American exorcist god.

Chapter 358 The Sea of ​​Trees Arrives

Chapter 358 The Sea of ​​Trees Arrives

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Xu Yi subconsciously urged the black carp who was sitting down. The black carp roared. It was already extremely fast and tried its best to make itself go faster.

All the light pillars in the sky disappeared, and without the energy sacrifice, the door of truth slowly closed, and finally disappeared into the mist.

Xu Yi rushed to the location where the Blade of Scourge fell, found the dying Angry Tree, and used Tang Dao to absorb the essence of the opponent.

At this moment, he is rushing back. He has left the Evil God's Nest on the edge of the battlefield so that he can keep an eye on the situation there at any time.

After the crow man fused the half-decayed World Tree seeds, the level was probably beyond his expectation. After just a short time, the situation was already precarious.

At this moment, the direction of the battlefield suddenly shook. Xu Yi could see the situation over there without even using the Evil God's Nest.

A huge sea of ​​trees rose from there, towering into the clouds, with black and green vines dancing wildly like a group of snakes.

Even from such a distance, Xu Yi could feel the suffocating pressure.

"This is...the realm?!"

Xu Yi's heart instantly fell to the bottom, and a realm stronger than Behemoth took shape there.


At the edge of the sea of ​​trees, Kawakami Tomie turned to look at West next to him and asked, "What should we do now?"

"Mr. Xu Yi is an old friend of ours, of course we have to help." West answered with a smile as he held his eyes between his nose.

Kawakami Tomie rolled her eyes. Women are said to be fickle. She felt that the man in front of her was even more fickle. It was clear that more than ten minutes ago, this man had a different story.

She remembers West saying righteously at the time: "The Ring of Destruction has helped us a lot, and we can't let them be bullied."

"You are really a loser!" Tomie Kawakami couldn't help but complain.

"How can I be considered a loser? The loser is the strong gang over there, and we are the weak gang over there." West shrugged.

"Does that mean you will also be awarded the title of Ambassador of Poverty Alleviation?" Tomie Kawakami was speechless, "Don't you just want them to lose out?"

"Don't talk about me in such a dark way." West's face suddenly became serious, "Okay, stop chatting. If we don't take action, something will happen to our good friend."

Kawakami Tomie curled his lips. The word "dark" placed on the other person's head was simply an insult to the word "dark". It should be called "perverted".


Lisa ran wildly in the sea of ​​trees, with black and green vines sweeping in from all directions. She seemed to be walking in a sea of ​​vines.

Her spirit was highly concentrated. In this sea of ​​books, even a dead leaf could become a fatal weapon. She almost had her throat cut by a leaf just now.

Those vines are even more terrifying. Once they are accidentally entangled, the life force in the body will be continuously extracted.

"Lazy"'s spear swept across, cutting off the vines that sneaked up from the side, sending sawdust flying everywhere.

Lisa didn't dare to stay at all and continued to run forward. These vines could continue to regenerate and it was impossible to deal with them all.

While running wildly, Lisa touched her belly and subconsciously placed the spear in front of her belly.

A black shadow suddenly jumped out from the side, and Lisa's golden pupils trembled in fear. This time it was not a vine, but a crow.

The opponent's body has been hiding in this sea of ​​trees, peeping at everyone, ready to attack at any time!

Lisa only had time to activate the god-killing light of the spear, but she had seen the opponent's terror and knew very well that she could not withstand the opponent with this alone.

A look of despair appeared in her eyes. At this moment, a familiar figure descended from the sky, pounced on the crow man, and slammed him into the tree stump.

The black carp flapped its wings and pushed back the vines that rolled towards Lisa. Lisa fell on the back of the black carp, and the two fled quickly.

Lisa stared at Xu Yi's back, her eyes worried, but she felt inexplicably relieved.

Xu Yi held the "Taotie" dagger in his left hand, and the dagger flashed with light.

He tried his best to activate the soul sealing ability, but found that the soul in the crow's body was thin and had completely merged with the half-decayed tree species. The vines on the crow's body surged and weaved into a dense vine net, covering Xu Yi.

The "Angry" Tang Dao in Xu Yi's right hand slashes horizontally. The "Angry" Tang Dao with the ability to "cut space" is the sharpest among the Seven Deadly Sins.

Tang Dao cut through the vines in front of him, but was unable to defend himself. A vine appeared silently behind him, fell like a spear, and instantly penetrated his chest.

Feeling the life force in his body being rapidly extracted, Xu Yi's eyes narrowed, preparing to fuse the "Ultimate Martial Arts".

Although the two weapons "Pride" and "Lust" have not been fully charged, forced fusion will lead to a reduction in the potential of the "Seven Deadly Sins", but they can't control that much now.

Just when he was about to summon the "Seven Deadly Sins", a figure in a red slit dress suddenly rushed out, and she threw herself at the vine that penetrated Xu Yi.

"Tomie Kawakami?!"

Xu Yi was slightly shocked. He didn't expect to see the other party under such circumstances.

Tomie Kawakami hugged the vines and winked at Xu Yi, "Handsome boy, we meet again!"

As he spoke, a strong black light filled Tomie Kawakami's body and flashed violently. Xu Yi's eyelids twitched and he subconsciously covered his face with his hands.

The next second, Tomie Kawakami's body exploded, and black light enveloped the vines and the crow people below who wanted to pursue him.

Xu Yi was able to escape, but he was disgraced. He was also affected by the black light, and the hair floating on his forehead was destroyed.

The other party definitely did it on purpose. With Tomie Kawakami's explosive control, it shouldn't have affected him. The other party was retaliating for the original revenge.

More and more red figures appeared, they all looked exactly the same, and swarms of Tomie Kawakami swarmed towards the crow people like a colony of ants.

The "black light bomb" was detonated again and again. Xu Yi looked at the Crow Man "bumping" in the explosion and secretly smacked his tongue.

Kawakami Tomie's infinite splitting ability, coupled with self-destruction, is simply a perfect combination of abilities.

The ground suddenly shook violently, and the entire sea of ​​trees was as restless as boiling water. The vines were rushing like black and green waves, and they were rushing in the same direction.

A giant over twenty meters tall broke into the sea of ​​trees. The giant had three huge heads, each of which was covered with ferocious faces.

Its body is "overgrown with branches", which are actually pale human limbs. It can be seen that the giant in front of him is formed by the fusion of countless living zombies.

The gentle West stood on the shoulders of the zombie and smiled warmly at Xu Yi below.

Tomie Kawakami and West were undoubtedly strong reinforcements, but Xu Yi frowned involuntarily.

Although the other person said he was his friend, he knew very well that there was no friendship at all between the two.

And it's impossible for people like West to help out of pure "friendship."

"What is the purpose of these two people?" Xu Yi thought to himself.

The vines in the sea of ​​trees can extract vitality. They penetrate into the body of the zombie giant, like the pipes of a blood pump, continuously sucking the giant's vitality.

This is not "vitality" in the narrow sense. It should be said that "driving energy" is more appropriate. Even dead creatures still have driving energy, and vines can absorb most of the driving energy.

The driving energy of the zombie giant is fluorescent green. After the vines absorbed it, they actually started to lose control and attack each other.

West has an amazing IQ, how could he make the stupid mistake of sending in a "power bank"?

He already had a way to deal with this sea of ​​trees.

With the addition of Tomie Kawakami and West, the situation began to reverse and develop in a favorable direction.

At this moment, an angry roar suddenly came from below the sea of ​​trees.

Xu Yi shivered slowly, and every hair on his body was trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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