American exorcist god.

Chapter 373 The Source of the Wind of Hell

Chapter 373 The Source of the Wind of Hell

"What did you say?" Hanton thought he heard wrongly and asked subconsciously.

"Go and kiss the charred corpse! And it shouldn't be a superficial kiss. It's best to have a long French kiss." Xu Yi's voice didn't waver at all.

"Isn't this okay?"

Just thinking about that scene gave Khan Dun goosebumps all over his body.

If he hadn't been afraid of attracting the attention of the burnt corpse, he would have been wailing with his head in his hands.

"Why can't you do it? Don't you know how to greet a man?" Xu Yi replied.

"Is there no other way? I would rather be stabbed twice!" Hanton felt like he was going crazy.

"There is no time to think about it. We must act immediately. Think about your daughter!" Xu Yi glanced at the Snake of the End suspended in the air, and his tone was particularly anxious.

He is now a remnant soul and does not have enough strength or materials to set up the magic circle. Fortunately, he had previously carved the "Array of the Gods" on the Serpent of the End.

Khanton rushed out suddenly, but the scorched corpse failed to get out of the way. Without Freddy's soul connection, it was like a robot with a broken operating system.

The pain aroused Han Dun's bloody nature, and he gave up completely, ignoring the body that seemed to be strangled, and fiercely "kissed" the charred corpse.

He never expected that the "wind of hell" from Mine No. 0 would actually blow out from this charred corpse.

Golden light suddenly emerged from Hanton's shoulder. It was Xu Yi activating the core of the true god.

Huge force acted on Hanton, and Hanton screamed. He felt like he was about to be strangled in two.

With their current conditions, it was impossible to break open the body of the charred corpse, so they could only choose "disease enters through the mouth".

The charred corpse was thrown to the ground, but it instinctively locked the thing in front of it with its arms and exerted force.

So it's not a very good opportunity, it's best not to separate.

When Han Dun heard about his daughter, even if he didn't want to, he could only bite the bullet.

Xu Yi's soul trembled suddenly. If it weren't for the protection of the True God's core, this part of his soul would have been blown away by the wind just now.

Moreover, if the plan fails, he can also forcefully save Hanton through "arrival".

Xu Yi was not surprised by this. He knew that Khan Dun would agree. The price a father could pay for his daughter was far beyond imagination.

The core of the true god could not move forward in the violent wind, and Xu Yi became increasingly anxious.

The True God's Core was like a small boat, swimming rapidly along the surface of Han Dun's body under the control of Xu Yi.

The golden stream of light rushed into the mouth of the burnt corpse, but an icy cold wind surged in.

But the Formation of the Gods can only be released once, and the time is very short, so they must seize the time.

Xu Yi's split soul has already attached itself to Hanton. If it is separated rashly, it will not only increase the probability of being discovered, but also cause the soul to become weak.

It was more like a bite than a kiss. Hanton bit the lower lip of the charred corpse fiercely, like a wild animal chewing food.

His purpose today is very simple, which is to let the core of truth lurk in Fred's body!

So it wasn't that he wanted to embarrass Han Dun, but that he really had no choice.

"Good job!" Xu Yi was in high spirits. He could already feel the passage into Freddy's body.

Only by relying on the "Array of Conferred Gods" can the connection between Freddy's soul and body be blocked.

He devoured Freddy, but because his soul was too weak, he could only watch as he was gradually being devoured.

He can tamper with Freddy's memory and mislead Freddy's behavior, but this is the limit.

If you want to truly control the domain soul and annihilate Freddy, you must start from other aspects, and the body in front of you is the best way.

This charred corpse is the source of this dream and Freddy's identity. If you can control this charred corpse, it is equivalent to having the greatest say.

......... Freddy looked at the mine not far away, anxious.

For some unknown reason, he suddenly couldn't feel the existence of his body. The main body is not only the source of the amusement city, but also the means he uses to absorb the dream mine.

Once something happens, it will have a huge impact on him.

The mine was already very close. At this moment, a loud noise came from the depths of the mine. The mine shook suddenly, and many plants rolled down from the mine.

Freddy rushed towards the source of the explosion, subconsciously believing that the explosion was where the incident occurred.

In addition to Freddy's own human habits, Xu Yi is also adding fuel to the fire.

Xu Yi needed to hold off Freddy temporarily, at least giving Hanton time to retreat.

The explosion was in the No. 3 mine tunnel. Freddy grabbed the miner who rushed out of the mine tunnel. The miner was covered in black ash, but Freddy turned a blind eye to it and asked angrily: "What happened? thing?"

"The piled-up engineering bombs exploded!" the miner replied tremblingly.

Freddy turned his head suddenly. In the eyes of others, Freddy was talking to the air, but in Freddy's eyes, he was looking at Xu Yi.

"Tell me! What's going on!" Freddy's eyes were fierce.

The engineering bomb was made by Xu Yi, and this matter is closely related to Xu Yi.

Although in the memory implanted in Freddy, Xu Yi is Freddy's good friend, but for people like Freddy, once they fall out, not to mention friends, even brothers, can be torn into pieces on the spot.

Freddy guessed correctly, it was indeed Xu Yi who did it, but Xu Yi didn't panic at all.

"Where is Joseph who keeps the bomb?" Xu Yi asked aloud.

Of course the miner couldn't see Xu Yi, but these words came from Freddy's mouth.

If only Freddy had a real friend who could record this scene and let Freddy see it, he would be able to detect his strange situation at this moment, but unfortunately this is not possible.

" away!"

The miner was afraid that he would be implicated, so he quickly distanced himself from the relationship, "It's really none of my business. I told him not to smoke next to the bomb, but he just didn't listen!"

Xu Yi let out a long sigh, and Freddy's face was as dark as water. In order to facilitate the management of the miners, he promoted two "confidants", and Joseph was one of them.

Xu Yi wanted him to replace Joseph before, but he didn't agree. He didn't expect that it would cause such an accident.

Xu Yi sneered in his heart. All this was part of his plan. He had already investigated Joseph clearly and knew that he was an out-and-out smoker.

Trying to stop smokers from smoking is like trying to stop traffic jams during the Spring Festival. Both are impossible.

Everyone thought that the smoker Joseph accidentally lit the bomb, even Joseph himself thought so.

But only Xu Yi knew that he had already planned it. As a bomb maker, adding a timed explosive device was a simple matter.

In order to keep "witness" Joseph and other miners alive, Xu Yi also specially designed an "explosion warning device". A terrifying fire effect will appear before the explosion, enough for people around him to escape.

"Find me Joseph!"

Freddy roared out, preparing to cut Joseph into pieces.

But in the next second, his expression suddenly changed, and he ran towards the No. 0 mine tunnel.

He was here to check the status of his body, but why did he inexplicably end up here to handle business?

He shook his head and felt a little dizzy. He guessed that he might be angry with the messenger of the Lord of the Black Abyss.

And all of this, of course, has something to do with Xu Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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