American exorcist god.

Chapter 351 Half Man, Half Demon

Chapter 351 Half Man, Half Demon

Eukni and William followed the light beam, but failed to find the metal tower. The slightly desolate suburbs were covered by yellow sand.

It is hard to imagine that a large-scale sandstorm would occur in such an urban area.

Eukni waved the golden scepter in her hand, and a cyan light curtain enveloped the two of them. They walked towards the depths of the yellow sand, unable to see their fingers.

"A mere mortal actually tries to enter the territory of God!"

The yellow sand suddenly condensed into a huge human face, intercepted in front of Eukni, and roared at the two of them.

"What kind of god are you?"

Eukni was amused, feeling that the other person was somewhat insane, and that someone who was not even a false god actually claimed to be a god.

"I am the god of yellow sand who controls all people, no! I am Ramses the Great, the Pharaoh King of Egypt, no! I am God!"

The huge human face condensed with yellow sand showed a painful expression and began to talk nonsense.

The yellow sand in the sky suddenly became violent, and black air currents were attached to the sand. They rolled up the light curtain created by Ukni, and the space inside the light curtain was continuously compressed.

Eukni glanced at William and frowned slightly.

When they were separated into teams, Eukni originally wanted to be alone because she was worth the entire class alone, but William suddenly proposed to go in the same direction with her.

In this current situation, William is inevitably a little delayed.

If she was alone, she could just break into the yellow sand, but now she had to take care of William, which made her feel like her hands were tied.

William is such a shrewd person, how could he not see what Eukni was thinking, he chuckled, "Don't worry about me, I can ensure your own safety."

Ukri looked at William with doubt in his eyes.

William closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, the color of his pupils had changed. The left eye was still ordinary ice blue, but the right eye was red like charcoal fire.

Thorn-like lines spread across William's face, but they only occupied half of his face. Black-red air flow spread out from William's body, and the narrow space of the magic circle was filled with a strong bloody smell.

Eukni took two steps back abruptly and looked at William warily.

She felt a familiar aura from William, it was the aura of the great devil!

"I'm very sorry, I scared you!" William bowed and apologized.

Eukni stared at William's left eye with surprise on her face.

She has seen a lot of William's situation. This is a sign of being possessed. Once a human being is possessed, he will become a monster who only knows how to kill.

But William's eyes were lively, his expression was calm, and he could still talk to her, and he didn't look like he had lost his mind.

"Half-man, half-demon?"

This was the first time for Eukni to see this situation, and she was inevitably surprised.

Although she didn't know how William did it, she imagined that he had to endure inhuman torture and at the same time possess extremely strong willpower.

William smiled and didn’t explain much.

Back then, his heart was contaminated by the evil god Latma. In order to resist the evil god's contamination, he endured inhuman pain day and night, but he gritted his teeth and persevered.

Later, Xu Yi gave him the entry "Body of Wild Beast", and William was surprised to find that he could actually control the power of the evil god to a small extent.

William thought it was Xu Yi's credit. In fact, the "Beast Body" was just a last resort. He had been attacked by the evil god's energy for a long time, causing his body and soul to mutate. This was the root cause.

By chance, William ate a demon's heart.

That was the most dangerous time, and he almost lost his mind. Fortunately, he persisted in the end.

It was also because of that incident that he completely transformed. The dragon blood warrior potion injected later was just the icing on the cake.

After Eukni confirmed that William had the power to protect himself, she suddenly clenched the golden scepter in her hand, and a large amount of dark green flames gushed out from the gem on the top of the scepter.

The flames turned into a huge evil dragon shadow, and Yukni's body merged into the evil dragon shadow.

The evil dragon's shadow vibrated its wings and soared into the sky, crashing into the yellow sand in the sky. Without the protection of the magic circle, tens of thousands of tons of yellow sand poured down, and William was instantly wrapped tightly by the yellow sand.

The yellow sand is constantly shrinking, like a super-heavy hydraulic press. Even steel blocks will be flattened, and the yellow sand condenses into a giant egg.

The aftermath of the battle swept across from time to time, but there was no movement in the "dome".

As time passed, Chen Xiong's roar suddenly came from the yellow sand. The violent fluctuations blew away a large amount of yellow sand. The center of the roar was temporarily cleared, becoming a dust-free land.

The shadow of the evil dragon stretched its head and bit a mummy. That mummy was obviously the culprit of this sandstorm.

The "ball of yellow sand" suddenly burst open, and William, who was covered in black air, broke free from the restraints, and the "greedy" foil sword in his hand burst out with bright light.

He soared into the sky, ignoring the mummy's roar, and pierced the opponent's chest with his foil sword.

Mummies are inherently dead objects, and a hole in the body can only be considered a minor injury. There is no good way for Yukni to handle the mummy.

But the next second, a rich green light burst out from the "Greedy" foil, and bright flowers grew on the mummy's body.

This is the ability of the "Evergreen Sword". As a sacred weapon that controls life, it has a powerful "power of life".

Life is the nemesis of death. Emperor Ramesses roared in terror, but he still could not stop his body from collapsing, and a large number of petals fell with his body.

The "Greed" foil sword trembled excitedly, constantly devouring the remaining origin of Ramses the Great.


"It's really bad luck to pick the toughest guy!"

Xu Changrong looked at the "white jade butterfly" in the sky and sighed.

He had seen the "White Jade Butterfly" in front of him before, when it was wandering over Boston with a horde of monster legions.

He once heard Xu Yi say that this monster's name was Behemoth, and he was a being close to God.

At this moment, Behemoth's momentum was far less than before, but it was still not something he could deal with alone.

Xu Changrong controlled the ghost warrior to roll and avoid Behemoth's tentacles. He was already retreating in his heart.

With the power of the ghost warrior, he should be able to destroy a light source point. Unexpectedly, he had such bad luck and happened to meet Behemoth.

When Xu Changrong was distracted, a tentacle hit the ghost warrior's back. It seemed like the tentacle was just a light wave, but the power contained in it was terrifying.

The ghost warrior was like a cannonball that crashed into the river embankment not far away. A gap was created in the solid embankment, and the river water intercepted here suddenly surged for thousands of miles.

Xu Changrong screamed inwardly, a deep mark appeared on the ghost warrior's back, and white smoke was emitting. The corrosive liquid in the deep mark was spreading and difficult to erase.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from behind. Xu Changrong was stunned for a moment. Behemoth had no feet, so where did the footsteps come from?

He suddenly realized that the voice did not come from the Oni Warriors, but from Yaoyaoya.

His body in Yaoyao's house turned around suddenly. He saw the figure behind him clearly and said in surprise, "Lisa! You're awake!"

Lisa had just woken up, and her eyes were still a little confused. She subconsciously touched her belly, and her palms were warm.

She noticed Xu Changrong's frown and asked, "What happened? Do you need my help?"

"Of course! You woke up just in time!"

Xu Changrong pointed to the standing cabinet standing in the lobby, "The weapons Xu Yi has prepared for you have been forged."

Lisa walked to the metal cabinet. There were three weapons left in it, and her eyes instantly fell on the spear among them.

The first time she saw the spear, she knew it was a weapon prepared for her, and she felt a suitable resonance on the spear.

The moment she held the spear, the confusion in her eyes disappeared, leaving only the surging fighting spirit.

The black carp is already waiting at the door of Yaoyao's house, welcoming its owner.

(End of this chapter)

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