American exorcist god.

Chapter 362 Betrayal

Chapter 362 Betrayal

Xu Yi turned the handle of the knife in his hand and pointed the blade at the lizard dragon below. The light of the blade illuminated Xu Yi's cold eyes.

The seeds of the World Tree cannot be destroyed easily, but when dealing with the Lizard Dragon, there is no such scruple at all.

The terrifying black sword light slashed out again, and the crow man was unable to stop it, and could only be furious.

The lizard dragon's eyes were full of despair, but he did not choose to let his soul return to the Well of Eternal Life.

Maybe he would rather die here than leave in humiliation; maybe he is still looking forward to a turning point.

The sword light suddenly fell, a canyon hundreds of meters deep was cut out of the ground, and the ground shook.

Ailan was a little surprised because this knife did not hit the lizard dragon.

The lizard dragon was only affected by the edge of the sword light, and the lower part of its body was completely annihilated, but the upper part was still intact. The lizard dragon was only seriously injured and not completely destroyed.

"Is this... cut crookedly?" Ailan said in surprise.

Based on his understanding of Xu Yi's level of swordsmanship, the other party should not make such a low-level mistake.

She looked up at Xu Yi in the sky, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Xu Yi held the knife in a half-kneeling position, breathing rapidly. On his arm, fluorescent green light spread quietly.

Xu Yi turned his head suddenly and looked at West below with fierce eyes.

He is poisoned!

The person who poisoned him could not be a crow man. When he held the ultimate weapon, the realm of the ultimate snake would protect him, and the poison could not invade his body at all.

Then the person who poisoned him could only be before he integrated the ultimate weapon.

Who can quietly poison him and have this motive, it can only be West.

West was smiling all over his face, not caring about the looks of everyone present who wanted to tear him apart. He and Tomie Kawakami walked side by side towards the Lizard Dragon.

The lizard dragon looked at West and the two with a confused expression.

The two of them had rescued Xu Yi and helped deal with Augustus just now. How come they became members of their side in the blink of an eye?

The Ring of Destruction sent the two of them to Gusta, and they almost died because of it. They should only have hatred for the Ring of Destruction, not gratitude.

Why help them now? The lizard dragon was puzzled.

Are these two people also here for the World Tree? The lizard dragon subconsciously hugged the black box in his hand and looked at West warily.

Xu Yi gasped violently, and his vision went black.

He thought for a moment and realized that he must have been poisoned while extracting West's origin. West may have anticipated this scene at that time.

"What a terrible thought!"

Xu Yi sighed secretly in his heart, but he was not too anxious.

Because he could feel that the poison he was poisoned was probably a paralyzing toxin, and West had no intention of killing him.

He also did not suffer the anger of betrayal. He never felt that West was a group of them, so naturally there was no such thing as betrayal.

He was just curious, what was the purpose of all this that West did?

But no matter what, he didn't intend to let West leave alive. He gritted his teeth and forced strength out of his body.

His consciousness gradually became blurred. This was not only due to the poisoning, but more importantly, the sequelae of the imperial messenger Black Thunder.

His soul became a little unstable, as if it was about to jump out of his body at any time.

He stood upright tremblingly, squeezed out the little strength left in his body, and swung his knife at the lizard dragon below.

The black sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth fell again. The sword light not only enveloped the lizard dragon, but also West and Kawakami Tomie.

The smile on West's face disappeared, and his expression became more serious than ever.

The sword light contains a peculiar realm, in which his soul is locked and cannot be transferred.

In other words, if he can't bear this knife, he will die!

West roared and his body began to mutate.

The pupils were split and bloody, the thick arms stretched out from the armpits, and six pure black wings spread out from behind, dancing in a hunting manner.

West switches to his true form, which is also his strongest form!

Kawakami Tomie rushed towards West, and while she was in mid-air, she had turned into a beautiful snake with only a head. The snake's body was not covered with scales, but with smooth human skin. She wrapped herself around West, and the beauty snake began to melt and turned into a white gel, covering West's body and acting as armor.

West opened his ferocious mouth, and fluorescent green light gathered in his mouth.

Under the light, the ground began to rot, and after a while, the surrounding area turned into a swamp of poison.

The black sword light was so close that West felt a sacred mountain rolling over his body. His knees were forced to bend and he slowly knelt down.

This action seemed to stimulate West, who was so proud. He let out a high-pitched roar from the depths of his throat, and fluorescent green light spurted out from his mouth.

The fluorescent green light beam met the black sword light, and the powerful sword light stopped. But before West could rejoice, the light beam disintegrated inch by inch, and was finally completely annihilated.

In the unwilling roar, the black sword light engulfed West, and West melted like snow when it encountered the sun.

Until this moment, the Lizard Dragon was still in a state of confusion.

West betrayed him inexplicably, and protected him from the knife inexplicably, and now he died here. He had no idea what was going on.

But no matter what, he survived for the time being.

Xu Yi's body trembled violently, his soul became more and more unstable, and the sequelae of using "Annihilation Black Thunder" became more and more serious.

But he still forced himself to stand upright, wanting to swing the second knife and completely kill the lizard dragon.

He suddenly heard a cracking sound. The cracking sound was not loud, but it sounded particularly clear to Xu Yi's ears.

He turned his head suddenly and looked at the rotten World Tree seed. The tree species completely collapsed and turned into black dust.

Where the tree seeds disappeared, the remnant soul of Augustus laughed crazily. He had just taken the initiative to destroy the seeds of the World Tree.

An inexplicable palpitation emerged from Xu Yi's heart. Before he could react, he saw a small black dot appear where the tree had collapsed.

Dense black threads crawled out from the small spot, spreading in all directions like a spider web.

Xu Yi's face instantly turned pale. At this moment, he no longer thought about killing the lizard dragon. He turned around and fled outside. The reaction of the people below was the same as his.

Those black threads were very familiar to Xu Yi. The "Angry" Tang Dao could also cut similar black threads, which were cracks in space.

But the one or two black lines cut by the "Angry" Tang Dao were completely insignificant compared to what was in front of him.

"Simply a lunatic!" Xu Yi cursed in his heart.

Augustus took the initiative to destroy the tree species, causing a large area of ​​space to collapse. Not only would he die, but the lizard dragons below would also be affected.

But he couldn't say that the other party's choice was wrong. The lizard dragon was drawn into the space crack and had a one-ten-thousandth chance of survival. If he stayed here, he would die.

Not only is Xu Yi's body weak, but his soul is also extremely weak. He now relies on the ultimate force to take him to escape.

He took the time to look down. When he was fighting the Crow Man, the people below had retreated far to the edge of the battlefield in order to avoid being affected. There should be no problem in avoiding the space collapse.

Xu Yi's heart suddenly trembled, and his peripheral vision turned behind him. Augustus obviously didn't intend to let him leave like this, and rushed towards him with a roar.

Only the remnant soul of Augustus is left. After the tree species disappears, the other party will also disappear soon.

The other party is preparing to drag him to death!

Xu Yi turned his blade and pointed it at Augustus, preparing to completely deal with this difficult guy.

But an inexplicable heavy pressure suddenly fell on him, and he couldn't move. Augustus behind him was burning with green flames.

He had seen that flame before, and the newly born World Tree had used this kind of flame. At that time, the spirit of the True God had no power to fight back under that kind of flame.

"Augustus not only destroyed the seeds of the World Tree, but also activated the last bit of power in the tree seeds." Xu Yi suddenly understood.

If he were in peak condition and had the ultimate weapon in hand, he would definitely be able to break free, but now his situation is too bad.

His body was destroyed by the spirit of the true god and poisoned by West. The soul is weak and has to bear the side effects of "Black Thunder of Annihilation".

What's worse is that because his soul is extremely unstable, the ultimate martial arts realm begins to collapse.

He could only watch helplessly as Augustus passed through the shadow of the Serpent of Death and crashed towards him with a ferocious smile!

(End of this chapter)

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