American exorcist god.

Chapter 349: Enduring the bold one

Chapter 349: Enduring the bold one

The tender green sprouts sprouted from the new seed, and the old half-black and half-green seed completed its historical mission and flew back to the knight's armor tremblingly.

The flowing river is disconnected!

Tons of red river water were pulled high into the sky and converged towards the buds. The energy of the Philosopher's Stone was extracted in large quantities, and the buds remained motionless amid the violent divine light.

The buds the size of fingernails began to grow slowly, and Xu Yi looked around in surprise.

Not only the rivers, but also the crystal-red mountain peaks began to fade, the bright red turning into withered white.

With the buds as the center, the gray color spreads in all directions, as if the whole world is losing its luster.

Xu Yi suddenly remembered the legendary Kui Ba from the Xia Kingdom. When Kui Ba came out, the ground was covered in red. Although his eyes turned gray-white, the effect was similar.

"What the hell is that kind of thing? It requires such a huge amount of energy to grow?" Xu Yi was secretly shocked.

The silent spirit of the true god suddenly moved and pounced towards the bud like an osprey.

This true spirit of God actually wants to pick peaches!

Xu Yi was shocked.

The spirit of the true god has no intelligence and can only act according to instinct. But even in this situation, the other party still risks being annihilated by the divine light and wants to snatch this young seedling.

"Although the timid will be starved to death and the bold will be starved to death, brother, aren't you too brave?"

Not to mention the true spirit of God, Xu Yi was also ready to move in his heart.

You can tell with your toes that this young seedling is definitely something extraordinary.

But he only has a broken soul body. Without the protection of the Serpent of the End, he will be annihilated in minutes, let alone robbed.

The knight's armor rushed towards the spirit of the true god. As a guardian, it did not allow anyone to get involved in the tender seedlings.

The golden flames collided with the black-green vines, the spirit of the true god and the knight's armor fought desperately. The terrifying fluctuations spread in all directions, and the gray earth cracked.

Xu Yi kept taking deep breaths, not to make any important decisions, but to inhale more of the overflowing fragrance.

After the seeds sprouted, the aroma became more intense. Xu Yi knew for the first time that "refreshing" was not an adjective, and his soul trembled slightly with comfort.

It wasn't just as simple as being comfortable, his soul was healed.

Severe patients who were terminally ill and ready to die are now considered to have passed the critical period and can be transferred to general wards.

"Just absorbing the fragrance will benefit your soul so much. If you can get this young seedling..."

After thinking for a few seconds, Xu Yi decided to take action.

Anyway, idle time is idle, give it a try without suffering a loss, what if there is an unexpected gain?

The buds have grown an inch long, and the jade-like young leaves are trembling slightly, with pale golden leaf veins flowing, forming extremely complex patterns.

Xu Yi stared at the bud closely and created a soul-stealing seed.

In his current situation, the only method he had was to steal soul seeds.

If his weak soul hadn't recovered slightly after absorbing the aroma, he might still have to hesitate.

The soul-stealing seed floated out from the sculpture of the Serpent of Ending and flew away from the body.

The spirit of the true god was fighting fiercely with the knight's armor and did not notice Xu Yi's little movement.

But as soon as the soul-stealing seed came outside, it suddenly became unable to move. The weak soul-stealing seed could not break through the suppression of the Gate of Truth.

Xu Yi was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. He had thought about being seen through by the spirit of the true god or the knight's armor, but he didn't expect that the fun would be over as soon as he left the house.

It perfectly explains what it means to "die before leaving the battlefield".

There was nothing he could do, but in the next second, the soul-stealing seed moved forward an inch tremblingly.

"Why did the suppression of the Gate of Truth suddenly become weaker?"

Xu Yi looked to the horizon in surprise. There was a huge golden vortex there, and the vortex was gradually shrinking at the moment.

That is the entrance and exit of the door of truth and the source of repressive power.


In Boston, thick fog rolled deep in Rose Park, and screams could be heard endlessly.

The student from Isolt College was clutching his wound and writhing in pain on the ground, covered in grass clippings.

In the open space around the horn metal tower, the Sugar Plum Fairy in a white tutu roared loudly, with overlapping sharp teeth dancing on her face.

White tentacles surged out from its back, which were also covered with sharp teeth.

The tentacles sweep across, and even if the skin is slightly scratched by the fangs, it will cause intense pain, comparable to the tenth level of pain during childbirth. "Tie it up!"

Little Judy stood on the edge of the battlefield, giving orders.

Her work seemed easy, but everyone knew how difficult it was for her. Her face was pale and her little body could not stop shaking.

Under her control, the silver chains wrapped around the Sugar Plum Fairy like a snake.

This chain is not a magic weapon, but the sacred weapon "Augu Chain".

Although it is only an ordinary-level holy weapon, it is also a top-notch treasure that exorcists can only hope to achieve.

Ed, a daughter slave, actually went to great lengths to get little Judy a sacred weapon for self-defense after learning that his daughter was going to attend Iseult Academy.

But after all, Little Judy's abilities are limited, and it is still too difficult to control the sacred weapon to deal with monsters of the Sugar Plum Fairy's level.

If Xu Yi hadn't injected her with the "Dragon Blood Warrior Third Level Potion" before, she might still not be able to drive the Ogu Chain.

The people present were all students of Xu Yi and Youkeni. The worst among them were all injected with the second stage of dragon blood warriors, and there were also a few who were injected with the third stage.

While they were killing, golden light flashed from time to time in their pupils.

At this moment, they were distributed around the Sugar Plum Fairy, each holding a corner of Ogu's chain.


Keyes held the "Lust" kukri in one hand and the chain in the other, roaring loudly.

This former member of the special task force has now grown into a reassuring warrior. He has always kept in mind the mission of revitalizing the Finn family.

The students of East College all worked together, and the Ogu chains tightened, trapping the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Case handed the chain to the classmate beside him, and he rushed out, the "Lust" kukri in his hand emitting a heavy dark golden light.

The light condensed into a huge shield in front of him. The shield forcibly knocked away the tentacles waving around the Sugar Plum Fairy and took the tentacles away from the Sugar Plum Fairy.

At this moment, the Sugar Plum Fairy's middle door is wide open.

"Carrie!" Case roared.

Everything they did was to create conditions for Carrie to be killed. Only Carrie's attack could kill the monster in front of her.

"Sister..." Jia Li couldn't stop trembling all over, and she couldn't even hold the "Jealousy" Knight Sword in her hand.

Although she knew very well that her sister was dead and the monster in front of her was a monster with only the desire to kill, she still couldn't make a move.

She always kept a little hope in her heart.

I hope that one day, my sister will suddenly wake up from this monster's body, then walk up to her, hold her hand and say, "Carrie, let's go fly a kite!"

Everything is just like it was when I was a kid.

"Carrie! Do it quickly!"

Case couldn't hold on any longer, and the shield of light created by the "Lust" Kukri was crumbling.

The Sugar Plum Fairy exerted force suddenly, and one of its tentacles broke free and swept over the person pulling the chain, causing them to scream in agony.

But even in such severe pain, they still did not let go and held on to the chains.

The scream woke Carrie, and she suddenly realized that if her sister was still alive, she would definitely not want to turn into a monster and hurt others.

She couldn't put her classmates in danger because of her own selfishness. This was no longer Kaili Middle School. For the first time in her life, she tasted friendship.

"Jealousy" The knight's sword vibrated, and the blade burst out with bright light. Carrie rushed out suddenly, and the knight's sword penetrated the Sugar Plum Fairy's chest, and the blazing flames exploded in the opponent's body.

The Sugar Plum Fairy's body collapsed in the flames, and her ferocious face collapsed like burnt charcoal. Carrie held the hilt of the sword and stared blankly at the Sugar Plum Fairy.

"Thank you!"

In a daze, Carrie seemed to hear her sister's voice.

Carrie, who was in a daze, came to her senses, only to find that she had already burst into tears.

The Knight's Sword of "Jealousy" trembled with excitement. The remaining essence in the Sugar Plum Fairy's body was absorbed, and the Knight's Sword grew rapidly.

While Carrie was in a daze, the others did not stop. They worked together to destroy the horn metal tower, and the huge light pillar slowly extinguished.

So far, the three towers have been destroyed, and the Door of Truth in the sky has been partially closed.

(End of this chapter)

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