American exorcist god.

Chapter 377 The Place of Pain

Chapter 377 The Place of Pain

The City of Amusement has reached the edge of the dream world, and thick blood-colored clouds spread in front of it, like a blood-stained rose garden.

"Wearing this thorn forest is the kingdom of pain."

The two insect envoys stared at Freddy coldly. They took out a black ball from their pockets and handed it to Freddy's hand. "With the Black Abyss Ball, you can pass through the boundary membrane."

"My stomach is a little..." Fred suddenly held his stomach in pain.

But before he finished speaking, one of the insect envoys added lightly: "The Black Abyss Ball will expire in ten minutes."

Freddy's expression froze in pain. He wanted to delay it for a while, but now it seemed he had no choice.

He casually threw the black abyss ball in his hand on the ground, and the ball exploded, forming a "soap bubble".

The "soap bubble" wrapped up Freddy and floated high into the sky, flying into the red clouds.

Xu Yi's brows suddenly wrinkled. He had been wondering just now, why is this red cloud called the thorn forest?

But when Freddy entered the clouds, he suddenly understood.

"This space is filled with invisible force fields that can directly act on the soul." Xu Yi came to the conclusion.

"That mountain is where the Royal Court of the Kingdom of Pain is. We went there and secretly buried the engineering bomb. When we pressed the remote control, with a bang, the Royal Court was blown up into the sky. It was a perfect end of work!" Freddy patted it! palm.

His soul was stung, as if he was walking through dense thorns, and the thorns scratched his body, dripping with blood.

The "soap bubble" traveled through the clouds for a moment, and a gray light curtain suddenly appeared in front of it, which was the boundary film of another dream.

But he has no good solution now, he can only take it one step at a time.

"Look... do you see that high mountain?"

Freddie grimaced in pain, but for a devil like him, pain was just a common occurrence.

His soul merged with Freddy's, and Freddy could feel the pain, and so could he.

"What should we do next?" Xu Yi had no choice but to speak out to distract his attention.

He suddenly understood why this dream was called the "Kingdom of Pain". No one who entered here could escape the pain.

There is only one mountain in the entire Kingdom of Pain. You can see it from a distance, so you don't have to worry about getting lost, but walking there with your legs is too much torture.

It would be fine in other places, after all, Freddy's physical strength is amazing, but here is the Kingdom of Pain. In the "Thorn Stand", every step he takes is torture.

"What's your plan?" Xu Yi asked.

Xu Yi wanted to facepalm, he shouldn't ask Freddy, it's no wonder Freddy can come up with a good plan.

"Should we walk there?" Freddy looked at the distant mountains and felt his legs were a little weak.

Freddy's pain was even more severe. After all, Freddy controlled his soul body. He stretched out his hand tremblingly and pointed into the distance.

Xu Yi also put on a pain mask. He originally thought that after entering this dream, the tingling sensation would weaken or even disappear, but unexpectedly it would become several times stronger.

The black abyss ball provided by Isosen was quite reliable. The "soap bubble" easily blended into the light curtain, and Freddy fell from a high altitude.

In fact, Freddy didn't need to point. The moment Xu Yi passed through the boundary membrane, he could already see the huge mountain standing quietly among the clouds and mist.

"Ah!" Freddy screamed subconsciously, not because he had a fear of heights.

As Freddy fell all the way, a modern city suddenly appeared in front of him. They fell on the outskirts of the city. The moment they landed, the "soap bubble" shattered and the force of the fall was completely eliminated.

"Don't worry. When I fell just now, I saw a lot of transportation in the city. We can find a car." Xu Yi comforted.

When Freddy stepped into the city, there were almost no people on the streets. He could only vaguely see a few figures in the distance. The traffic lights flashed monotonously, making him look very depressed.

"Why is this building weird?" Freddy muttered quietly.

Xu Yi discovered as soon as he came in. At first glance, this was a modern metropolis, but if you look closely, you will find that there are many "distortions" in this city. The high-rise buildings are tilted, the roads on the street are almost straight and crooked, like earthworms crawling, and the red and green lights are also messed up.

"Driver! Take a taxi!"

A yellow taxi suddenly drove past them, and after finally seeing a living person, Freddy certainly wouldn't let it go.

His way of stopping the car was simple and rough. He grabbed the door handle of the back seat of the car, veins pulsing in his wrist, and his leather shoes rubbed against the ground, giving off a burning breath.

The taxi finally stopped, the safety lock popped up, and the rear door opened.

"Come on!" Freddy waved to Xu Yi excitedly.

Of course, others couldn't see Xu Yi. Freddy's actions were no different from a lunatic in the eyes of ordinary people. But the driver didn't respond. He sat quietly in the driver's seat and looked ahead.

No matter how you look at it, the driver looks weird, but Xu Yi still "gets in the car." Again, they don't have much choice now.

"Go to that mountain!" Freddy said carelessly. He didn't have a dime in his pocket, and he obviously wanted to get whoring for free.

But the driver didn't ask anything, stepped on the accelerator, and the taxi sped along the road. Judging from the direction, it was indeed heading towards the mountain.

The taxi arrived in the city center, but there were still very few pedestrians on the streets, but there were gradually more cars.

The light shone, and the taxi driver's face was projected on the metal strips of the car's interior. Two ferocious faces flashed past, and Xu Yi was stunned for a moment.

He found a strange place. There were no rearview mirrors in the car, and they had never been able to see the driver clearly.

Rumbles of thunder suddenly exploded above, and within a few seconds, the sky turned completely dark.

The moment thunder sounded, the driver stepped on the accelerator. The car behind him didn't have time to stop and hit him directly. The whole car moved sideways and hit the guardrail beside the road, which made a cracking sound.

"Can you drive..."

Freddy cursed subconsciously, but he suddenly stopped. The driver turned his head sharply, staring directly at Freddy with two painfully twisted faces.

Freddy swallowed secretly. His face was already terrifying, but it was far from the "Two-Face Man" in front of him.

What's more, looking at those twisted faces, the sting actually became more intense.

The driver ignored Freddy and got out of the car.

Not only him, the doors of the surrounding cars also opened, and the people in the cars got out silently. They all had two faces stuck together, their expressions also distorted with pain.

The sound of footsteps came from the tall buildings on the roadside. More and more people came out of the buildings, crowded together and looked up at the sky.

Xu Yi finally understood why the city looked so deserted, with most people hiding.

There was another thunder explosion, and heavy rain fell. The rain fell on the car windows, and the bloody rain blurred the vision.

"Damn! What the hell is this place!"

Freddy pushed open the car door. Even though he was slow, he knew something was wrong.

All the two-faced people raised their heads, letting the rain fall on their faces, and a trace of pleasure appeared on their painfully twisted faces.

Their next actions made Xu Yi feel a chill in his heart.

The chef in a white robe raised the kitchen knife in his hand and slashed towards his own head. His skull was shattered and his brains splattered out.

One of his faces was in extreme pain, and the other was in extreme joy, which looked extremely weird.

Not just the chef, everyone present took advantage of the sharp tools at hand. Some are knives that you carry with you, some are forks that come out of the store, and some are sharp street signs that rush towards the street...

The sharp weapon penetrated the flesh, blood spattered out, screams of pain and moans of pleasure sounded at the same time, Xu Yi felt like he was in hell.

(End of this chapter)

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