American exorcist god.

Chapter 367 Domain Soul

Chapter 367 Domain Soul

Xu Yi's face was as dark as water. The "soul of the gods" Freddy mentioned was referring to him.

Of course he is not a divine soul. Who has ever seen such a weak divine soul?

This is all because of the True God's Core. He has absorbed the power of the True God's Core, and his soul will be more or less contaminated with the corresponding aura.

But this kind of aura is not something that just anyone can distinguish. To be precise, more than ninety-nine percent of all living things are indistinguishable.

"Freddy is the domain soul!"

Xu Yi's mood at the moment was very contradictory. At the same time, he was uneasy and couldn't help but be excited.

From the first moment he met Freddy, he was already a little suspicious.

"Region Soul" comes from the method of a different god obtained through interaction with the Gate of Truth. To become a different god, three conditions are required.

They are: "The Body of True God", "The Power of Darkness", and "Regional Soul"

He is now a demigod. If he wants to become a "true god", he needs to find the "God Cemetery", which is also the so-called "God Burial Ground".

As for the "power of darkness", you need to find the strange demon.

If something happened to Little Judy, he wouldn't know how to face Ed in the future, and Little Judy came to save him specially.

Strange demons are not creatures on earth, they come from another world.

There is no doubt that Freddy, who controls the amusement city, is the domain soul!

If Xu Yi wants to become a different god, he needs to become a domain soul first.

The other party has lived here for who knows how many years, and must be extremely familiar with the surrounding terrain. Following the other party is much better than them wandering around like headless flies.

In fact, the evil beings that Xu Yi once encountered were strange demons, but the evil beings were not powerful enough to meet the standards for the birth of "the power of darkness".

He was indeed determined to implement a desperate plan, but he still needed someone to buy him some time.

There is no sewage in the sewer, and there is no smell. Thick green moss grows on the wall, giving off a refreshing plant fragrance.

This is a dream world, and there is no domestic sewage at all.

Xu Yi's eyes gradually turned cold, and little Judy next to him was startled. The ferocity in Xu Yi's eyes almost turned into a knife and jumped out!

Little Judy knew very well that Xu Yi's cruelty was not directed at her, but at the monster behind him.

Freddy is the master of this dream. Unlike Little Judy, Xu Yi can leave here as soon as the time is up. In other words, he will be "arrested" by Freddy no matter what, and it is impossible to survive.

"Domain Soul" is a very rare kind of soul. When they are born, they are usually born with a certain domain.

Xu Yi looked around, frowning.

There was a vague feeling in her heart that Xu Yi had made some kind of determination.

"Hanton, is there anything you want us to help with?" Xu Yi suddenly said.

"Quick! Go this way!"

"The current situation is very bad, but it is not an opportunity!" Xu Yi forced himself to calm down.

A familiar voice suddenly came from the side, and Hanton poked his head out of the sewer manhole cover.

They were all in danger, and Hanton had no reason to harm them.

Xu Yi's eyes lit up when he saw Hanton.

Without hesitation, he took Little Judy into the sewer.

This kind of thing was too dangerous, and he didn't want to let little Judy take the risk.

Hanton, who was leading the way, held his breath subconsciously. Wasn't the reason why he took the risk to save Xu Yi just to wait for this sentence?

"What do you want?" Hanton looked into Xu Yi's eyes.

People of his age already know one truth very well, that is, if you gain something, you must lose something.

Faced with Hanton's frankness, Xu Yi was a little speechless.

"You're trying to get me to lure Freddy away, right?"

Hanton said without changing his face, "Okay! I can help you lure Freddy away, but you need to do me a favor!" Since Hanton decided to help Xu Yi, when he went out, he had already thought Now that everything is done, I won't hesitate.

"Say it!" Xu Yi never expected that Hanton would agree so decisively.

Hanton's eyes fell on little Judy and he spoke word by word, making sure to make his words clearer.

"Mississippi, the small town of Natchez, you go find a little girl named Gina."

Hanton took a deep breath, his eyes were so dim and so gentle, "Tell her for me that it was dad who was sorry for her, dad made a mistake, and asked her not to wait any longer!"

Khanton was able to persist in this prison-like place for so many years because of his daughter. Before he was involved in this dream, he happened to have made an appointment with his daughter to celebrate her birthday that night.

After many midnight dreams, he always dreamed that his daughter in a white cotton skirt was standing under the olive tree in front of his house, her sapphire eyes staring at the path at the end of the village, looking at the road with eyes wide open. cake with bear doll.

After so many years, he has given up the idea of ​​leaving this dream world. His only hope now is that someone can send a message to his daughter.

For this sentence, he could give his life.

"I'll remember it!" Little Judy felt the weight of this sentence and nodded solemnly.

Xu Yi took out a piece of paper from his pocket, gave it to little Judy, and whispered, "Remember to destroy it after reading it."

The paper and pen were both obtained from Hanton, and the content above was written in a hurry on the way here.

"Let's run separately!"

There was a fork in the road ahead. Xu Yi immediately headed to the right fork, while Little Judy escaped alone from the left fork.

This is not to give up Little Judy, on the contrary, it is a kind of protection for Little Judy.

At this moment, in Freddy's eyes, his "god soul" should have a much higher weight.

A "cave dwelling" suddenly appeared on the side of the sewer, built based on the groove of the sewer. This was Hanton's "secret base", and it was here that Hanton discovered Xu Yi.

Xu Yi and Hanton entered the secret base, and obscure soul fluctuations came from inside from time to time.


"Is it really the soul of the true god?"

After Freddie got excited, he suddenly became worried about gain and loss. He couldn't be 100% sure, after all, he heard it through hearsay.

If it's fake, wouldn't it be a waste of happiness?

In this dream world, the most powerful existence is Isosen, the Lord of the Black Abyss. The reason why the other party can become so powerful is because he swallowed part of the soul of the god.

Freddy had never seen the spirit of the gods, but after he smelled the smell, he had an inexplicable premonition that it was the legendary soul of the gods.

Xu Yi knew the answer to this question. It was because the domain soul had a special ability to perceive gods.

Because he was worried about gain and loss, Freddy stood there for a long time without realizing it.

Of course, this is also because he has absolute self-confidence. In this dream world, the other party cannot escape from his grasp.

"Actually separated?"

Freddy could feel that the owner of the divine aura and the impolite little girl ran away for their lives separately.

After hesitating for a moment, he still chose the direction of the owner of the divine breath.

The soul of the god is too important to him. What if the other party can use any special means to escape?

And when he swallows the power of the True God's Soul, she will no longer have to wait passively, nor will she have to worry about being forgotten. By then, he will have the ability to directly invade other people's dreams.

"It's even possible to turn this dream world into reality and turn it into the Kingdom of God!"

Freddy let out a strange scream, shrank his body sharply, and rushed towards the direction where Xu Yi's breath was.

(End of this chapter)

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