American exorcist god.

Chapter 355 Today is a good day

Chapter 355 Today is a good day

Seeing that Xu Yi was about to be sucked into a mummy by the World Tree, the World Tree suddenly trembled, and the powerful suction force disappeared.

In the soul of World Tree, the black network suddenly rioted and stirred like waves.

Xu Yi's "shareholder" status is working, and it is interfering with Yggdrasil.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Yi broke free from the roots of the World Tree and ran forward.

He was full of joy in his heart. If he hadn't stolen part of the control of World Tree, he would definitely be responsible for it now.

The leaves of the World Tree trembled continuously, and the dense roots danced wildly in the air to express its anger.

It obviously didn't intend to let go of the little thief Xu Yi, and its rhizomes began to extend, chasing Xu Yi.

The head of the knight's armor is gone, but it can still move. Its weaknesses are different from humans.

It was unmoved by Xu Yi's theft. Its mission was to protect the World Tree, and everything else was irrelevant.

The black box once again erupted with a suction force, sucking in the roots of the World Tree, and the knight's armor forcibly closed the steel plate on the chest.

Xu Yiru was granted amnesty and secretly gave the knight armor a thumbs up in his heart.

He wanted to put the core of the True God into the toy space, but found that he couldn't do it. He only encountered this situation once.

But there was a sudden suction force from the Serpent of the End in the soul, and the core of the True God was sucked into the Serpent of the End and sealed within it.

Pure soul power continuously overflowed from the Snake of Ending. Xu Yi inhaled those strands of spiritual power, and his dry soul was nourished.

The great effort he put into carving the magic circle on the Serpent of the End was finally not in vain.

Without the resistance of the true god's spirit, the soul power squeezed out was dozens of times greater than before.

These soul powers happen to be absorbed by him without causing waste.

Xu Yi soon had no time to pay attention to this, as the one-eyed metal giant came after him.

Although the other party is trying to teach Yggdrasil a lesson, he knows whether the other party will hurt innocent people, so for the sake of caution, it is better to avoid it.

He ran towards the golden whirlpool in the distance, but he deliberately took a long detour in order to be separated from the knight's armor.

The metal giant chased the knight's armor. Xu Yi breathed a long sigh of relief. The opponent's target was indeed the World Tree.

Xu Yi didn't dare to stay. What he gained from entering the Gate of Truth this time could no longer be described as rich, it was simply an explosion.

Not only did he obtain the "Method of the Strange God", he became a "shareholder" of the World Tree, and finally he obtained the core of the True God.

If something unexpected happened and his work failed, he wouldn't even have a place to cry.

The space at the Gate of Truth was filled with a saltpeter-like smell, the ground was extremely hot, and wisps of black and red smoke came out from time to time.

Xu Yi quickly quickened his pace, the divine light and the philosopher's stone were being reborn.

Thanks to the World Tree, if the other party hadn't swallowed up all the Philosopher's Stone here, causing the divine light to dissipate.

With his strength, he would probably have to burp after walking a few dozen meters here.

The knight's armor jumped into the golden vortex, and the one-eyed metal giant did not continue to pursue. The purpose of the Gate of Truth was only to drive away, not to kill.

The Cyclops turned to look at Xu Yi, and Xu Yi's heart suddenly rose. Fortunately, the other party just glanced at him and returned to the metal sun in the sky.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and jumped into the golden vortex.


The Crow Man and the Lizard Dragon stood under the Door of Truth, watching the light pillars in the sky extinguish one after another, feeling extremely anxious in their hearts.

The light beam went out so fast that it was completely beyond their expectations. Logically speaking, those original sin hosts should be able to persist for a long time, especially the "arrogant" West and the "lazy" host Behemoth.

But the metal tower guarded by these two people was destroyed a long time ago.

"Can the World Tree be resurrected in this little time?" The lizard dragon's tone was full of worry.

The crow man said nothing, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

At this moment, a red figure emerged from the Gate of Truth, and the knight's armor covered in red rust fell from the air and crashed in front of the crow man.

The Crow Man looked at the knight armor on the ground in surprise. He knew very well how powerful the Knight of Destruction was, but now even his head was destroyed.

What happened to the other party at the Gate of Truth?

"The remaining souls on the Destruction Knight have been exhausted!" The Lizard Dragon checked the knight's armor and came to the conclusion.

The Crow Man's heart thumped. All spiritual bodies have been exhausted. Can the World Tree still be intact?

The Destruction Knight's chest suddenly popped open, and a green sapling lay quietly in the black box.

"World Tree! World Tree is alive!"

The lizard dragon was shaking with excitement. If he were not reincarnated now, he might have burst into tears.

The black box is made of withered World Tree. The soil inside comes from the "Land of Final Source". It is the soil where World Tree was once cultivated, so the newly born World Tree is willing to stay inside.

The crow people were also in ecstasy. They had been staying here instead of protecting the metal tower, just to wait for the World Tree to prevent accidents.

The crow man covered the black box with a lid made of the same material, then took out the entire box, and finally tied the box tightly with a bandage engraved with a spell.

There was a sudden sound of cracking in the sky, and the crow man suddenly turned his head to look.

He is now like a bodyguard transporting heavy treasures. Any slightest disturbance can make him jump with fear.

"Xu Yi?!" The crow man looked at the figure in the sky in disbelief. He couldn't even think of how the other party survived the Gate of Truth.

Of course Xu Yi also saw the crow man. He glanced at the black box in the other person's hand, and the longing in his eyes flashed away.

But his first reaction was not to step forward to snatch it, but to turn around and run away.

After leaving the Gate of Truth, he had the time to check the state of his body. It was simply miserable, like a room that had been ravaged by huskies.

Damn the true spirit of God! Xu Yi's teeth were itching with hatred. If it wasn't his own body, he would not cherish it and would destroy it with all his strength.

This kind of damage is deep-seated, and even with the super-accelerated regeneration entry, there is no way to recover in a short time.

Not only is his soul weak now, but his body is in a mess. He doesn't have much fighting power at all. If he doesn't leave quickly, will he wait to die here?

"Stop him!" The crow man was stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted and shouted angrily.

You only need to take a casual glance to know what Xu Yi's condition is. He is simply dying.

He was a little regretful. In fact, he should have discovered this a long time ago, but because he was too surprised just now, he could not react immediately.

Xu Yi just took a few steps forward when a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the side. His face changed slightly, he squeezed out a trace of strength from his body and dodged it like a dog chewing mud.

The lizard dragon jumped into the air, but was not in a hurry to pursue, and stared at Xu Yi coldly.

He reacted faster than the crow man, and he had already taken action the moment the crow man made a sound.

He stared at Xu Yi rolling on the ground with a playful look in his eyes.

He was in a great mood at the moment. Not only had he resurrected the World Tree, he was also able to kill Xu Yi. It was a great day.

But he was suddenly stunned. Xu Yi was so embarrassed, but a smile appeared on his face.

If Xu Yi knew what Lizard Dragon was thinking at this moment, he would definitely agree. He also felt that today was a good day.

(End of this chapter)

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