American exorcist god.

Chapter 378 "Old Friend"

Chapter 378 "Old Friend"

"Damn! These people are all lunatics!" Freddy looked at the people who were self-harming and cursed angrily.

It is amazing enough for a lunatic to call others lunatic. It can only be said that lunatic has to be tortured by lunatic.

Xu Yi's expression suddenly changed, and then he roared angrily, "Hurry! Freddie, hurry up and hurt yourself!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Are you crazy?" Freddy yelled.

But soon he couldn't curse anymore, and the self-mutilators all turned around and stared at Freddy coldly. Freddy looked so out of place in this self-inflicted party.

Freddie is full of shortcomings, but one good thing is that he corrects his mistakes when he knows they are wrong.

He raised his metal claw and stabbed himself in the chest, causing Freddy to scream miserably.

"Good acting skills!"

Xu Yi saw this scene and wanted to praise him, but the next second, the pain was transmitted to his body, and his whole soul was trembling in pain.

pain! It hurts so much!

Xu Yi also suffered a serious injury from his abdomen being punctured. The pain at that time was less than one ten thousandth of what it is now.

"'s okay!" Xu Yi responded with difficulty. The severe pain just now made him almost unable to maintain the sensory interference with Freddy.

But the next second, he suddenly froze.

Fear suddenly exploded in Xu Yi's heart. The man's face suddenly rushed towards him. Not only could the other party find him, but he could also accurately locate him!

The human face bit Xu Yi's soul, and Xu Yi's whole body trembled violently.

"Xu...Xu Yi?" Freddy saw Xu Yi's figure flash for a moment, then suddenly disappear, and then suddenly disappear again.

"This dream will magnify the pain exponentially!" Xu Yi suddenly understood.

There was no need for Xu Yi to remind Freddy. Freddy was already running forward, but as soon as he moved, the "thorn stance" all over the place began to take effect. The faster the speed, the stronger the effect.

The two-faced people who looked at Freddy all withdrew their gazes, and Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. Although the pain was really painful, he had gained something at least.

Xu Yi was in a very bad mood. If he had known that this was the case in the Kingdom of Pain, he would have stopped going to the Kingdom of Pain at all costs.

Freddy screamed again and again, and Xu Yi was also having a hard time, but he soon stopped paying attention to it.

This dream happens to be his nemesis.

"Freddy! Get out of here!" Xu Yi roared, feeling that something terrible was happening.

The man's eyes rolled and he stared straight at Xu Yi. Xu Yi was shocked that the other party was able to discover him!

Could it be because of the interaction between the same "parasites"?

When the human face parasitized Freddy and discovered that Xu Yi had already arrived, he naturally regarded Xu Yi as a roadblock and planned to get rid of him quickly.

A face actually grew on Freddy's chest, a completely unfamiliar man's face.

He didn't think too much, thinking that he was in too much pain, so he was hallucinating.

The man's face was still biting his soul, and the pain came like a tide, one wave after another.

Fortunately, Freddy couldn't see this for the time being.

Xu Yi was able to guess the behavioral logic of this "parasitic face". The other party wanted to turn Freddy into a two-faced person.

It was as if someone took an electric drill and drilled a hole in his brain, then sprinkled salt and pepper into his brain.

"Damn! This is just a surprise for Freddy!" Xu Yi cursed in his heart, but he also breathed a sigh of relief quietly, "Fortunately! In addition to the severe pain, the human face can't do anything to him."

He looked at Freddy's body again and was so shocked that his soul felt suffocated.

At some point, two human faces quietly crawled onto Freddy's body, one was the face of a young girl, and the other was the face of an old man.

The two faces were staring straight at Xu Yi, swimming like snakes, and biting Xu Yi fiercely.

More intense pain came, and Xu Yi's soul actually showed signs of collapse!

When God closes a door for you, he usually locks your windows. Freddy, who was running wildly, suddenly stopped. There was no road ahead. It wasn't that he had entered a dead end, but that there was a huge human wall lying in front of him.

Freddy's unusual behavior was still discovered, and Freddy was the only one running wildly in the whole street.

At some point, the people who were self-harming suddenly stopped and surrounded Freddy. Freddy looked around and saw twisted and ferocious conjoined faces.

The two-faced man rushed towards Freddy, and the metal claw in Freddy's hand swung, and the blade weaved a dense network.

All the two-faced people who were close to him seemed to have fallen into a meat grinder, with their bodies broken and stumps scattered all over the ground.

A black shadow suddenly jumped up from the ground and bit Freddy hard, causing Freddy to scream in pain.

They were human faces that had fallen off from their stumps. The bodies were more like their clothes and could be discarded at any time. Only the conjoined human faces were their true bodies.

More and more black shadows pounce on Freddy, and Freddy is covered with human faces.

"Where are the water drops in the dreamland? You don't need them now. Why don't they stay at your funeral?" Xu Yi couldn't help scolding.

Freddy finally came to his senses. He took out a glass bottle from his pocket and threw it into the air. The iron claw scratched the bottle, and the bottle shattered. Three drops of water with different lights flew away.

In such a bad situation, he didn't care about the plan to use them one by one at the beginning, and threw them all out at once.

Freddy opened his mouth and spit out black ash with sparks in it. The black ash swept up three drops of water, and an invisible force acted on the shadow in the water droplets.

Three phantoms were pulled out and grew bigger and bigger.

The huge mantis with strange patterns all over its body screamed loudly, its eyes filled with the coldness of a superior hunter, but when it saw the densely packed two-faced people, its small eyes trembled in shock.

The other figure is a fish, shaped like a catfish, but larger than a tiger shark, with black barbs covering its body.

The moment this weird fish landed, its long tail swung violently, sweeping away a large number of two-faced people and fleeing outside. It was smarter than imagined.

But it was no use, those human faces fell off their heads one after another, jumping up like fleas, and instantly enveloped the weird catfish.

The catfish screamed and fell, and the patterned mantis trembled, its wings vibrated at high speed, and wanted to fly away from the air, but it flapped its wings for a long time and found that it could not fly at all.

Under its feet, the densely packed two-faced people turned into human chains, locking it tightly.

The human face began to bite the mantis and the weird catfish. The two giant beasts twisted in pain, and their bodies were gradually eaten away.

Freddy was dumbfounded. The two powerful creatures he had placed high hopes on were actually solved like this?

As for the "mask man" chosen by Xu Yi, he no longer had any hope.

"Quick! Follow the masked man!" Xu Yi's hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Freddy was stunned for a moment and turned to look around. In an inconspicuous corner among the crowd, there was a strong man with a hockey mask on his face and a machete in his hand. He raised and lowered the knife and chopped off the two-faced people one after another with the blade.

No matter how many faceless people came up, the man's hand never trembled at all, it was simply terrifyingly steady.

"Finally we meet again!"

Xu Yi stared at Jason's back and saw his "old friend" meet again. He found that Jason's strength had improved compared to before.

"I admit that this ugly guy is indeed brave, but what's the use? Courage does not mean strength." Freddy felt like he was going to die here.

"Hold on!" Xu Yi didn't have much confidence, not in Jason, but in them.

He looked around, and more and more two-faced people were gathering here.

Although the three monsters summoned by Freddy attracted a considerable amount of attention, there were too many Two-Face people, and their pressure did not lessen.

Thunder exploded in the sky, the blood rain became even greater, and the Two-faced Man's attack became even more frenzied.

(End of this chapter)

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