American exorcist god.

Chapter 371 Wedding Dress Plan

Chapter 371 Wedding Dress Plan

Xu Yi ignored Hanton, who looked like he was on the receiving end of blood, and brought the topic back on track, "Let's talk about this mine, right?"

"This mine is not a mountain in the traditional sense. Some say it is alive and will continue to grow."

When Hanton talked about the mine, he was very reserved, "According to my guess, there should be something in the center of the mine, absorbing the free energy of the dream world... After those messy energies are precipitated, the mine looks like it is constantly growing. .”

Hanton glanced at the deep underground mine tunnel, "There is a legend among the miners that there was no mine here at the beginning, only a shabby house."

Xu Yi nodded in understanding, "If I guessed correctly, that room should be the source of this dream, and the source of Freddy's power is also hidden there."

This speculation is not groundless. After Freddy was attacked by the Lost Soul Virus, Xu Yi was able to look through Freddy's memory to a certain extent.

But in Freddy's memory, there is a "code book".

If it is forcibly opened, Freddy's counterattack will be triggered immediately, causing the opponent to "wake up."

However, Xu Yi relied on clues to deduce part of the information in the "code book", which involved this mine.

When Hanton heard this, his heart moved, "Are you planning to let me go into the depths of the mine?"

Xu Yi felt heavy because this was a risky move.

"That's right! I need you to get there and put something secretly, and that thing must not be discovered by Freddy." Xu Yi nodded.

Hanton's brows quickly furrowed, "If that is the source of Freddy's power, no matter how careful you are or how small you put it, it will definitely be discovered."

Xu Yi smiled modestly, feeling very disdainful of Freddy's actions.

But for the sake of his future plans, he had no choice but to be ruthless.

Xu Yi wanted to give Hanton some reassurance, but Hanton became even more panicked after hearing this.

"It's good if I can help."

"If the plan goes well, everything Freddy does will become his wedding dress." Xu Yi secretly expected it in his heart.

How many dream mines can be dug with a few coolie miners digging with shovels?

Good tools can liberate productivity.

With the engineering bomb, he can obtain a large amount of dream mines, and his strength can be improved faster.

Freddy stood not far from the mine, dancing excitedly, "Xu Yi! You still have a way! The engineering bomb you made can increase the mining efficiency hundreds of times!"

After Freddy absorbs the Dream Mine, his strength will become stronger and stronger, and he will be devoured faster by then.

The colorful mine suddenly shook, and after a loud bang, choking black smoke poured out of Mine No. 7.

If something happens to him, Xu Yi may still be able to save him.

If something happens to Xu Yi, then their game is really over!

Although this is a dream world, as a master of scientific research, Xu Yi can easily make a simple engineering bomb.

Hanton suddenly realized, "So you suggested that I should keep working in the mine to prepare for this matter."


"Don't worry! I will create opportunities for you. If you are discovered, let alone you, I will die too."

None of the miners present dared to look at Freddy. The left half of Freddy's face was full of excitement, but the right half of his face was frowning, which looked particularly weird.

Freddie was beside himself with excitement.


Hanton held on to the mine, breathing heavily.

His body had lost a lot of weight compared to before, leaving only skin and bones.

Five days have passed since he entered Mine Zero.

If it weren't for the Serpent of the End protecting him, he would have been blown away by the "wind of hell" here.

"Where do these hellish winds come from?" Hanton couldn't help but wonder.

He took a deep breath to brace himself.

After these days of exploration, he has roughly figured out the way to the center of the mine, and Xu Yi also sent a message that the operation can begin!

The mine is not completely dark, there are glowing algae all around, but the light is cut off here, and you can't see anything in front of you.

The howling "wind of hell" blew out from the front, and even with the protection of the Serpent of the End, Hanton felt the biting cold.

He could only explore this far before, and ahead was a completely unfamiliar land. He pulled off a large piece of luminous algae from the wall and walked in resolutely.

The mine is not as scary as imagined, but the hell wind is stronger and there is no luminous algae.

Hanton kept moving forward, but he suddenly stopped and his pupils suddenly dilated.

He's back where he was!

He was pretty sure it wasn't a similar hole. There was a piece of luminous algae missing on the wall that he had removed before.

"It's obviously been a straight line, how could it go around in a circle?" Hanton felt a little confused.

"Don't panic! Go in again!"

Xu Yi's voice suddenly sounded in Hanton's mind, and Hanton almost jumped up in surprise.

Xu Yi's split soul entrusted in the core of the True God is very weak and will fall into a deep sleep most of the time, only waking up at critical times.

Hanton turned around again, and without any accident, he returned to the same place.

"Go in again!"

Xu Yi's voice had no fluctuation.

Hanton stepped into the passage again without any hesitation.

"Stop! Cover your eyes and follow my instructions. Take three steps to the left and five steps forward..."

To Hanton's left was the black mine wall. He hesitated slightly, but out of trust in Xu Yi, he still did it.

After taking two steps laterally, he suddenly froze and didn't feel any obstruction!

He suddenly became determined and strictly followed Xu Yi's instructions.

Xu Yi looked around. This section of the mine tunnel was actually a magic circle.

Although it is similar to the Hawala Labyrinth in the Pyramid of Ramses the Great, it is actually something completely different. The magic circle in front of you is naturally formed.

Freddy doesn't know anything about magic circles. The other party is almost illiterate. Being able to discover this magic circle and make use of it is already the limit of the other party.

Thinking about it, Freddy was still complacent, thinking that no one could pass through this natural maze.

"You can open your eyes now!" Xu Yi's voice sounded again.

Hanton opened his eyes and was instantly happy.

He finally returned to the same place instead of going around in circles. There was an open cave in front of him.

Xu Yi's brows furrowed. Dense tree roots hung down from the top of the cave, filling the entire cave.

They are entangled and squirming like snakes, making it impossible for people to pass easily even with their toes.

These roots are very tricky. He has no fighting ability at all now. Before Hanton entered here, he was just an ordinary person and couldn't deal with these roots at all.

Is the plan about to be stopped here?

Just when Xu Yi was struggling, Hanton suddenly stepped forward and took out a flat metal bottle from his inner pocket.

The flat bottle was opened, and the white-gray powder was poured into Hanton's hand. Hanton sprinkled it towards the rhizome in front, and the squirming rhizome avoided it like a snake encountering realgar powder.

"I observed the habits of the plants in the mine, and then found a kind of stone in the mine. Those plants would avoid the area where the stone appeared. I collected those stones and ground them into powder."

Hanton added, "I used to work in a flower farm."

"You are a researcher at Flower Field?"

Xu Yi couldn't imagine that Hanton, with such a rough appearance, was actually a scientific researcher.

Khanton shook his head, "No, they are planters."

"6!" Xu Yi wanted to give a thumbs up.

Passing through the "forest of roots", Khanton finally reached the core of the mine.

A dilapidated hut suddenly appeared in front of it. The walls were covered with scorch marks, and a collapsed cross could be seen on the roof.

Khanton walked towards the hut and stepped over the broken outer wall. His body trembled suddenly because he felt some kind of gaze, which was creepy.

(End of this chapter)

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