American exorcist god.

Chapter 350 It’s urgent!

Chapter 350 Extremely urgent!

"Almost! Just almost!"

Xu Yi stared at the soul-stealing seed crawling in the air like a snail, his eyes as wide as copper bells.

Since just now, the suppression within the Gate of Truth has continued to weaken, and the soul-stealing seed is finally able to act.

He can probably guess the reason. It should be that the energy supplied to the Gate of Truth is decreasing.

Although it's a snail's crawl, as long as you persevere, you can always reach your destination. The soul-stealing seed finally approached the bud.

As the shoot grows, its energy needs become greater, and the devouring noises become more exaggerated.

A hurricane formed around the buds, swallowing up the energy of the world like a whale, flying sand and rocks.

Perhaps these Philosopher's Stones are of no use to the Gate of Truth, and the Gate of Truth has no intention of stopping it.

The soul-stealing seed reached the edge of the hurricane and was swept in. Although it was a creation of the soul and had no entity, there was "divine light" in the hurricane.

The "divine light" didn't even specifically target the soul-stealing seed. It just passed by it, and the soul-stealing seed instantly fell apart.

Xu Yi's face became ugly. Who knows how much effort he spent to avoid these "divine lights" along the way.

It's like a parkour game. You have overcome countless difficulties and obstacles along the way. You are about to reach the end, but you fall into a deep pit.

At this moment, Xu Yi suddenly heard the sound of water flowing. He was stunned for a moment. Where did the water come from here?

Crystal red liquid poured from the top of the head. They did not fall to the ground, but slowly flowed in the air.

The Philosopher's Stone, and the new Philosopher's Stone.

Xu Yi quickly understood that it was the alchemical weapon "Seven Deadly Sins" that had swallowed up its new origin.

The Gate of Truth completely cut off his perception, and he couldn't even switch to the perspective of the Evil God's Nest to see what was going on outside.

In fact, he still has a lot of philosopher's stones left, but they are all in the toy space. He is currently in the body of the Serpent of the End and cannot get them in at all.

Xu Yi stared at the flowing Philosopher's Stone, his eyes flashing with thought.

Suddenly he had a plan.

The "river" of the Philosopher's Stone suddenly disconnected, and a ladle of crystal red liquid was suspended in front of Xu Yi. The river in front of him looked very big, but in reality, it would only be about 30ml.

Xu Yi once again created a soul-stealing seed.

He also needs to thank the bud. If it weren't for the strange fragrance emitted by the bud, which replenished his soul, it would be difficult for him to create the soul-stealing seed again.

The soul-stealing seed floats towards the Philosopher's Stone and is hidden in the center of the Philosopher's Stone.

That's right! Xu Yi plans to use the Philosopher's Stone as "armor" to protect the soul-stealing seed inside.

He had not given up on the young shoot.

The knight's armor and the spirit of the true god are both creations without intelligence, but when the battle reaches this level, the situation has quietly escalated.

The blazing flames formed golden wings behind the true god's spirit. The wings waved, and the flame feathers shot towards the knight's armor like a sharp sword.

The knight's armor was wrapped in dense vines, and the vines bloomed with black flowers, petals scattered, swirling and cutting around it.

The fire feather was chopped open, and large sparks exploded, falling like light rain.

The two of them fought desperately, but failed to notice that a sesame-sized Philosopher's Stone flew out of the body of the True God Spirit and floated towards the bud.

The hurricane swept away the Philosopher's Stone and mixed it in the "wind sand". No one could find that this Philosopher's Stone was different from the others.

Xu Yi struggled to control the Philosopher's Stone through the Soul Stealing Seed and flew towards the sprout.

It is no longer appropriate to call it a bud. After devouring a large amount of energy, the bud has grown into a "clover", with three emerald-like leaves trembling slightly in the hurricane.

Xu Yi still thought too simply. There was an invisible barrier surrounding "Clover", even the divine light was blocked, let alone his little Philosopher's Stone.

But the next second, a suction force suddenly acted on the Philosopher's Stone. The energy of the Philosopher's Stone was absorbed, and the soul-stealing seed was mixed in that energy and flew into the "Clover". The surprise came so suddenly that Xu Yi couldn't react for a moment.

"Clover" actually took the initiative to absorb the soul-stealing seed!

After being stunned for a moment, he immediately switched to the perspective of the soul-stealing seed.

Everything you see is emerald green, the sky and the earth are full of vitality. Above this green space, there is a golden warm sun suspended.

Xu Yi stared at the warm sun, which was only the size of a palm. He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that it was not the sun at all, but the newly born soul of "Clover".

Without any hesitation, Xu Yi controlled the soul-stealing seed and rushed towards the "Golden Soul".

Of course, the soul-stealing seed that Xu Yi separated when he was in a weak state could not be that powerful. It was similar to that of a dying old man.

But the soul in front of me is not much stronger. It is a newborn baby. The two can be said to be about the same.

The soul-stealing seed successfully integrated into the soul in front of him.

Xu Yi secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he arrived in time, and the soul in front of him was continuing to grow. If it were any later, his weak soul-stealing seed would have no chance.

He decisively activated the soul-stealing seed.

The Soul-stealing Seed spewed out a large number of roots and spread inside "Nuan Yang", causing "Nuan Yang" to squirm painfully.

As a soul born from Clover, it is of course an extremely powerful existence, but it has just been born and its intelligence has not yet been developed. It is like a newborn baby holding a sword in its hand and cannot use it at all.

Even if someone invades its body, it will just "cry loudly".

Xu Yi's soul couldn't help but tremble slightly, not from fear, but from excitement.

Because as the soul-stealing seed took effect, he actually had a sense of control over the soul, although it was extremely weak.

But if a little adds up to a big gain, it may not be impossible to control the other party.

Not only was it a sense of control, the soul-stealing seed also stole some soul power. Although it was not much, it also allowed his soul to be replenished and his blood restored.

But the good times did not last long, the energy of the soul-stealing seed was quickly exhausted, and the "stealing cause" collapsed.

Xu Yi worked non-stop to create a soul-stealing seed, wrapped it in the Philosopher's Stone, and sent it out.

He only has one belief now: the soul will not dissipate and the pace of creating soul-stealing seeds will not stop!

This kind of opportunity is too rare. As long as the soul inside is stronger, the soul-stealing seed will not be able to take effect.

Philosopher's stones the size of mung beans flew towards "Clover".

The soul in "Clover" does not gain wisdom after every bite. It has no idea where the culprit comes from. It is like a baby, instinctively "eating food" when it is hungry.

Xu Yi repeated his old tricks again and again.

No one in the Ring of Destruction could have imagined that when they sent Xu Yi into the Gate of Truth, they originally wanted to kill him, but instead they let him steal the house quietly.

But the worst thing happened, the Philosopher's Stone ran out!

It's not that Xu Yi doesn't want to use a mung bean-sized Philosopher's Stone to carry multiple soul-stealing seeds, but that he can't.

When "Clover" swallows the Philosopher's Stone, the soul-stealing seed will be hidden in the energy flow.

However, the energy of each Philosopher's Stone is limited. If the energy is too little, or there are too many soul-stealing seeds hidden, the soul-stealing seeds will be "squeezed out".

Once the soul-stealing seed is exposed, the consequences are self-evident, and it will be instantly annihilated by the divine light.

Because of his greedy attempt just now, he lost several soul-stealing seeds, which made him feel very distressed.

Where else can I get the Philosopher's Stone?

Urgent! Urgent! Extremely urgent!

Xu Yi was so anxious that he was jumping up and down like an ant on a hot pot, because if he didn't hurry up, the soul in "Clover" would become stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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