American exorcist god.

Chapter 366 You don’t even want to call me Mr. Freddy?

Chapter 366 You don’t even want to call me Mr. Freddy?

As soon as Little Judy's words came out, not only Freddy, but also Xu Yi, who was hiding in the dark and peeking, was stunned.

According to Hanton, it was obviously Little Judy dreaming about Freddy that led to this situation, but now Little Judy says she doesn't know Freddy.

Of course, Little Judy doesn't necessarily need to know Freddy's name, she may have seen the other person's pictures or heard the other person's stories.

I think about it during the day and dream about it at night, and finally the projection of my thoughts falls into the amusement city.

But looking at Little Judy's performance, it doesn't look like it at all.

Little Judy looked at Freddy curiously.

Freddy does look terrifying. If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely be frightened to the point of screaming, but he is facing little Judy, the daughter of an exorcist couple who has been exposed to supernatural phenomena since she was a child.

Although Freddy is scary, he is not enough to scare little Judy.

"How could you not know me? How could you not know me?" Freddy stared at little Judy and murmured to himself. His eyes were dull, like a believer whose faith had collapsed.

Little Judy ran away. She had been secretly communicating with the Aogu Chain just now, but found that there was no response at all, and her body became extremely weak.

Freddy's body continued to grow taller, but in the blink of an eye, he had become a giant over eight meters tall, surpassing the surrounding low residential buildings.

Little Judy rolled over, trying to avoid the giant feet that stepped down on her. The ground cracked open.

"Why should I know you? I'm not here to find you, the gentleman in the vintage sweater."

"You don't even want to call me Mr. Freddy! You don't even want to call me Mr. Freddy!"

Freddy was completely out of anger, and when he roared for the second time, his mouth was already so wide that he could swallow little Judy in one bite.

Little Judy was breathing rapidly and was covered in cold sweat. She only had to hold on for ten minutes before someone outside would forcefully wake her up.

For the first time, she felt that ten minutes was so long.

But she underestimated Freddy's power in this dream world.

Hanton looked at Xu Yi's back, his expression changed several times, and finally he gritted his teeth and followed.

"Why isn't it time yet?"

He took a step forward, his huge foot landed on the ground, and the ground shook violently.

He couldn't leave little Judy alone, and besides, he still needed little Judy to help deliver important information.

She ran towards the nearby residential house. As a master of hide-and-seek, she quickly planned an escape route in her mind.

Generally speaking, Fred does not show his true strength as soon as he comes up. He prefers to watch his prey escape and enjoy the process of slowly torturing the prey.

Now she can only buy time by running away.

For Freddy, being ignored was worse than killing him.

But he was too angry. He had been waiting for so many years, just thinking that one day, he would be remembered again, return to Elm Street, and complete his revenge.

With just one step, he caught up with little Judy who was running away.

Little Judy looked around, a little absent-minded. She didn't understand why she was the only one here.

But now someone told him that he was not important at all, and no one remembered him!

Xu Yi casually took a shovel from the wall, pushed open the door and rushed out.

She turned over and sat up and rushed forward. She felt that the blood all over her body was cold. There were three black walls in front of her. Because she was in a hurry, she ended up in a dead end.

Little Judy turned around, and the terrifying giant stood behind her, looking down at her coldly.

"Sorry!" Little Judy loosened her clenched fists and sighed in her heart.

The sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from behind, and little Judy saw a shovel drawing a long arc in the air, heading straight for the giant Freddy. Little Judy turned around suddenly and said in surprise, "Brother Xu Yi!"

"Let's go!" Xu Yi picked up little Judy, turned around and ran away. Now is not the time for small talk.

Freddy slapped the shovel away and stared coldly at Xu Yi's back.

He was a little confused. As the master of the amusement city, he knew every soul here.

Could it be the new soul brought by the space crack three days ago?

Most of the residents of the Amusement City were captured by him before, and of course a small number were involved in the turbulent flow of space.

At that time, he was still recovering from his hangover and was in no mood to pay attention to this.

Freddy didn't catch up immediately, he had calmed down by now.

The other party clearly doesn't know him, but he can still enter this dream world that belongs to him. Although he couldn't figure out the reason, if he killed the other party now, he would soon return to that forgotten dark corner.

"What is this smell?" Freddy's nose twitched slightly and he was stunned for a moment.

The smell was very unique. He was sure it was the first time he smelled it, but for some reason, he felt "familiar".

Freddy couldn't figure out for a moment why it felt familiar.

He frowned and stared at Xu Yi's back, because the aura came from Xu Yi's body. His eyes kept turning, and he stood on the ground in a daze.

"Brother Xu Yi! I finally found you!"

The two ran wildly in the alley, and Little Judy turned to look at Xu Yi with surprise in her eyes.

"Looking for me? How did you find this place?" Xu Yi had many questions in his mind.

"We used the soul passage in the Ghost Warrior as a springboard. Uncle Arturo borrowed the 'Erding' from the church, and Sister Lisa and the others worked together to set up the magic circle... We entered the magic circle together, but I don't know why, only I came here alone,” little Judy explained.

"Er Ding" is a mythical exorcism artifact, shaped like a twisted metal flower, and is known as the most powerful tracking artifact.

The church has always regarded this sacred instrument as a treasure, so it would be interesting for Arturo to help lend it out.

Xu Yi was also confused. Is it because Little Judy is young enough to fit Freddy's habit of killing? But Lisa and the others also look like girls, so this reason is not sufficient.

Is it because of psychic resonance?

Xu Yi suddenly felt something in his heart. He remembered that when he first met Little Judy, the two had a psychic resonance.

Now that I think about it, it was because the two soul frequencies were close, so this effect was produced.

So no one else could enter, only Little Judy came to the "Amusement City".

"What's the way to escape?" Xu Yijiao asked. Based on his understanding of Lisa and the others, it was absolutely impossible for him to try rashly.

"In ten minutes, whether I find you or not, I will be forcibly awakened." Little Judy estimated the time, "I will be able to leave in about three minutes."

Xu Yi's hanging heart did not let go.

Three minutes is not long, nor is it short.

Although Freddy stopped now for some reason, it was very difficult to survive three minutes in this dream world controlled by the other party.

At this moment, Freddy was suddenly excited and jumped like a madman. He was still in the state of a giant. During the jump, the ground rumbled and shook.

Xu Yi was stunned. Freddy looked even more excited than before.

No! It would be more appropriate to describe it as crazy. Freddy's face was distorted due to excessive excitement, and two lines of blood and tears were left in the corners of his eyes.

"It's the soul of the gods! It's the soul of the gods!" Freddy roared excitedly, and the roar struck in all directions like thunder.

Xu Yi's heart thumped, and his heart fell directly into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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