American exorcist god.

Chapter 360 The Ultimate Martial Arts! Congeal!

Chapter 360 The Ultimate Martial Arts! Congeal!

Xu Yi's eyes instantly turned red. He pulled out the "Lust" kukri from Tomie Kawakami's chest. The kukri was fully charged and the blade was trembling.

He roared and rushed out. He only had one thought in his mind at the moment, Lisa must not be harmed.

The already weak body actually squeezed out strength again. Xu Yi's speed reached the peak limit. He slammed into the black carp. The black carp was thrown away as if it was hit by a battering ram.

It was impossible for Xu Yi to choose to bump into Lisa, so he could only work hard for Black Carp.

Black-green flames were produced out of thin air, and Xu Yi was enveloped in it before he could react.

He shuddered violently. Not only did the flame not have high temperature, but it was filled with a bone-chilling cold, which froze his soul.

Strangely, the flesh and blood on the surface of his body was disappearing.

"Fusion!" Xu Yi took a deep breath and muttered silently in his heart.

The alchemical weapon "Seven Deadly Sins" suddenly trembled violently, even the "Jealousy" knight sword in Carrie's hand.

The black-gold film covered the surface of Xu Yi's body, resisting the terrifying black-green flames. Xu Yi temporarily got rid of the severe cold and regained his ability to move.

He held the "Lust" kukri tightly in his hand. Under the pull of the kukri, his body rose into the air and rushed towards the "Eye of the Vine".

Lisa escaped, but she was not out of danger. Someone had to attract the attention of the "Eye of the Vine", otherwise those terrifying flames would fall on Lisa.

"Xu Yi!" Lisa shouted angrily in grief.

She thought Xu Yi was going to sacrifice himself so that she could have a chance to escape. She wanted to pounce on him, but the black carp bit him tightly at the corner of his clothes.

She suddenly calmed down because Xu Yi made an "OK" gesture towards her. Based on her understanding of Xu Yi, if the other party was really preparing to die, he would not behave like this.

The lizard dragon watched this scene coldly.

Even the half-decayed World Tree species cannot be solved by these people. When the World Tree is in its full glory, it is an existence that even the God King must worship.

In his opinion, Xu Yi's calmness at the moment was all forced, and his struggle was like a trapped beast's fight.

But he soon discovered that something was wrong, not because of Xu Yi, but because of the streams of light traveling through the air. Each stream of light contained dark golden weapons.

The "Seven Deadly Sins" revolve around Xu Yi, as if they are guarding their king. Xu Yi stared at the vine eyes in front of him with an expressionless face.

The Eyes of Vine sensed Xu Yi's provocation, and raging flames appeared in the void, condensing into ferocious palms.

In front of the huge flaming palm, Xu Yi felt like an ant facing a human palm.

He was grabbed violently, the flames kept squeezing inward, and the black-gold film was in danger.

The "Lust" kukri made a crisp sound, and the khaki shield light rose from the kukri. He held the shield and forcibly broke through the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him.

He was already very close to the Eye of the Vine, and the raging vines swept towards him. He suddenly thrust the kukri into the vines.

The large vines collapsed like moths encountering fire, but more vines swept in and swept the kukri away.

Xu Yi turned a blind eye to this, and his body fell. He casually grabbed the "Angry" Tang Dao next to him, and let the Tang Dao take him to continue flying to higher places.

He came to the core of the pupil. The crow man was close in front of him, but the surging vines had also surrounded him.

Xu Yi had nowhere to hide. He grabbed the "Taotie" dagger with his left hand and threw it towards the crow man.

The dagger's soul sealing ability was activated, erupting with a powerful suction force, but before the dagger could get close to the Crow Man, it was swept away by the vines.

Not only the "Glutton" dagger, but also the "Arrogance" katana, the "Laziness" spear, the "Jealous" knight sword and the "Greed" foil sword surrounding him were all tightly entangled with vines.

The crow man seemed to have regained some of his intelligence. He looked at Xu Yi who was very close at hand, and joy flashed in his pupils. It's a pity that he couldn't see any panic on Xu Yi's face.

Xu Yi formed a mudra on his left hand. The crow man's remaining sanity made him a little confused. Could it be that the other party wanted to use some Eastern European secret technique?

There is a special sect in that place, which uses handprints to display their own abilities.

He saw the sarcastic smile on Xu Yi's face and suddenly realized that it was not a handprint at all, but a thumbs down gesture of contempt.

The crow man was angry, and he was bound to make the other party pay the price.

But the raging vines suddenly couldn't get any further, and the weapons caught in the vines trembled violently. They erupted into bright black-gold light, and the rays of light connected with each other, forming a huge magic circle in the air.

The Formation of the Seven Deadly Sins!

The crow man was enveloped by the magic circle, and he felt as if a sacred mountain was rolling over him, crushing him into powder.

"Is...that's all you have...this little ability?" the crow man said tremblingly.

Logically speaking, his sanity was about to disappear, but in this case, he actually wanted to ridicule Xu Yi, which shows the depth of his hatred for Xu Yi.

The crow man suddenly opened his mouth, and strong black light spurted out from his mouth. The center of the light was the half-dead World Tree seeds. At this moment, almost all the seeds turned black.

Black light swept across, and the light curtain of the Seven Deadly Sins Formation cracked, like broken glass, with cracks spreading continuously.

Xu Yi smiled and did not fight back.

He would always be generous to those who were about to die.

The Formation of the Seven Deadly Sins is just the foreplay of the fusion, the real show is yet to come.

"The ultimate martial art! Ning!"

Xu Yi shouted angrily in his heart.

The seven alchemical weapons vibrated together, and the sound they made formed a passionate tune. If this tune had a name, it would be named: "Judgment!"

"Angry" Tang Dao broke away from Xu Yi's hand and flew away in the air. Other alchemy weapons also flew towards a point.

The seven weapons all exuded a rich light. They collided like six meteorites, but there was no explosion or earth-shattering movement. There was only light, the ultimate brilliant golden light.

The light slowly dissipated, and the seven alchemical weapons disappeared, leaving only a strange-shaped long knife floating quietly in the air.

It was a knife, extremely thin and long, shaped like a willow leaf.

Various patterns appeared on the blade, including water flow, lightning, vines... They were densely intertwined, forming some kind of mysterious words.

The crow man obviously couldn't feel any energy on the knife, but he actually trembled slightly subconsciously.

With a thought, Xu Yi's long knife automatically flew in front of him.

He took a deep breath and reached out to hold the "ultimate weapon" in front of him.

The reason why the ultimate weapon looks like a long sword is because the weapon he is good at using is a long sword. The ultimate weapon will change into different weapon forms according to the host's ability.

"What a dangerous man!"

West noticed the situation above and couldn't help but sigh.

He had a hunch that the weapon in Xu Yi's hand could kill him completely.

(End of this chapter)

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