American exorcist god.

Chapter 357: Violent "Treant"

Chapter 357: Violent "Treant"

The overwhelming attacks swept towards the crow man, but the crow man actually did not dodge, he just stood there and let the attacks fall on him.

The ghost warrior did not attack the Crow Man. He held the Snake Hammer and strode towards the knight's armor.

The golden sledgehammer slammed into the armor, and the knight's armor was smashed away like a cannonball.

Xu Changrong thought very simply. Since the other party wanted to summon this broken armor, couldn't he just "drive" it away?

Seeing the knight armor moving away from the ghost warrior, Xu Yixuan's heart did not let go, because both the crow man and the lizard dragon acted too calmly.

The crow man's left eye was destroyed and one of his metal legs was broken. He was half kneeling on the ground, still staring in the direction of the knight's armor.

The knight's armor suddenly collapsed, and a black and green seed rushed out of the wreckage and flew towards the crow man.

Xu Yi stared at the half-dead World Tree seed.

Compared with the first time I saw it, the seeds at this moment have withered much and look dying.

It seems that driving the knight's armor and entering the gate of the true god is not without consumption of this seed.

Xu Yi raised his gun and fired, and the Ceres bullet accurately intercepted the tree species.

The invincible Ceres bullet only stopped for a moment. When the energy of the Bone of the True God was exhausted, the tree species still flew into the crow man's body, just like a drop of water merging into the sea.

The lizard dragon turned his head away, unable to bear to look.

If you want to unleash the power of the World Tree's seeds, there are usually two types of carriers, one is the all-spirit body, and the other is an "eternal soul" like them.

But whether it is the all-spirit body or the eternal soul, after becoming the carrier of the world's tree species, it is impossible to separate until the tree species consumes the carrier's soul.

In other words, after the Crow Man merges with the tree species, he will definitely die.

The metal scales on the surface of the crow man opened and closed, and fine vines spread out from the gaps. The crow man's body was tightly entangled, but in the blink of an eye, he had turned into a "tree man".

Black-green leaves grew on the vines. The leaves burned, and the black-green flames merged into the Crow Man's body. Rich black-green steam steamed from the Crow Man's body.

The expressions of everyone present changed, their bodies trembled slightly, and their souls also trembled.

The extremely violent breath hit their faces, and they seemed to have turned into weak ordinary people again, driving a small boat on the sea. The overwhelming tsunami had surrounded them, and the small boat might capsize at any time.

The lizard dragon hugged the black box in his arms tightly, he already understood.

Augustus not only made his soul a carrier, he burned the tree seeds and also burned his own soul.

It leaves no escape route at all, so it can reach such a terrifying level.

The people present looked at Xu Yi subconsciously. Although they didn't say it explicitly, they all regarded Xu Yi as their backbone, including people from Boston and the church.

They all knew that they could not be the opponents of the "Tree Man".

Whether to fight or retreat, Xu Yi has a clearer understanding than all of them.

But they were suddenly stunned, because Xu Yi disappeared. Xu Yi had already slipped away quietly when the "tree man" entered the violent state.

They didn't think that Xu Yi ran away from the battlefield, but they were just curious about the other party's intention.

"Delay as much time as possible! Xu Yi is going to prepare a secret weapon!"

The ghost warrior wandered around the battlefield, lowering his voice and sending messages to everyone.


Xu Yi sat on the back of the black carp. The black carp flapped its wings and flew towards the source of the light beam.

There are only two of the seven light pillars left in the sky, and the light is still gradually dimming. There is not enough energy to sacrifice, and the door of truth is slowly closing.

The moment the tree seed entered Crowman's body, he knew that things were irreversible.

Even if he used resurrection coins to try again, he had no confidence that he could stop the opponent, not to mention that he only had two chances to revive today.

His body has not recovered yet, and the strength he can exert is very limited. Instead of playing soy sauce there, it is better to find a way to solve the opponent's problem.

Xu Yi looked at the final snake in his soul.

On the Snake of the End, the snake heads representing "jealousy", "greed" and "lazy" respectively are filled with bright light at this moment.

This means that these three original sin weapons have been "charged". He already knew what happened. The "jealous" Sugar Plum Fairy, the "jealous" Ramses the Great, and the "lazy" Behemoth were all solved with corresponding weapons.

After these three weapons swallowed up the remaining origins, they have reached the standard of fusion.

"If we can synthesize the 'Ultimate Martial Arts', we may be able to defeat the Crow Man!"

This is what Xu Yi came up with.

"Ultimate Martial Arts" can be fused three times in total. This is the first time, so the energy requirements are not very high.

"There are four original sin weapons left. Anger and gluttony are easy to talk about, but lust and arrogance?"

Xu Yi's brows wrinkled involuntarily, and now he could only take one step at a time.


"Kes! Block it!"

As Little Judy roared, Keith rushed out with the "Lust" kukri in hand, blocking the students with a dark yellow shield.

Tentacles surged forward, and the shield remained motionless like a dam blocking the flood.

Carrie shouted fiercely, slashed out the "Jealousy" Knight Sword in her hand, and the strong fire wind surged towards the tentacle monster in front.

Their "Tower Pushing Team" was relatively far away from the Gate of Truth and could not learn the situation there in time, so they still faithfully implemented the original plan.

"Has it become so small?"

Xu Yi looked at the "Taotie" host Owuwa below in surprise. When he was in the ruins of Atlantis, the opponent was so huge.

He finally made it to one of the metal towers.

This is also due to Black Carp, otherwise with his seriously injured body, he still doesn’t know when he will arrive.

Owuwa is only the size of an adult. It is obviously in the shape of a human, but there is no human organ to be found. Its entire body is composed of tentacles.

I don’t know what kind of transformation the Ring of Destruction has made to it, so that it looks like this.

"We must fight quickly!"

Xu Yi knew that there was no time for him to waste. The people on the battlefield over there were in dire straits and he had to seize the time.

He raised the alchemy revolver in his hand to aim, activated the Silent Domain, pulled the trigger, and fired two shots in a row, all of which were Ceres bullets.

Now I can no longer care about the precious Ceres bullets.

The bullets hit Okumuwa's chest and head respectively. Okumuwa screamed in pain, and his tentacles danced wildly.

Xu Yi's eyes lit up, and he knew the opportunity had come.

At the same time, two streams of light slipped from the sky and flew into Xu Yi's hands. They were the "Taotie" dagger and "Wrath".

After leaving the Gate of Truth, he began to summon these two weapons. The weapon flew out of Notting Hill and only now did it reach his hands.

With the blood burning, Xu Yi squeezed out the little strength left in his body and threw the "Taotie" dagger violently.

The black-gold dagger passed through the gap in the tentacles and pierced Owuwa's chest. The seriously injured Owuwa was unable to resist, and the essence in his body was gradually extracted.

At this moment, a golden light flew through the air, illuminating the foggy Boston. It was the Blade of Scourge, and it flew towards the last light source point.

Boston's most powerful weapon is finally activated.

It's not that Boston's top brass responded slowly, but because other towers are around the city, the Scourge Blade has strong radiation and is not suitable, and the Scourge Arc is not powerful enough.

The metal tower guarded by the "Angry Tree" should have been in the city.

But after the Wrath Tree's hiding place was discovered, the people in the Ring of Destruction had no choice but to move outside the city, giving them the opportunity to use the Blade of Scourge.

The Blade of Divine Punishment fell, and Xu Yi stared at the golden sun rising from the horizon. The dazzling light reflected the surrounding dense fog into gold.

Xu Yi was a little happy, because he could save a lot of time.

The pure radiation of the Scourge Crystal cannot harm the origin of original sin, and he does not have to worry about the origin being destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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