American exorcist god.

Chapter 369 The invisible him

Chapter 369 The invisible him

"I'm actually back?" Little Judy looked at the familiar faces around her and the lush Notting Hill below, feeling a little dazed.

"Judy, are you okay?" Ed hurriedly walked forward and looked at little Judy up and down with concern on his face.

Ed was initially opposed to Judy entering the magic circle to save Xu Yi, but it wasn't that he was unwilling to save Xu Yi. He himself joined in the rescue plan.

But as a daughter slave, this "selfishness" is inevitable.

Little Judy shook her head, looked around, and asked doubtfully, "Have you not been able to enter that strange place?"

"No! If it weren't for you, would we have thought that the magic circle was not effective?"

Ed shook his head, and he was relieved to see that his daughter could still speak normally.

The eyes of everyone present fell on Little Judy with eager eyes, but they all held back their words and gave Little Judy time to adjust.

Little Judy lowered her head and looked at her hand, which was empty. In that world, her hand held the note Xu Yi left for him.

"I need you to help me find the burial place of the gods! This is very important for my 'resurrection'. The only clue I have now is that the burial place may be in the Arctic Ocean."

After a while, Little Judy looked at the content on the paper that was the same as the memory and breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Xu Yi can entrust them with things so solemnly, it also means that Xu Yi is indeed okay for the time being, and what he gave is not his last words.

Little Judy spoke anxiously. She wanted to write down the above while her memory was still deep.

Xu Yi seemed to have expected this scene, and the words left on the paper suddenly changed.

"I don't know, but Xu Yi left a message for us." Little Judy shook her head. She and Xu Yi ran away separately, so she didn't know what happened next.

The residents of the Amusement City gathered together. They looked at Freddy on the high platform and couldn't help but tremble.

The people present were stunned for a moment, realizing that they had gone astray.

"Lisa, please forgive me for not being with you at this time. I hope you can take care of yourself...Maria remember to spend more time with your mother, Carlisle..."

Xu Yi was afraid that something unexpected would happen to them. That place was so weird. Once they entered there, their strength would be at a loss and the magical weapons would disappear.

This was Xu Yi's last message, and everyone present looked shocked.

When Lisa saw the second sentence on the paper, her eyes couldn't help but turn red, and she subconsciously touched her belly.

When everyone present saw it, their expressions changed. Because Xu Yi's words really sounded too much like his last words.

"Paper! Give me paper!"

"Where is Xu Yi? Is he okay now?" Lisa finally couldn't hold back and asked anxiously.

Lisa was silent, but little Judy understood the meaning of the words.

The rest is full of rambling words, and there is also the issue of the ownership of the "Taotie" dagger and the "Angry" Tang Dao.

Lisa took the paper from Little Judy's hand, and the first sentence on it was: "I'm executing a secret plan, everything is fine, you don't have to look for me for the time being!"

She raised her head and looked around at everyone without showing off, "I saw Xu Yi!"

"This is not my last words. Please don't cry. The next thing I want to ask you is."


Most of these residents are men, and the few women are also "wide-waisted and fat" and are all over forty years old.

It's not that there aren't any younger souls entering here, it's just that they were all brutally murdered by Freddy, especially the girls.

Freddy was sitting on a soft sofa, with his legs crossed and humming a tune. He seemed to be in a good mood.

But the residents present felt chills running through their bodies when they saw Freddy's smiling face.

"Let me introduce you. This is my butler. He will be responsible for managing you from now on! His words are mine. If you don't follow them, you should know the consequences." Freddy pointed to the side and introduced.

The bodies of the people present were shaking even more violently. It was not that the new butler was terrifying or ferocious, but that they could not see anyone at all.

Where Freddy pointed, it was empty.

"Xu Yi, what do you think of your new job?" Freddy asked.

"Very good! As long as I can help Freddy, that's fine!" someone answered him. Freddy clapped his hands happily, "Of course I can trust you. We are brothers who grew up together."

The people present lowered their heads, not daring to look at Freddy, feeling creepy.

Although they always thought Freddy was a madman, he was just murderous and his usual behavioral logic was normal.

But now it seems that the other party is really crazy and is actually talking to the air!

Hanton was also among the crowd, but he was tied tightly and lying on the cold ground.

He also couldn't see Xu Yi, but as one of the participants, he probably still knew something about the situation.

Did Xu Yi's plan succeed? Surprise flashed in his eyes.

Xu Yi glanced at the audience and remained silent.

Of course the people present couldn't see him, because he was Freddy and Freddy was him.

The plan can be said to be a success or a failure.

Hanton bought time for him, and the first thing he did while hiding in the "secret base" was to summon the Door of Truth.

He made a deal with the Gate of Truth.

Using Augustus' "Soul of the Obsessive", he exchanged "Lost Soul Ice Crystal".

Compared with the profiteer at the Gate of Black Void, the Gate of Truth is simply much better. It basically follows the principle of equivalent exchange.

The most important thing is that, in addition to knowledge, anything owned by the Gate of Truth can be exchanged, provided you have enough chips.

The so-called "lost soul ice crystal" is the truth of "baptism".

The moment he entered the Gate of Truth, his soul was invaded by the Lost Soul Ice Crystal, his intelligence was blinded, and his memory was tampered with.

The Lost Soul Ice Crystal is of course an extremely precious thing. Fortunately, the Obsessives of Augustus are also rare. They sold it at the Gate of Truth for a good price, but they could only exchange it for a tiny bit as big as a fingernail.

There is no doubt that the Lost Soul Ice Crystal is the most poisonous among poisons. In order to prevent it from being lost, Xu Yi performed a very dangerous "surgery".

Cut your own soul.

The principle of soul cutting is actually very simple, which is to transform a large number of soul-stealing seeds and disperse the souls among the soul-stealing seeds.

This sounds simple, but when executed, it is simply dancing on the tip of a knife. If you are not careful, your soul will be disordered and your mind will be completely insane.

Fortunately, he had rich experience in splitting soul-stealing seeds before. Of course, the most important thing is the core of the true god.

Of course, the divided seeds need a carrier.

Although the Snake of the End can also be used as a carrier, compared to the Core of the True God, the gap is still too big.

This is also thanks to the World Tree. If the World Tree hadn't eliminated all the marks of the True God's Spirit, the split souls would not have dared to enter the True God's Core.

In this way, Xu Yi split his soul into two parts, one part integrated into the core of the true god, and the other part stayed in place.

To be precise, his soul should be said to be divided into three parts, and one part is in the World Tree.

The "him" that Freddy devoured had long been injected with lost-soul ice crystals, and the "lost-soul virus" entered Freddy's body.

As the controller of the Lost Soul Ice Crystal, Xu Yi can use the Lost Soul Virus to do some "interesting" things.

Such as blinding Freddy's mind, inserting or changing some memories, and sensory deception.

His soul was indeed devoured by Freddy at first, but as the Lost Soul Virus took effect, most of what Freddy saw later were hallucinations.

It wasn't even him who devoured Xu Yi, but Xu Yi who devoured him.

Xu Yi looked at Freddy with a heavy heart.

According to common sense, in the "Devouring War", he was completely the one who took the initiative, because the other party's intelligence and senses were blinded.

But now it is Freddy who controls the domain soul body.

Because there was such a huge difference in soul strength between him and Freddy, Xu Yi had to take the initiative to give in and lurk in Freddy's soul.

(End of this chapter)

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