American exorcist god.

Chapter 363 I haven’t gotten in the car yet?

Chapter 363 I haven’t gotten in the car yet?

Xu Yi felt a little at ease, because after the Crow Man Augustus passed through the shadow of the Serpent of the End, the flames surrounding his body quickly fell down, and the remaining power of the World Tree Seed was almost exhausted.

Augustus' eyes were filled with hatred, and with the last bit of strength from the tree species, his dying soul slammed into Xu Yi.

The two collided, and Augustus was annihilated with a "bang".

[Entry swallowing is activated. You can choose to swallow ordinary entries or "soul entries". Please choose? 】

The difficult Augustus actually died like this?

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't do anything, the opponent hit him behind him and caused his soul to break, so he was the one who killed him.

But he soon had no time to care about this, let alone make a choice.

His soul was not stable to begin with, but Augustus' final hateful collision actually knocked his soul out.

Xu Yi stretched out his hand to grab his body, just like a person who suddenly fell off a cliff subconsciously trying to grab something around him.

But his hand suddenly stopped. Not only his hand, but his whole body could not move.

"It's the remaining energy of the World Tree!" Xu Yi suddenly understood.

No matter how weak or unstable his soul is, it cannot be knocked out by Augustus with just a casual bump.

It was all the work of the World Tree, which not only knocked his soul out of his body, but also made him unable to move.

Xu Yi's body lost control of his soul, and his eyes slowly closed, as if he was in a coma.

The ultimate weapon in his hand automatically disintegrated because no one was controlling it.

In the dark golden light erupting from the blade, seven weapons flew away like meteors.

Without the help of the Ultimate Martial Arts, Xu Yi's body fell from the air.

"Xu Yi!" Lisa yelled angrily with her eyes splitting.

Others stopped one after another, preparing to turn around and rescue. Xu Yi is at the center of the space collapse. If he is allowed to fall, he will definitely be involved in the space turbulence.

The chance of surviving the turbulence in space is no less than winning a special prize in a lottery ticket.

A black shadow was faster than everyone else. When Lisa roared, the black carp had already pounced out.

Its body shrank to the size of an ordinary cat, and the wings on its back also shrunk. It shuttled through the black space cracks, as dexterously as a flying swallow in the rain.

It grabbed the corner of Xu Yi's clothes in its mouth, and its black wings vibrated. When it avoided the cracks in space, it was surrounded by dangers, and everyone below subconsciously held their breath.

"Wait for me! I haven't gotten in the car yet?"

Xu Yi wanted to yell, but he couldn't do anything. He couldn't even commit suicide now, let alone remind Black Carp.

He could only watch as the black carp retreated with his body.

Black Carp failed to discover him, which was not the fault of the other party. This space is filled with a large number of spatial gaps, which will greatly interfere with perception.

Besides, the situation was urgent, and Black Carp didn't have much time to look carefully.

As for the soul aura surrounding him, everyone subconsciously thought it was the broken soul of Augustus.

No one could have imagined that Xu Yi, who was killing everyone with a sharp blade, would be so "vulnerable" that his soul left his body after being lightly hit by the residual soul.

"Forget it!" Xu Yi sighed.

If he is caught in the turbulence of space later, he will not be able to escape death. It would be better to take precautions after being resurrected.

The black "spider web" swept over, and Xu Yi's soul was instantly involved like a dead leaf beside a hurricane.

Violent spatial rifts swept across the entire place, and the lizard dragon lay quietly on the ground.

It's not that he doesn't want to escape, it's just that he can't.

His reincarnated machine was too seriously damaged and had no ability to move. If it weren't for his obsession with the World Tree, he would have returned his soul to the Well of Eternal Life long ago.

If only the clock bird or the purple sea serpent were still here! The lizard dragon sighed. If it were the two of them, it would be possible to use the space magic circle to send the World Tree away.

It's a pity that the clock bird died indirectly in Xu Yi's hands, and the purple sea snake was destroyed by Besmos long ago. It was really fate.

A black line swallowed up the lizard dragon, and the lizard dragon was drawn into the space crack.

The body of the lizard dragon was stained with a lot of flesh and blood. It was West who resisted the attack for him. In the end, he was defeated by the black sword light and his body exploded and splashed onto him.

At the moment when the lizard dragon was involved in the spatial rift, two rice-sized lumps in the flesh and blood suddenly squirmed quickly and came to the black box on his chest.

But because the lizard dragon was so badly damaged, he couldn't notice any abnormality at all.

Lisa took Xu Yi from Black Carp's mouth and was suddenly shocked. Only Xu Yi's body was left in front of her, and her soul was gone.

Could it be that Xu Yi is dead?

There was a "buzzing" sound in Lisa's head, and her vision went black for a while. She staggered two steps and managed to stand still by holding on to the black carp.

"Don't mess up your position yet, Xu Yi is fine for now!" Xu Changrong quickly controlled the ghost warrior and stepped forward to comfort him.

The ghost warrior is related to Xu Yi's soul. If something happens to Xu Yi, Xu Changrong can also feel it.

Although Xu Yi could not be contacted for the time being, he could be sure that the other party was still alive.


A black storm blew in the dark space. Everything in this space was black, and black space cracks passed by like lightning.

The lizard dragon looked at the approaching black storm with despair in his eyes.

The black storm contains manic space power, and as long as it is involved in it, it will be instantly shattered.

At this moment, the black box on his chest automatically popped open. The World Tree in the box stretched out its emerald green leaves, and a light green barrier formed rapidly, covering the lizard dragon.

The eyes of the lizard dragon burst out with a light of surprise. Of course he knew that World Tree was not saving him, but the other party was just protecting himself.

He was just an ant who happened to be standing under the rain-proof eaves of the World Tree.

The Lizard Dragon was involved in the black storm together with the World Tree. The violent space power was raging on the barrier, and the Lizard Dragon was horrified to see it.

Fortunately, the World Tree is powerful enough and the barrier created is strong enough. They are like a small boat sailing in the black ocean.

The Lizard Dragon's attention was all on the World Tree, and he didn't notice at all that two tiny purple-gold metal bugs were slowly squirming at the bottom of the black box.

The "small boat" wandered in the turbulence of space for a long time, and the lizard dragon's soul became extremely tired.

This was a protracted torture. If it were not for the protection of the World Tree, he would have died long ago.

A purple light spot suddenly appeared in front of him, and the Lizard Dragon's eyes lit up instantly, and the excitement in his heart could not be concealed.

The light point is a node in space, and it is also the only way to leave this space.

He worked hard to maneuver the wreckage and swam towards that space node.

The moment he entered the space node, a dazzling purple light occupied his entire field of vision. The two tiny metal worms lurking behind the black box quickly crawled along the wall of the box into the black mud in the box.

The roots of the World Tree were wrapped around two metal bugs, pulling them back and forth like a cat playing with its toys.

The two metal worms were motionless, as if they were dead objects. World Tree immediately lost interest and allowed the two metal worms to lie in the soil.

The lizard dragon was spinning for a while, as if it had been thrown into a high-speed drum washing machine.

Just when he felt that his soul was about to be shattered, a strong feeling of weightlessness came. He fell from the sky and what he saw was a vast forest.

The lizard dragon was overjoyed, he actually survived!

He immediately contacted the organization, and the organization responded quickly. This shows that he did not fall into some alien space, he is still on the earth, which is undoubtedly excellent news.

He informed the organization of his situation, and the organization was sending people over as quickly as possible to prepare to take him back to the Well of Eternal Life.

(End of this chapter)

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