American exorcist god.

Chapter 353 The "Shareholders" of World Tree

Chapter 353 The "Shareholders" of World Tree

In the door of truth.

The soul in "Clover" continued to grow, but Xu Yi could only watch helplessly. This feeling was particularly painful.

"Enough is enough, don't be greedy!"

Xu Yi continued to take deep breaths and perform self-hypnosis.

After a while, he felt that his heart had become calm, no longer happy with things, no sad with himself, just like an eminent monk who had attained enlightenment.

The sound of water flowing appeared again, and a new Philosopher's Stone fell from the sky. Xu Yi let out a strange scream of excitement, and Sayazi ran towards the Philosopher's Stone.

The idea of ​​"not rejoicing in things" is nonsense. Why would a Buddha fight for a stick of incense?

The Philosopher's Stone that appeared this time was similar to before, also about 30ml.

Xu Yi was a little regretful, because this Philosopher's Stone couldn't last long.

"Sure enough, people's hearts are not enough and snakes swallow elephants!" Xu Yi sighed.

Just now he thought it would be nice if he could have just a little more of the Philosopher's Stone, but now it was far beyond his expectation, and he was dissatisfied with it again.

The next second, a stronger sound of water flow appeared, and a large number of Philosopher's Stones appeared from the void. This time, the Philosopher's Stone was about 100ml, which was a great harvest!

Xu Yi even doubted whether he was the illegitimate son of the goddess of luck. What did he think?

In the following time, Xu Yi completely transformed into a "perpetual motion machine".

Create a soul-stealing seed and stuff it into the Philosopher's Stone. The soul-stealing seed invades "Clover", gaining more control while also stealing part of the soul power...

The number of Philosopher's Stones is decreasing rapidly.

Xu Yi breathed heavily and felt "frightened and short of breath."

He is now a soul body, and this kind of reaction that exists in the body should not appear in him.

This can only mean that his soul is extremely weak, even more serious than the previous illness, and he has already half stepped into the incinerator.

There is no perpetual motion machine in the world. It seems that the soul-stealing seed has replenished the power of his soul, but it only replenishes the surface, and the source of the soul will still be consumed.

Although the consumption rate is very slow, the consequences are still unbearable.

"The soul will not dissipate! The pace of creating soul-stealing seeds will not stop!"

This is not just a slogan, Xu Yi faithfully implements this concept.

This kind of opportunity was so rare that he couldn't waste it no matter what, even if his family's financial resources were exhausted!

But the first thing to support is not the soul, but the Philosopher's Stone.

When the energy of the last Philosopher's Stone was absorbed, the Soul-Stealing Seed exploded into a large number of roots and penetrated deep into the soul of "Clover".

Xu Yi's soul trembled suddenly. He seemed to be integrated with something, feeling the sun rising and setting, the sky and the earth moving, the world and the world forever...

He seemed to be transformed into all things in the universe, feeling the mysterious and profound principles of heaven and earth.

His soul was falling rapidly. The huge green ancient trees continued to expand in front of him, and inexplicable information poured into his mind.

He subconsciously murmured: "World Tree!"

The mysterious and mysterious feeling suddenly disappeared. Xu Yi shuddered violently and stared at the "Clover" outside in disbelief.

The seed before turned out to be the tree species of World Tree!

But how is it possible?

According to ancient records, at Ragnarok, the roots of the World Tree had been chewed off and were completely destroyed after it collapsed.

It is also because of the disappearance of the World Tree that the gods will come to their end and finally disappear in the long river of history.

"The Ring of Destruction is really powerful!" Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh, he could even find the tree species of the World Tree.

Xu Yi stared at the "Clover" swallowing energy with fiery eyes.

It is no longer appropriate to say "clover" now. As it continues to swallow up energy, it has transformed from a clover into a sapling with lush branches and leaves. The Philosopher's Stone has been exhausted, and the "stealing cause" has been terminated again, but Xu Yi is not anxious at all, because there is no need to be anxious now.

The soul of World Tree has grown from a baby to a child. Although it is only the soul of the World Tree in childhood, it cannot be invaded by soul-stealing seeds.

A child with a sharp sword can also kill.

Xu Yi didn't feel it was a pity, because the current situation was the best he could have expected.

The golden soul of the World Tree is covered with a black network like tree roots.

The black network only occupies a very small part of the opponent's soul, but the most important thing is that they have become one with the soul.

If the "Tree Soul" in its infancy is compared to a small company that has just started, then Xu Yi is an angel investor and owns about 5% of the company's shares.

These shares are core shares, original shares, and cannot be diluted. Even if the company develops into a Fortune 5 company, he will still hold % of the shares.

These "black networks" split from Xu Yi's soul will grow and grow together with the soul of the world tree.

Xu Yi was extremely excited when he thought that he had become a "shareholder" of World Tree.

This requires countless favorable circumstances and opportunities to lead to this situation.

Xu Yidu has successfully stolen the house, and the knight's armor is still fighting with the spirit of the true god.

The knight's armor was covered in rust. Before, the original appearance of the armor could be vaguely seen, but now it is completely invisible.

The rust covered it like barnacles, making the knight's armor move sluggishly.

The Spirit of True God is not much better. Most of the long golden thread has been extinguished, and the remaining light is dim. It seems that it can't hold on for much longer.

But compared to the two, this space is the most tragic.

The ground is cracked everywhere, the rivers are dry, and the gray riverbed is exposed. Groups of mountains collapsed, and debris scattered everywhere.

Under the crazy devouring of the World Tree, the "red" in this space almost disappeared, only a little bit remained at the end.

In fact, the number of Philosopher's Stones in this space is not as exaggerated as imagined, it's just that they are all gathered together, so it looks like a lot.

In the distant land, there is still the desolate Gobi Desert, without any trace of the Philosopher's Stone.

Just now, World Treebeard was used to eating sea stuffed fish and meat, but now it suddenly changes to clear soup and little water. Of course he is unwilling to do so. Unfortunately, there are not many Philosopher's Stones left.

The World Tree suddenly flew away in the air.

In this world, there is another existence containing surging energy.

The golden and red intertwined spheres were suspended in the air, radiating light like the sun, but looking at its material, it looked like metal.

The "sun" is made of countless square metal blocks, with dense characters engraved on them.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly as he watched the World Tree rush towards the metal ball, because it was the body of the Gate of Truth.

"They are really more timid than the other!"

Xu Yi's heart suddenly rose. If it were before, he would have wished for World Tree to die, but now he is already a "shareholder" of World Tree.

If the World Tree was a complete entity, it would be understandable that it would challenge the Gate of Truth. But now it is just a "little kid" of two or three years old, and if it challenges the Gate of Truth, isn't that asking for death?

The Gate of Truth feels the provocation of World Tree. As a completely rational existence, it will not have emotions such as anger, it will only respond directly.

The metal ball suddenly cracked, and strong golden light came out from the gap. Xu Yi saw a giant silver eye in the light, and the pupils were composed of circles of mysterious words.

As the eyeball fell, layers of metal surged like waves, forming a huge mechanical body in the blink of an eye.

The one-eyed metal giant stared down, and Xu Yi felt a chill in his heart. Even though he was separated from his body and hidden in the Serpent of the End, he still felt like he had been seen through.

(End of this chapter)

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