mark of the Gate of Truth, he only had the right to make transactions with the Gate of Truth.

The Gate of Truth will not respectfully send him out just because he makes a deal with it. If you want to leave here, you have to rely on yourself.

The fantasy world collapsed, and the spirit of the true god controlled his body and appeared in the real world inside the door.

Xu Yi took a deep breath when he saw the scene around him clearly.

Philosopher's Stone! Everything you see is the Philosopher's Stone!

The sky above the Gate of Truth is golden, reflecting the red below.

The mountains overlap one another, and the entire mountain is made of the Philosopher's Stone. The crystal red river winds around the mountains, and the liquid Philosopher's Stone flows in the river.

This scene had a great impact on Xu Yi.

Just like a tribe that has lived in an arid desert all its life, water resources are extremely precious and every drop is enough to save lives. When they suddenly moved to the oasis and looked at the huge lake, their three views began to collapse.

Xu Yi feels similarly.

The Philosopher's Stone, which he usually wouldn't bear to use, turns out to be a trashy existence in the Gate of Truth!

But he soon discovered something unusual. There were black lines all over the Philosopher's Stone, and "divine light" rose from the Philosopher's Stone from time to time.

He has already seen the horror of "divine light". It can be said that it is a kind of supreme poison, and even the spirit of the true god cannot be immune to it.

"These divine lights seem to be integrated with the Philosopher's Stone." Xu Yi noticed the clue.

The Philosopher's Stone gives birth to divine light, and the divine light in turn breeds the Philosopher's Stone. The two have a symbiotic relationship and cannot be separated at all.

In other words, the poisonous philosopher's stones here cannot be used.

After learning this, Xu Yi's heart instantly became balanced. Although the Philosopher's Stone produced by the Snake of the End is small, it can at least be used.

Not far ahead, Xu Yi saw a familiar figure.

The worn knight armor of the Ring of Destruction stood by the river, motionless, like a sculpture.

Xu Yi finally understood why the armor was so rusty.

Under the strong divine light, the rust on the knight's armor became heavier and heavier.

Knight Armor once entered the Gate of Truth!

The knight's armor held an arm, and Xu Yi felt a familiar aura from it.

That's his broken arm!

Xu Yi's expression changed slightly. In order to escape that day, he gave up an arm. He didn't expect to appear here.

The arms were densely covered with mysterious mantras. Those mantras were constantly flashing with light, and part of the divine light was absorbed into the mantras.

Xu Yi's teeth were itching with hatred. No wonder he was targeted by the Gate of Truth. No wonder he appeared here. Sure enough, it was all the fault of the Gate of Truth!

If it weren't for the spirit of the true God, he might have confessed here.

Xu Yi followed the knight's armor and looked out, his heart trembling. In the red river flowing with the Philosopher's Stone, a black-green seed was suspended on the surface of the river. Half of the seed was as black as ink, and the other half was as bright green as emerald.

On that seed, Xu Yi felt the surging vitality and the strong aura of death.

It's extremely weird that life and death exist in the same thing at the same time.

The quietly flowing river suddenly boiled, and with the seed as the center, a huge whirlpool slowly formed.

All the Philosopher's Stones in the river were pulled over, and the seeds devoured the energy of the Philosopher's Stone like a whale.

Xu Yi was completely stunned, eyes widening in disbelief.

The extremely rich "divine light" washed over the seed, and the divine light that could obliterate the spirit of the true god fell on the seed, but it was completely ignored!

He caught a glimpse of the true spirit of God out of the corner of his eye.

The face of the True God Spirit suddenly changed. Even when facing the surging ghosts, it had always remained expressionless, but at this moment, fear suddenly appeared on its face!

"What is the origin of this seed?" Xu Yi was shocked and confused.

Judging from the current situation, the Ring of Destruction summoned the Gate of Truth probably to send this seed here.

But what was the purpose of sending it in? Xu Yi was a little confused.

After the mysterious seed absorbed a large amount of energy from the Philosopher's Stone, a new seed suddenly condensed next to it, green and full of vitality.

Xu Yi suddenly understood that the seeds of the coexistence of life and death were not innate.

It was probably cursed by something, which is why this happened.

The Philosopher's Stone has the function of "rejuvenating youth", which Xu Yi has seen before.

Whether it is the Celestial Stone or the Poseidon Potion, as long as the energy of the Philosopher's Stone is enough, it can return the copied things to a perfect state.

"The reason why the Ring of Destruction worked so hard to send this seed in is to use the Philosopher's Stone to resurrect the seed!" Xu Yi suddenly realized.

The vitality of the seeds became more and more intense, and Xu Yi felt concepts such as "grandeur", "rebirth", and "the original thing" on it.

Seeing that the vitality of the seeds was about to reach its peak and give birth to a new great existence, but the next second, the seeds suddenly withered, dried up and weathered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and scattered in the river.

The knight armor guarding the seed remained unmoved, as if he had anticipated this scene.

In the following time, the same scene continued to play out.

The mysterious seeds swallow the energy of the Philosopher's Stone, new seeds are copied, and the vitality continues to rise. After reaching a certain node, the seeds suddenly wither and wither... and the cycle repeats.

What Xu Yi couldn't understand was that the spirit of the true god had no intention of leaving and seemed to be fascinated by it.

"Brother, stop watching the fun! Let's get out of here now!" Xu Yi stared at the spirit of the true god and couldn't help but think in his heart.

This time he entered the Gate of Truth, he had already made a lot of money, and obtained the extremely precious "method of the alien gods".

As long as you leave here, you can find a way to prepare the resources needed to become a god.

And only by leaving here can he regain his body with the help of the power of the alchemical weapon "Seven Deadly Sins".

He also couldn't guess the thoughts of the True God Spirit, because the True God Spirit had no intelligence and acted entirely on instinct. Perhaps he had no concept of "escape".

Although the spirit of the true god no longer needs to deal with phantom ghosts, as long as it remains in the gate of the true god, it will continue to be washed away by the divine light, and the golden thin lines will continue to dim.

As time passed, Xu Yi became more and more anxious, but both the knight's armor and the spirit of the true god were like sculptures, standing still in place.

During this long ordeal, Xu Yi suddenly became energetic.

He smelled a strange fragrance. Even though he was separated from the body controlled by the spirit of the true god and the snake of the end, he could still smell the fragrance.

The moment he smelled the fragrance, his "terribly ill" soul actually recovered.

He had watched "The Seed Show" countless times, but this time it was different. The seed he had just copied actually sprouted!

(End of this chapter)

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