American exorcist god.

Chapter 356 Is it really useless to have too many people?

Chapter 356 Is it really useless to have too many people?

The lizard dragon suddenly turned around and looked behind him warily. Two figures came out of the fog, the leader of whom had a frosty face.

"Good evening! Ms. Evil Dragon Queen Youkeni!" Xu Yi greeted loudly, appearing to be in high spirits.

I can't help but be less excited. At this critical moment, the reinforcements arrived just in time!

Xu Yi did not forget William and nodded at the other party, and William responded with a smile.

After Eukni and William dealt with Emperor Ramesses, they rushed here because they found a figure coming out of the high-altitude door.

The lizard dragon kept staring at Eukni, dismissing William next to him.

In his perception, William was just an ordinary exorcist and posed no threat.

But when William roared like a beast, entered the half-human, half-demon state, and the violent aura rushed towards his face, the lizard dragon's expression changed slightly.

The Crow Man stepped out from behind him and stood side by side with him.

Lizard Dragon breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his long-time friend beside him. Although the opponent had more people, Xu Yi was seriously injured now, so the advantage was still on their side.

"There is no use in large numbers..." Lizard Dragon said leisurely.

"Oh, is it true?"

Someone answered him in the thick fog.

Three figures strode forward from the mist. The leader, Ai Lan, was holding a samurai sword and his eyebrows were as sharp as knives.

Lisa sat on the back of the giant black carp, silent and speechless, but no one could ignore her. Her golden eyes gave people awe-inspiring power.

The flaming red ghost warrior armor looked at the lizard dragon provocatively. What he just said was what he said. Only a talkative man like Dad would do such a thing.

The lizard dragon was speechless. Xu Changrong's words were heart-wrenching.

But this is just the beginning, far from the end.

A shadowy figure walked out of the thick fog. The church members headed by Arturo, a man in black wearing a uniform, were masters from Boston.

The Lizard Dragon and the Crow Man felt heavy. They had been completely surrounded. There was no way they could be opponents.

Xu Yi took out the alchemy revolver from the toy space. It was filled with ordinary exorcism bullets, and he pulled the trigger.

As the first shot was fired, everyone took action together, and an overwhelming attack enveloped the two people.

After leaving the Gate of Truth, Xu Yi's "communication" was finally restored, and he used the ghost warrior as a medium to contact Xu Changrong.

The ghost warrior who rushed towards the lizard dragon paused suddenly, then changed direction and rushed towards the crow man, while quietly entering the virtual state.

The lizard dragon and the ghost warrior were too tired to deal with it. It was difficult for them to even dodge, let alone fight back.

The people present were all masters among masters. This power was enough to easily destroy a small country, but now it was only used against two people.

A piercing green lightning shot towards the crow man. The crow man avoided the sword ray at the cost of resisting Arturo's "holy nail".

The sword light comes from Ailan, who holds the "arrogant" katana, and that long sword inherits the ability of the eight-foot magatama.

Those green electric lights can paralyze the soul and can be said to be the nemesis of the reincarnation device, so the crow people would rather suffer other attacks than be hit by the electric light.

But Arturo's "Holy Nails" were not easy to carry. The pure white nails contained frightening power. The crow man was blasted into the ground. With a loud bang, a deep pit was formed.

The people in the church and the masters in Boston did not launch any more attacks.

After they discovered that their attacks were ineffective against the two "iron monsters", they took the initiative to act as assistants and jointly set up a powerful magic circle to suppress the two men's actions.

Therefore, no one's attack can be easily ignored, even William, the weakest person present, the "Greed" foil's life reversal ability is too weird.

The golden "Spear of Judgment" fell from the sky, and Lisa threw the "Lazy" spear in her hand. She could summon the spear back at will without worrying about losing it.

The aura of the god-killing light was frightening. The crow man dodged with difficulty, but was still affected by the spear. His shoulder was penetrated by the spear and was cracked inch by inch.

Before the crow man could breathe a sigh of relief, a creepy feeling suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart.

Xu Yi held the alchemy revolver tightly with one hand and aimed at the crow man's left chest. He had studied the structure of the eight-headed sea snake, and with his careful observation just now, he could probably determine that the left chest of the crow man should be where the core is.

The trigger was pulled and the bullet left the chamber.

What came out this time was not an ordinary exorcism bullet, but a Ceres bullet, and the Bone of the True God's warhead moved forward inexorably.

The crow man couldn't dodge, so he swung the Death Scythe in his hand, but not to kill the bullet, because he knew he couldn't do it, and the Death Scythe hit his chest.

The moment the scythe touched his body, it turned into a large number of metal components, which were stacked on his left chest to form a solid shield.

The bullet collided with the shield. The shield only lasted for two seconds before being pierced. The bullet penetrated inch by inch and penetrated the Crow Man's outer armor. After the energy of the True God's Bone was exhausted, the bullet shell was embedded inside.

Before the crow man had time to rejoice, a fiery red figure suddenly jumped out from behind. It was a ghost warrior.

In fact, when the ghost warrior disappeared, the crow man was still secretly vigilant, but as fatal attacks followed one after another, he was also helpless.

The crow man suddenly had a large number of dead souls, because the ghost warrior did not pursue the victory, but rushed towards his chest.

In order to avoid losing it, he attached the black box containing the World Tree to his chest and watched it at all times.

"The ghost warriors came for the World Tree from the beginning!" The crow man suddenly understood.

In fact, Xu Changrong didn't know what was in the box. He just got a message from Xu Yi's soul, asking him to snatch the black box from the other party.

What the ghost warrior holds in his hand is not the demon sword Guren, but the Yamata Hammer.

With the infusion of a large amount of divinity, the vertical pupils on the Qi Snake Hammer opened, and the hammer's body glowed with a rich golden red.

Flames surged inside the Oni Samurai's armor, and he exploded with all his strength, slamming the Snake Hammer onto the black box.

The black box made of World Tree was extremely strong and was not damaged. However, under the huge force, the black box separated from the crow man.

The ghost warrior rushed towards the black box.

"No!" The crow man was shocked and angry.

He would rather the other party came for him, not to mention just this reincarnation device, even his soul is not as important as this world tree.

Suffering successive blows, the Crow Man is at the stage where the old strength has gone and the new strength has not yet emerged, and there is no way to stop it.

Just as the ghost warrior was about to grab the black box, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side. The lizard dragon slammed into the flying ghost warrior and hugged the black box.

Half of the Lizard Dragon's body was destroyed, and out-of-control arcs of electricity were jumping all over its body. You can imagine what a tragic price the Lizard Dragon paid for this save.

Xu Yi secretly sighed that it was a pity that he could almost grab the World Tree!

He stared into the crow man's eyes, and for some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

He seemed to see determination in the other party's red stone pupils.

"Missus, take the black box and leave!" the crow man suddenly said.

The Lizard Dragon was stunned. "Masi" was his real name. When operating outside, in order to keep it secret, they would never call each other by their real names.

He was so surprised that he ignored the second half of what Augustus the Crow said.

With their current situation, how could he leave with the black box?

The crow man's eyes fell on the knight's armor not far away. The headless armor lay there quietly, motionless.

"Augustus, you..." The lizard dragon Missus suddenly understood the other person's thoughts, and actually subconsciously called the other person's real name.

The crow man didn't say anything. He waved his hand violently, and the rusty knight's armor flew towards him.

"Stop him!" Xu Yi roared angrily.

He had actually been paying attention to the knight's armor on the ground, and the horror of the armor left a deep impression on him.

But the two people in the Ring of Destruction were already in danger, and there was still no movement in the knight's armor, which reassured him a little.

He didn't take the initiative to get close to the knight's armor, for fear that it would cause stress and cause the other party to suddenly come to life.

Now the crow man summoned the knight armor. Although he didn't know what the other party was going to do, it was definitely not a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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