American exorcist god.

Chapter 364 Freddy’s Hunting Show

Chapter 364 Freddy’s Hunting Show

Xu Yi slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a yellowed roof. He looked around subconsciously. The walls of the simple house were covered with tools such as mining picks and shovels.

He gradually woke up and realized that he was in a strange place. He suddenly turned over from the bed and sat up, looking around warily, his muscles all tense.

There was no danger coming, and the only response he received was the cold wind pouring in from the window.

He felt extremely cold, and his whole body couldn't stop shivering. He wrapped himself tightly in the moldy thin quilt on the bed, but he still couldn't feel the slightest warmth.

[Because I haven’t made a choice for a long time, I automatically chose the soul-devouring entry as in the past. 】

[Congratulations on obtaining the "Soul of the Obsessive"! 】

Xu Yi stared blankly at the system information. The information showed that the time was three days ago, which meant that he had been unconscious for three days!

Everyone else is numb.

He recalled what happened after he was involved in the space turbulence. His soul was already weak due to the sequelae of the annihilation black thunder, and being swept up in the space turbulence again made him even more drowsy.

But before he passed out, he vaguely remembered seeing a purple point of light coming towards him.

"What kind of bullshit luck is this?" Xu Yi covered his face, completely speechless.

That purple light spot should be the legendary space node.

Nodes are very rare in the turbulence of space. To find them, although it is not like finding a needle in a haystack, it is at least like finding a needle in a lake.

But it was such a low-probability event that as soon as he was involved in the space turbulence, he ran into it head-on.

Xu Yi was speechless. It was not good when he wanted good luck, but preferred when he didn't want good luck. It was really a trick of fate.

This also made it impossible for him to use the resurrection coins to start over again.

The howling cold wind finally stopped, Xu Yi took a deep breath and felt his body gradually warming up.

Ordinary cold wind could not achieve this effect at all. He realized what was going on. He was now the body of a soul, and the wind just now was directly aimed at the soul.

Since he is a soul, why can he touch this bed? Can you still feel the softness of the quilt?

Xu Yi was full of doubts.

The old wooden door creaked, and Xu Yi suddenly stood up from the bed, staring in the direction of the door with a wary expression.

The door opened and a tired-looking man walked in. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Xu Yi who was awake.

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't feel much threat from the "strong man" in front of him.

The opponent is exceptionally tall, with a height of more than two meters, and his shoulders are very wide. In ancient times, he should be a powerful general who can move a horse on his shoulders.

But the other person was extremely skinny, with a thin layer of meat covering his bones, making him look like a skeleton that hadn't yet taken off its skin.

"My name is Hanton, and I saved you." The strong man said straight to the point.

Xu Yi was not surprised by this. He had expected it, but what the other person said next made him stunned.

"In order to save you, I spent a lot of money on food. You can mine to pay off your debt from now on!"

Xu Yixin said no? What kind of repayment of gratitude are these?

He is very grateful that the other party saved him, and he does not think that the other party should treat him free of charge. Asking for compensation or something is indeed a normal thing.

But why was he asked to mine to pay off the debt? Could it be that the other party was a black miner?

But looking at the other party's scrawny appearance, it doesn't look like any black mine owner could make himself so miserable?

The other party is also a soul. Xu Yi really wants to ask: "Brother, you have become a ghost, why are you still obsessed with mining?"

Is this a new kind of hell? I'm afraid Satan will come all night long to inspect and study after seeing it!

Xu Yi stood up and walked towards the window, while Hanton put away the mining pick in his hand.

Xu Yi opened the curtains, but what shone in was not sunlight, but warm blue light like water. He looked out of the narrow window and was stunned.

The sky is a dreamy blue, without a single cloud, and the star-like light shines in the depths of the sky. What was suspended in the sky was not the sun, but colorful light balls, densely packed, like foam balls in a children's amusement park. He could not feel any heat on those light balls.

The whole world gave him a dreamlike feeling.

"Is it really in a different space?" Xu Yi murmured to himself.

He had already expected it when he noticed the abnormality here.

"It's not wrong to say that there is a different space! This is the world of dreams, the eternal prison of the soul. The soul that enters here by mistake will never leave."

When Hanton said this, his eyes were very complicated, showing both deep sadness and deep longing, but in the end they were all covered in despair.

Xu Yi tried to contact the outside world, but found that it was impossible to do so, whether it was to switch the perspective of the Evil God's Nest or to establish a connection with the ghost warrior.

His heart keeps sinking, but he is not desperate yet. With his ability, he should be able to find a way to leave.

"Is there really no way to leave?"

Xu Yi asked curiously. He could tell that the man in front of him was eager to leave here.

Hanton couldn't help but laugh out loud, "When many people first came here, they had the same reaction as you, thinking that they could find a way to leave... But soon they all became desperate, either committing suicide, or letting themselves fall, and finally became A dream beast that is neither human nor ghost in adults.”

Xu Yi did not refute, saying that he had some confidence in leaving.

He still has the final escape route, which is the Gate of Black Void or the Gate of Truth.

No matter how strong the cage in this different space is, it cannot stop the arrival of these original doors. He can use the soul of the obsessive in his hand to open one of the doors.

But Xu Yi would not do this unless absolutely necessary.

Because opening the door just means giving him a chance to enter the world inside the door.

Needless to say, there is a world behind the door of truth. Although the divine light becomes sparse, the process of baptism will not be omitted.

Even if Xu Yi was given another chance, he had no confidence that he would be able to survive the baptism. This time, he would not have the help of the Spirit of the True God.

And the illusion of each baptism is different. Who knows what it will be like the second time.

During the baptism, his intelligence will be blinded, his memory will be tampered with, and the so-called customs clearance experience will have no effect at all.

He knew nothing about the world behind the Black Void Gate.

But after Carrie's sister entered the door, she turned into a terrifying look when she came out. It was definitely an extremely dangerous place.

At this time, the colorful light ball in the sky suddenly went out, the blue sky quickly switched to blood color, and the whole world was instantly enveloped in a rich blood light.

One second it was a dreamy amusement park, and the next second it seemed to have turned into hell.

Hanton's expression suddenly changed. He rushed to the window, locked the window, and drew the heavy curtains.

He stared at Xu Yi closely and warned with a serious face, "Don't make a sound! Don't even go out!"

Before Xu Yi had time to ask what happened, he suddenly heard a wild voice:

"Dear residents of Amusement City, good evening! Please stay quietly in your own house and do not move around randomly to avoid accidental injury."

The voice paused for a moment, "What you are about to enjoy next is... the hunting show brought to you by Freddy!"

(End of this chapter)

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