American exorcist god.

Chapter 368 Am I Freddy? Or Xu Yi?

Chapter 368 Am I Freddy? Or Xu Yi?

A black wall suddenly appeared in front, completely blocking the way. A figure in a hooded black robe held on to the wall, breathing heavily.

He clearly remembered that there was no wall in front of him. Freddy used his powers to change the terrain here.

"Poor little mouse, you seem to be at the end of your rope?"

Freddy came from the other end of the sewer, his iron claws scraping against the wall, making a harsh sound.

His steps were getting faster and faster, and his eyes were full of hunger. He wanted to devour the "Soul of the True God" in front of him right away.

The figure suddenly lifted up the hooded black robe on his body, turned around and stared at Freddy with an innocent face, "Mr. Freddy, what do you want to see me for?"

"How could it be you?" Freddy exclaimed. He followed the aura of the god and chased him. Unexpectedly, he found Hanton.

He came closer to Hanton and sniffed like a dog. It was indeed the divine scent he smelled before, but the scent suddenly became very weak and was dissipating rapidly.

"How dare you play tricks on me!"

Just when he thought he was about to die, Freddy suddenly let go of his hand.

But he soon realized something was wrong, because "Moss" was slowly turning around.

Because of the heavy rain, the light disappeared, and it was impossible to see any fingers in front of you. Only the sound of water flowing in the sewer and the sound of Xu Yi's footsteps were left. There was an eerie silence that made people feel uncomfortable.

A candle suddenly illuminated the surrounding darkness. The candle was stuck on a blood-red cake. Xu Yi backed away suddenly because he saw clearly that it was not a cake at all, but a beating heart.

Xu Yi held on to the rotten wooden door and walked out of the "secret base" tremblingly. His face was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and the light in his eyes was sometimes clear and sometimes dim.

Hanton was almost out of breath, and his body was twisting unconsciously. There was both despair and relief about to be released in his eyes.

Freddy still didn't realize what happened. The other party didn't know what method he used to transfer the aura to Hanton.

Freddy smashed Hanton against the wall like he was throwing a sack. It was too cheap to kill Hanton like this. Hanton was still useful to him.

He suddenly opened his eyes, a cruel smile appeared on his lips, "I found you! Little mouse!"

Besides, he has more important things to do.

The violent thunder suddenly exploded. Even if you were hiding in the sewer, you could clearly feel the power of the thunder. You can imagine that there must have been a bloody storm outside. The water flowed from the manhole cover into the sewer, making the sound of water flowing.

He chose a direction away from Freddy and ran away.

Transferring the breath is not as difficult as imagined. The breath comes from the core of the true god. He only needs to stop absorbing the core of the true god and then put a few strands of breath on Hanton.

Freddy took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly. His perception became extremely sharp, and all the soul breath of the Amusement City appeared in his mind.


"Surprise!" Freddy held up the cake and poked his ferocious face out of the darkness, no more than ten centimeters away from Xu Yi.

Freddy's left hand suddenly grabbed Hanton's neck, the veins on his burnt arms were exposed, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

His heart was beating wildly, and his steps subconsciously accelerated. He suddenly bumped into something, which felt like moss on the wall, with a little softness.

Xu Yi felt inexplicable fluctuations in the water flow. He understood that this was not ordinary water, but the method used by Freddy to find him.

Xu Yi turned around subconsciously and wanted to escape, but he suddenly stopped.

With the help of the candle's light, he could clearly see the surrounding scene. He was surrounded, with Freddy on all sides, forming a human wall to wrap him up, even above his head.

Every Freddy's eyes flashed with blood, like a vicious beast seeing a piece of delicious meat. Xu Yi roared and hit the wall of people in front of him.

But the gleaming iron claws suddenly illuminated his eyes, his chest was pierced, and blood spattered out. Because he is a soul body at the moment, the super-accelerated regeneration entry cannot take effect.

All the Freddies were approaching him, their iron claws rising and falling, Xu Yi screamed miserably, his body was dismembered, his flesh and blood was scattered everywhere, and the aura of the gods was strong on it.

Freddy could no longer suppress the desire in his heart and swarmed them like vicious dogs sharing their food. They seemed like extremely hungry people enjoying a delicious meal.

More Freddy failed to grab the flesh and blood on the ground, and they rushed towards Xu Yi.

Of course, the soul body has no flesh and blood, but Freddy borrowed the power of this world to materialize the soul, and he wanted to use this to devour Xu Yi.

Xu Yi could still scream at first, but later he couldn't scream at all. He just felt a lot of pain, unbearable pain!

His flesh and blood had been chewed away, and his organs had been divided and eaten, leaving only a skeleton, but the "ghouls" were not satisfied with this.

Freddy's teeth became extremely sharp, and the crisp chewing sounds echoed one after another in the deep sewer.

Xu Yi's body was eaten away, and even the blood that splashed on the ground was licked clean.

A dense crowd of Freddies gathered in the sewer and laughed wildly together. The crazy laughter spread throughout the amusement city, and the souls of the amusement city curled up and trembled.

Freddy's body suddenly merged like a candle, and the mountains of flesh and blood merged together. The difference from before was that there were black lines like black tree roots in the flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood continued to compress, and finally condensed into the only Freddy. He silently felt the changes in his body, and the mysterious energy flowed through his body. He was shaking with excitement.

"Great power! Great power to break through the shackles!"

Freddy kept jumping and dancing with excitement. He could feel that the shackles holding him down were gone and he could become stronger.

A large number of plans to become stronger flashed through his mind instantly.

He snapped his fingers, and a soft incandescent light lit up above his head.

He took out a mirror from his hat, and his severely burned face was reflected in the mirror. He stared at himself in the mirror, frowning slightly.

This was obviously the face he was most familiar with, but for some reason, he felt a little strange.

Freddy blinked, and the strange feeling quickly disappeared and everything returned to normal.

"A wonderful life awaits me!"

Freddy cheered and didn't take this matter to heart. After all, he had just swallowed the soul of a god, so it was normal to feel a little different.

He put away the mirror and fiddled with the collar of his clothes.

He was suddenly stunned. The action just now was subconscious and did not go through his brain at all.

But he doesn't have this habit at all. He wears a horizontal-striped crew-neck sweater, which doesn't require much care. Usually only shirts or windbreakers need to be neatened occasionally.

"By the way, what's my name? Barton, Karen, Noit, Xu Yi, or Mondo? No! That's not right!"

Freddy suddenly felt a splitting headache. He held his head and shook it vigorously. After a while, the headache disappeared and everything returned to normal.

"My name is Freddy! Yes! My name is Freddy!"

He kept mumbling to himself, and the gray light in front of his eyes temporarily dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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