American exorcist god.

Chapter 372 Tampering

Chapter 372 Tampering

Freddy's body trembled slightly under his sweater, and his eyes avoided the man in black robes in front of him.

The man in black robe is not a human at all, but a black insect with a scarab-like face, hands and body replaced by tentacles, but it can speak like a human and is even proficient in human etiquette.

The reason why Freddy was trembling was not because of fear, but because he was forcibly suppressing the devouring desire in his heart.

The insect man in front of him is the envoy of the Lord of the Black Abyss, and he came to the amusement city to collect the dream mine.

As the most powerful being in the dream world, the Lord of the Black Abyss tolerates dream lords like Freddy because he regularly collects a certain amount of dream mines.

In Xu Yi's view, although the approach of the Lord of the Black Abyss, Isosen, is not brilliant, it can still be regarded as a sustainable development path of cutting leeks.

Freddy was a little confused. When he saw the insect man before, he didn't have such a strong desire to devour them.

Is it because the soul of the god has unlocked the shackles on his body? He couldn't help but think.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

Xu Yi spied on Freddy's thoughts and almost laughed out loud.

Although he is a human action model, it is only to better collect the dream mine. He is a creation of the Lord of the Black Abyss, and is essentially a "machine" without emotions.

He nodded with satisfaction. The amount of ore in the barrel was enough, and Freddy didn't play tricks on it.

Especially for an inherently lawless existence like Freddy.

The insect envoy didn't say anything wrong, but when his words fell into Freddy's ears, they automatically changed to, "Not enough! Why is it just this little ore? I want double it!"

"Isn't it always this amount?" Freddy forcibly suppressed the murderous intention in his heart, his body trembling constantly.

The insect envoy walked to two large metal buckets. The buckets were filled with blue crystals, and the crystals shone with light like stars.

Freddy looked at the two large barrels of Dream Mine with a look of reluctance.

There are many lords in the dream world, and he has seen all kinds of strange creatures. With the Lord of the Black Abyss as a deterrent, even if he wants to kill him again, he can only endure it.

The insect user was startled. Freddy's eyes were so fierce that he seemed to want to tear him into pieces. He didn't understand why Freddy reacted like this. Did he say something wrong?

But now that the restriction has been broken, every missing piece of Dream Mine is tantamount to cutting off his flesh.

This is not because of the spirit of the gods, but because Xu Yi affects Freddy's perception. It is difficult to make something out of nothing, but it is easy to amplify Freddy's desire.

Freddy raised his head sharply and stared directly at the bug user.

"Very good! I will report it to Lord Isosen and reward you." The insect envoy said a polite word.

Although we now have engineering bombs and the efficiency of mining ores has increased, dream ore is a scarce resource after all, and the quantity is inherently small.

"Insect Envoy" pretended not to notice and walked past Freddy.

In the past, he didn't have to worry about it, because due to the limitations of his soul body, he couldn't absorb much dream minerals at all.

The insect user's pupils suddenly emitted red light, and the light swept over the iron barrel.

"These are the dream mines this time?"

Freddy's face contained a series of expressions such as hunger, ferocity, restraint, disdain, etc. So many expressions were squeezed into one face, and his muscles were completely out of control, making him look particularly ferocious.

"Mr. Freddy, there is no problem with the quantity. Thank you very much for your cooperation. I will report it to Lord Isolt truthfully." The insect thought that Freddy didn't hear clearly and repeated it.

These are the legendary dream mines.

But when it fell on Freddy's ears, the words changed to: "Freddy, who do you think you are? You are just a dog raised by Lord Issophon, and you can pay as much as you want!"

Freddy's body shook violently, his fists clenched, and his teeth chattered.

Xu Yi watched all this with cold eyes. Of course, he was behind this secretly. He had tampered with some of Freddy's senses.

"Forget it! Freddy, we can't afford to offend the Lord of the Black Abyss. Anyway, this is not the first time. Let's just be patient and let it pass." Xu Yi said softly.

This sounds like it is for Freddy's good, but anyone who has had experience in breaking up a fight knows that this is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, because Xu Yi implicitly reminded Freddy that this kind of bullying has been going on for a long time.

Freddy strode towards the insect user. The insect user finally noticed something was wrong and started to panic and backed away.

"Mr. Freddy, please calm down! We have something to discuss!" But in Freddy's ears, the words automatically changed to: "Freddy, do you dare to touch me?"

Freddy's anger reached its peak, and he couldn't bear it anymore, roaring and pounced on him.

The sharp iron claws fell off, and the insect angel was torn to pieces. Freddy swallowed the insect angel's flesh and blood with a crazy expression. The more he ate, the more he became addicted. A wonderful feeling that he had never experienced before came to his heart.

These are of course also Xu Yi's work. He sacrificed a bit of his soul power and injected it into Freddy's body.

In the short term, this will weaken its own power, but in the long term, it will better implement the plan and better "tame" Freddy.

"Lord Isosen will not let you go!"

The insect user only has one head left, but he is still able to speak.

This sentence does not need to be "translated" by Xu Yi, because it is the truth of the other party.

Freddy also realized this. The more irritated he became, the more he wanted to vent. He punched the insect user's head to pieces.

This punch immediately cut off all Freddy's escape routes.

"Freddy, we have to consider a problem now, and that is how to deal with..."

Before Xu Yi could finish his words, Freddy suddenly turned his head and ran towards the mine.

"You're really sharp!" Xu Yi sighed in his heart.

He was particular about the time he asked Khanton to take action. He specifically chose the time when the envoys of the Lord of the Black Abyss would come to collect the Dream Mine. Unexpectedly, at such a critical node, Freddy still noticed the abnormality in an instant.

"I hope the subsequent arrangements will be effective!" Xu Yi could only pray secretly.


Deep in the mine, Khan Dun stepped over the blackened threshold, and his shoes made a "scratching" sound amid the fire ashes on the ground.

There was still an anxious atmosphere in the air, as if the fire had happened not long ago.

"Speed ​​up! Freddy senses something unusual!"

Xu Yi's voice suddenly appeared in Hanton's mind.

Khan was startled and hurriedly quickened his pace, but as a result, the movement created was even greater.

A dark shadow came upon hearing the sound. The moment Han Dun saw the dark shadow clearly, his hair stood on end.

That was actually Freddy, why did he appear here?

He subconsciously wanted to escape, but he was stopped by Xu Yi, "Don't panic! He can't see us!"

Han Dun was completely convinced of Xu Yi and stood there subconsciously without thinking.

Sure enough, as Xu Yi said, the "Freddy" in front of him was like a blind man, turning a blind eye to him.

Khanton gradually calmed down, and only then did he notice some details. The Fred in front of him was not wearing a horizontal striped sweater, and there was no metal claw on his hand.

"Sure enough, we found the right place. This charred corpse is Freddy's real body!"

Xu Yi's excited voice sounded in Hanton's mind.

Khan was stunned for a moment. This was a dream world, and everything here was "illusory." But according to Xu Yi's statement, could the charred corpse in front of him really exist?

"Why can't the other party see us?" Han Dun was communicating with Xu Yi in his mind. This was a skill he had only recently learned.

"Of course it's because this place is isolated. You'll know why when you look up." Xu Yi replied.

Khan Dun raised his head as he was told. A palm-sized seven-headed snake sculpture was suspended above the house, emitting a pale golden light curtain and covering the entire house.

Khanton suddenly realized that he had felt the gaze when he approached the house before, but the gaze quickly disappeared. He thought it was his own illusion, but now it seemed that it was the function of this small sculpture.

"Time is running out, I need you to kiss each other!" Xu Yi suddenly said.

(End of this chapter)

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