American exorcist god.

Chapter 361 Just a temporary cry

Chapter 361 Just a temporary cry

The crow man looked at the long knife in Xu Yi's hand in fear. He could not detect any danger on the long knife, but it was the greatest danger.

That sword has far surpassed the mythical holy weapon.

Is it a "god weapon"?

Crow Man has never seen the artifact, and the artifact has long since disappeared in the long river of history, so he can't be sure.

He activated the decayed World Tree seeds, and blazing black-green flames surged towards Xu Yi.

Xu Yi ignored the raging flames. The moment he grasped the Ultimate Martial, the dark golden film covering his surface expanded and condensed into the phantom of the Ultimate Snake.

The Serpent of Ending raised its head and roared silently, and a realm was formed, cutting off the flames that filled the sky. Xu Yijing stood in the sea of ​​fire, unmoving.

This is one of the abilities of the Ultimate Martial Arts. He holds a long sword in his hand and his domain is self-generated, firmly protecting Xu Yi.

This is why Xu Yi dared to break in here with a seriously injured body.

The crow-men found the fire useless and roared in rage. A large number of vines broke and fell from the sky. They were entangled and twisted with each other, changing into human shapes.

The vine people fell into the sea of ​​fire, and the flames rushed towards the vine people, igniting them in a moment and turning them into blazing torches.

The dense crowd of burning people rushed towards Xu Yi.

Every fireman is stronger than a great exorcist. Because of the special nature of flames, even the titled exorcist can only stay away.

Xu Yi swung the knife expressionlessly. His physical condition was very bad at the moment, and he couldn't even use "Blood as Holy".

Because of the violent use of the True God Spirit, his body is covered with hidden wounds that are difficult to heal. If the blood is forcibly burned, it may even cause backlash.

But it doesn't matter, he has the "ultimate weapon"!

Even an ordinary person holding this weapon can kill kings and assassinate gods.

Xu Yi showed off his sword skills wantonly. Japan's Natural Rishin-ryu, Shinto Mu-Nen-ryu, Xia Kingdom's Willow Leaf Fufeng Sword Technique, Europe's Heavy Riding Sword Cutting... Sword techniques from various schools are at your fingertips.

He has the entry of "Master of Swordsmanship", and after such a long period of training, the entry has long been full.

Logically speaking, entries of this level can play a very limited role in high-level battles, but if you hold the "ultimate weapon" in your hands, everything will be different.

In the silver swallow-like sword light, the fire people fell apart. They were cut into pieces and fell down.

Even the sharpest knife cannot kill them because the vines have strong regenerative abilities and the flames are not physical.

But the ultimate weapon is different. It is not a simple cutting, but a death sentence.

The blade sliced ​​through the bodies of the Pyros, annihilating all the energy in their bodies. This was somewhat similar to the Bones of the True God of Ceres.

"Oh my God! Can he really kill those burning people?" Arturo exclaimed.

He knew the terror of those burning people better than anyone else. If he guessed correctly, those black-green flames should be the legendary "Fire of Oran".

It is this flame that is used when the true God is punished.

The densely packed fire people gradually became sparse, and the area around Xu Yi was cleared. He held a long knife in his hand and his face was expressionless, like an executioner.

A look of panic flashed in Crow Man's eyes. The Huo Man he relied on was actually solved by Xu Yi so easily!

The Lizard Dragon also sensed something was wrong and quietly moved towards the outside of the battlefield.

He was not afraid of death, but worried about the reborn World Tree.

He and Augustus can die, but the reborn World Tree must be sent back to the Well of Eternal Life.

He regretted a little, he should have left long ago.

But firstly, he was afraid of being intercepted midway, and secondly, he never expected that Augustus, who had become the carrier of seeds, was not Xu Yi's opponent.

Xu Yi suddenly slashed downwards with a knife, and the sharp sword light flew towards the lizard dragon.

Although he was fighting the crow people, he was always paying attention to the movements below. Naturally, the small movements of the lizard dragon could not escape his eyes.

The Lizard Dragon secretly complained. He didn't expect Xu Yi to be able to pay attention to the situation below under such a high-intensity battle. This also showed that the opponent still had some remaining strength.

The crow man roared like thunder. Although he became confused due to the burning of his soul, he kept one thing in mind no matter what, and that was to escort the lizard dragon away safely. He manipulated the vines to intercept the sword light. The vines in the sky broke and the sword light gradually dissipated.

The lizard dragon had already escaped for some distance. Xu Yi had spent so much effort just to keep the World Tree behind. There was no way he could let the lizard dragon slip away from under his nose.

Xu Yi turned around suddenly and rushed towards the lizard dragon.

The lizard dragon's dead souls are emerging. Not to mention that he is just a broken body now. Even in his prime, he is not Xu Yi's opponent at this moment.

The crow man let out a roaring roar, and the "Eye of the Vine" collapsed. The vines and flames all over the sky gathered towards the crow man, forming a huge flame bird.

The flaming monster bird rushed towards Xu Yi, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed Xu Yi in one gulp.

Lisa looked at this scene worriedly, but she also had an inexplicable confidence. She believed that Xu Yi would not lose so easily.

Inside the flame monster bird, the raging flames turned into a furnace, and the realm of the Final Snake was compressed.

The black-green flames turned into substance, and the viscous magma continued to wash away the shadow of the Snake of Ending. Xu Yi felt the cold chill again.

Even in the realm of ultimate martial arts, there is no way to completely protect him.

The viscous black-green magma changed again and condensed into spears, which bombarded the phantom of the Serpent of the End like passing meteors.

There are actually cracks on the Snake of Ending!

"It seems that I can only use that move!" Xu Yi took a deep breath.

He didn't want to use that move because it would have serious side effects, but he couldn't control that much now.

He suddenly tightened his grip on the handle of the knife, and fine spikes sprouted from the handle, making the palm of his hand drip with blood.

The Ultimate Martial Arts absorbed Xu Yi's blood, and the blade trembled violently, and the trembling sound was like the roar of thunder.

The crow man suddenly heard the sound of thunder. The sound not only came from inside the magma, but also came from his head. He subconsciously raised his head.

Black clouds gathered above his head, and black thunder and lightning moved among the clouds. The crow man trembled slightly, and he felt the breath of annihilation on those black thunders.

Before he could make any move, the black thunder in the clouds had already condensed to the extreme, and several black thunder pillars suddenly fell down, instantly piercing through the flame monster bird, and the whole world was filled with rich black light.

"It's really terrifying power!"

West looked up and murmured subconsciously. Tomie Murakami next to him was trembling in fear.

In the black lightning that destroyed the world, the flame bird gradually dissipated. Xu Yi broke through the magma furnace. He was bathed in a pillar of thunder, as if he was a god who controlled thunder and lightning.

Those black thunders did not dissipate, but converged towards the ultimate weapon in Xu Yi's hand. The blade was shrouded in rich thunder light and became as black as ink.

Xu Yi looked at the Lizard Dragon below. The blade of the Ultimate Martial Arts slashed, and the surging black sword light descended downwards like a punishment from heaven. The Lizard Dragon's eyes were full of despair.

The crow man roared and rushed out, using his body to bear the sword light. Dense vines surged out of the crow man's body, but they were all annihilated one by one in the black sword light.

The black sword light dissipated, but the crow man's body also disappeared, leaving only a black seed in place.

At this moment, there is no trace of green in the World Tree seeds, and the surface is covered with cracks. It seems that a gust of wind can completely disintegrate it.

The remnant soul of Augustus loomed on the seed, and he roared angrily at Xu Yi, with deep-seated hatred in his eyes.

"It's just a cry before death!"

Xu Yi shook his head. He clenched the handle of the knife and prepared to finish off the crow man. At this moment, the blade of the ultimate weapon is still shrouded in black thunder, and he can still wield the sword's light.

But when the long sword was about to cut down, Xu Yi suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

He had a hunch that if this World Tree seed was destroyed, something terrible might happen.

Xu Yi frowned. This was not impossible. Even if the oil ran out, it was still the seed of the World Tree.

(End of this chapter)

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