American exorcist god.

Chapter 365 Lord of Dreams

Chapter 365 Lord of Dreams

Xu Yi opened a gap in the curtains and looked out.

In the center of the intersection in the distance, a figure stood quietly, wearing a brown and black top hat and a red, green and red striped sweater. This combination looked nondescript.

Xu Yi subconsciously held his breath. The other person was so skinny that no part of his body was intact and covered with scars from burns.

The most eye-catching thing is the opponent's right hand. The fingers slide and the sharp metal claws dance along with it.

There was no doubt that the person in front of me was Freddy.

Xu Yi stared at Freddy, as if he wanted to carve him into his mind. His brain was running rapidly, constantly comparing it with the information in his mind.

"This dreamland is called Amusement City, and Freddy is the lord of the city, the one who dominates everything here." Hanton lowered his voice.

He turned to look at Xu Yi and was stunned.

He actually saw the light of surprise in Xu Yi's eyes!

Is this new guy a psycho? Hanton's mind was full of doubts, and the other person stared at the terrifying Freddy as if he were looking at some rare treasure.

At this time, Hanton handed the paper in his hand to him. There was a sentence written on the paper:

To be precise, those are not real souls, more like puppets.

The little girl's screams and Fred's laughter echoed throughout the street.

Xu Yi ignored Hanton, and you still stared at Freddy.

Xu Yi suddenly realized, no wonder Hanton told him to keep quiet. If they were discovered, they would probably be killed by Freddy in this state.

Xu Yi quietly looked at Freddy who was experiencing mania without saying a word.

Fred looked at the corpses on the ground, the crazy smile on his face gradually settled, and then disappeared, replaced by strong disappointment.

Hanton did not answer, but took out the paper and pen from the cabinet and wrote the word "toy" on it.

"Why? Why will I be forgotten?" Freddy roared angrily. He hit his head on the street sign like a madman and waved his iron claws wildly.

But here, the opponent can hang him up and beat him.

Xu Yi stared at those people in confusion. They were all young girls. The reason why he was confused was not because of this, but because those people were not real people.

"This dream is controlled by Fred. Once Freddy is forgotten, he will be unable to connect with the real world and can only drift in the dream world."

Freddy clapped his hands, and a thick fog surged in the center of the street. The fog gradually dissipated, and a black metal box emerged from the fog.

Although the screams of these "little girls" are very sad, they are just manufactured dolls after all. If you look closely, you will find that the expressions on their faces are too exaggerated, very dull and formulaic.

He knows better than anyone that these are just toys he created.

It was indeed a toy. Freddy chased the little girls, penetrated the chests of those people with the iron claws in his hands, cut off their heads, and blood spattered everywhere.

Killing these toys can only bring him short-term pleasure, followed by an even stronger emptiness.

If it were in the real world, he had the body of a demigod and the ultimate power, so of course he could beat the opponent to pieces.

Xu Yi's face was expressionless. If this scene happened for real, he would definitely be filled with indignation, let alone stand idly by.

The heavy box door opened, and a group of people screamed and ran out of the box, running in all directions.

"What are those?" Xu Yi asked doubtfully.

This place is somewhat similar to the Soul Swamp of the Black Void Gate. The stronger the soul, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

Although his soul is constantly nourished by the core of the True God, the time is too short, that is, it is at the level of ordinary people.

The house suddenly shook violently, and the whole world shook. Xu Yi was surprised and said, "An earthquake?"

But he suddenly realized that this was not the real world. How could an earthquake happen?

Xu Yi glanced at Hanton. Hanton was also in a daze. The other person looked like he had encountered such a thing for the first time. "Someone is summoning! Someone is actually summoning this dream world!" Hanton suddenly screamed, completely ignoring that Fred was outside.

His face was both surprised and full of desire, and his body even trembled slightly with excitement.

Freddy was even more excited than he was, dancing in the streets in a way that no crazy man could do, jumping for joy and yelling.

The blood-colored light curtain in the sky suddenly dissipated, replaced by translucent "frosted glass", and the colorful starry sky rushed towards the face, making it colorful and dreamy.

"Every twinkling star is a dream world," Hanton explained, and now that Fred was going crazy with joy, he no longer needed to be secretive.

The stars were shining densely, but Xu Yi saw the difference between these "stars".

The first is the size. The difference may be tens of thousands of times. The "Amusement City" they are in is particularly large.

According to Hanton, the larger the "star" represents the stronger the controller's ability.

At this moment, a huge black ball of light suddenly came into view. In front of the ball of light, Fred's Amusement City was like the difference between marbles and basketballs.

"That is the Lord of Black Hell, Isosen, the most powerful being in the dream world." Hanton explained softly.

The "Amusement City" moves forward, flying through the dense stars.

"These stars seem to be getting brighter and brighter!" Xu Yi suddenly noticed something.

The further they moved forward, the brighter the surrounding stars became. Not only the surrounding stars, but also the "Amusement City" where they were located became brighter and brighter.

"The more the dream world is forgotten, the dimmer it will be. The Amusement City is getting brighter and brighter now, which shows that we are approaching the river of dreams." Hanton said.

Xu Yi soon saw the so-called "River of Dream Gap".

The colorful river flows, chopping down like knives and axes, and sinking with great force, but it seems as light as nothing, floating in the black void, and the sound of the water flow is as clear as wind chimes.

"This is the legendary River of Dreams, the junction between the real world and the dream world!"

Hanton sighed involuntarily. He had only heard about it before, but this was the first time he had seen it.

The River of Dream Gap is extremely huge. The City of Amusement in front of the river is not much bigger than a scoop of splashing water. The City of Amusement sinks into the river.

Without water flowing in, the Dream Gap River is not a real river. Every drop of its "river water" is a dream of a certain creature.

The river of dreams consists of the dreams of living creatures, of which humans account for the largest proportion.

A drop of white light rain penetrated the barrier of the amusement city and fell down. The more the light rain fell, the stronger the light became, and finally it illuminated people blindly.

The light slowly dissipated, Xu Yi saw the figure in the light clearly, and screamed: "Little Judy!"

Why did little Judy appear here?

Could it be that the other party's soul was also involved in the space crack?

Little Judy looked left and right, seemingly curious about everything here.

Xu Yi soon discovered the abnormality. The other party was not a soul, but a projection of his mind. The so-called projection of thoughts can be seen as the shadow of the soul.

He breathed a sigh of relief. It should be very simple to leave this world with the projection of his mind.

Because the shadow always chases the real body, as long as little Judy wakes up, she can leave this world.

"Are you acquaintances?" Hanton looked at Xu Yi in surprise. This was a world controlled by Freddy, and an acquaintance of Xu Yi's appeared. I didn't know whether this luck should be good or bad.

Hanton felt a little anxious in his heart. If he was an acquaintance of Xu Yi, could he ask him to help bring some information?

"Finally, someone remembers me, Uncle Freddy?" Freddy jumped up and appeared in front of little Judy, and it was difficult to conceal the excitement in his heart.

He had been forgotten for so long that he began to wonder if his story had been lost in the long river of history.

"Who is Freddy?" Little Judy raised her head and looked at the ugly creature in front of her in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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