American exorcist god.

Chapter 352 The Light of Killing Gods

Chapter 352 The Light of Killing Gods

Behemoth was chasing after him, and the ghost warrior fled in a hurry, his body covered with scars.

Xu Changrong's actions perfectly illustrate what it means to steal a chicken but lose the rice!

Originally, the ghost warriors had escaped from Behemoth's pursuit range, and Behemoth would only move around the metal tower, like a dove guarding its nest.

But Xu Changrong knew that Lisa would come to support him immediately, and the little thoughts that were extinguished in his heart immediately came back to life.

He used his divinity to neutralize the corrosive liquid behind him, and thought of using the ghost warrior's virtual stealth ability to quietly destroy the tower.

The result was obvious: he failed.

If Lisa doesn't come again, he won't be able to hold on anymore!

A strong wind suddenly fell from the sky, and a huge figure flew down. It was not Lisa, but a ferocious giant beast with black wings on its back and magnificent patterns flowing in the golden vertical pupils.

"Black carp?"

Xu Changrong was a little unsure. At first glance, the giant beast in front of him did look a bit like a black carp, whether it was the furry ears or the slender cat tail.

But when did black carp become so huge?

What's even more amazing is the other party's aura, which is as violent as those ferocious beasts that raged in the age of gods.

The two-winged ferocious beast let out a meow at the ghost warrior. It was this meow that made Xu Changrong confirm the identity of the other party. He was undoubtedly the black carp.

Xu Changrong suddenly remembered something. During this period of time, black carp often appeared next to the monster's corpse.

When he saw the black carp, he was either eating it or on his way to find something to eat.

He didn't pay much attention to this matter at first. Cats are greedy!

But looking back now, according to the eating speed of the black carp, the amount of monster flesh and blood that the other party has eaten may have reached an unimaginable level.

If the black carp is just hungry and wants to find something to eat, it will not need to eat so much monster flesh and blood, and the monster flesh and blood is not delicious.

"The black carp devours the flesh and blood of those monsters in order to seek evolution!" Xu Changrong suddenly understood.

[Current progress of "Demon Heart": 100/100]

If Xu Yi were here, he would definitely find that Black Carp had already filled up the blue-level "Demon Heart" entries with his own efforts without even realizing it.

The black carp opened its mouth, and jet-black liquid spurted out from its mouth, instantly covering the chasing Behemoth.

Black water is extremely heavy, comparable to "Nias steel". "Nias steel" is the heaviest object of the same volume that can be produced in the alchemical world today.

As strong as Behemoth, he was still affected by the black water, and his speed was obviously slowed down.

Lisa sat on the back of Black Carp, holding a spear in her hand, and her golden pupils exuded strong majesty.

She has entered the "Holy Presence" state at this moment, and the sequelae are negligible. "Holy Presence" can be used as a permanent buff.

The dark golden "lazy" spear thrust out, and the flame patterns on the gun's body kept flickering. The tip of the spear collided with Behemoth's body, making a crisp sound of metal collision.

Xu Changrong was ready to step forward to help. He had seen the power of Behemoth, which could be described as "perverted".

But Lisa shouted in vain, awe-inspiring power erupted from her body, and the golden light in her pupils was as intense as a volcano erupting.

She actually forced Behemoth back alive, and at the same time, her spear pierced through Behemoth, and white blood flowed out.

Xu Changrong looked at Lisa in surprise. At that moment, he actually felt the aura of "god" from Lisa.

That is actually the breath that belongs to the true God Jesus.

When Lisa was still an ordinary person, she was fused with the holy blood of the clone of Jesus. After being catalyzed by the Poseidon potion, she had a glimpse of the "body of God".

Behemoth let out an angry roar, and it also felt the divine aura on Lisa's body. It was completely angered, and its tentacles in the sky danced crazily.

"There is no time to waste, just use all your strength!" A third person's voice sounded in the field. Xu Changrong turned to look, his eyes full of surprise, "Maria, are you here too?"

"I'm Ailan, remember not to call me wrong next time!"

Ailan destroyed two metal towers in a row, but her combat power was almost not consumed, because West's help made things extra easy both times.

It's a pity that West parted ways with Tomie Kawakami after he rescued her.

"I'm here to create opportunities for you!"

Xu Changrong controlled the ghost warrior, turned around and rushed towards Behemoth, taking the lead.

He took the first step, raging flames rose from the ghost warrior, and the flame giant suddenly took shape.

He took the second step, and the flaming knife that penetrated the sky condensed in the giant's hand.

In the third step, the flaming sword fell down, and Behemoth was engulfed by the surging flames.

But Xu Changrong soon discovered something that horrified him. His full sword attack actually only broke through the outer layer of Behemoth's skin.

Behemoth looks like a soft-bodied creature. The layer of soft flesh is already amazingly defensive, but under the flesh and blood, there are even stronger white bone plates that protect its core.

In fact, Behemoth was already too weak at this moment.

If the seed hadn't been too weird, the Ring of Destruction wouldn't have been able to capture Behemoth.

Although Xu Changrong was frightened, he still faithfully performed his mission.

The sword skill in his hand changed from attack to defense, and the monstrous flames turned into a flame cage, restraining Behemoth.

Ailan recited in a deep voice, Qingyue's chanting sound flew into the air, and the "Singing of Talent" was activated.

What she responded to was the sound of violent thunder, and the ability of the eight-foot Joan Magatama to give the "arrogant" katana was activated to the extreme.

The dense fog in the sky was suddenly opened, and a huge dark green thunder pillar reached the sky and the earth. Ailan closed his eyes slightly and let his body float in the thunder pillar, and the surging power of thunder and lightning gathered towards the long knife in his hand.

She opened her eyes suddenly and made her strongest slash so far.

"Thunder Slash!"

Ailan's body shot out, and the light of lightning stretched across the sky.

Thunder, Alan, and the long sword...the three merged into one, the long sword and Behemoth intertwined, and the extremely strong bone plate of Behemoth was actually cut open!

A ball of purple flesh squirmed inside Behemoth's body, which was its origin.

"Lisa!" Alan roared loudly.

In a short period of time, she could only use this sword once, which meant that they only had one chance.

Ailan didn't need to remind her, Lisa had already taken action.

She also sang, but her voice was not as clear and clear as Ai Lan's. She seemed to have thunder in her mouth, and when she opened her mouth, the sound of thunder spurted out.

The golden light enveloped the entire spear, the light was bright and dazzling, and the entire area for hundreds of miles was reflected in gold. Lisa seemed to be holding a sun in her hand.

The black carp flapped its wings violently, increasing its speed to the extreme and carrying Lisa across the sky.

The veins on the back of Lisa's hand were exposed. She thrust out the spear in her hand with all her strength. The "lazy" spear penetrated the core of Behemoth, and the golden light burned the purple flesh like purgatory.

The Spear of Longinus was the spear that assassinated the true God Jesus, so it was born with the property of "killing gods."

The "God-killing Light" began to take effect, the purple flesh and blood melted in the light, and Behemoth let out a sharp scream.

The "Greed" spear vibrated, excitedly devouring the remaining essence in Behemoth's body.

(End of this chapter)

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