American exorcist god.

Chapter 380 Reversal

Chapter 380 Reversal

Jason completely turned on the killing mode. Any creature that moved in front of him was the target of his killing.

The twisted and glued face was split open, and screams could be heard endlessly.

The water on the street gradually rose, and Jason seemed to be standing on the bright red sea. There were a large number of stumps floating on the sea, and faces that had been split open but were not immediately dead were crying in pain on the water.

Even in the deepest hell, this is almost the scene.

The rain of blood showed no sign of stopping, and the number of Two-faced people showed no sign of decreasing. Two-faced people continued to die, and new Two-faced people were added.

Jason died and was reborn again and again.

Every time he wakes up, he wields the knife indifferently, not feeling tired at all, like a killing machine.

Every time he was reborn, he would become stronger, but he was still no match for the oncoming Two-Face.

Until a bloody sword suddenly appeared!

"Wow! Brother, are you exaggerating? Why do you get stronger as you die!"

Freddy kept exclaiming that he no longer dared to call Jason "Big Man" and started calling him brother.

The two-faced people who were rushing forward suddenly stood on the spot, no longer endlessly swarming towards Jason. Their bodies began to melt and merged with the entire city.

Freddy has experience in resuscitating many times.

Jason ignored Freddy's strange screams and continued to swing his sword silently. Every time the sword struck, a bloody sword light would fly out.

He faced too many faceless people now, so he evolved the ability of "group attack".

He looked up at the thousands of faces attached to the tall buildings, his eyes unwavering under the hockey mask.

Thousands of two-faced people fell down, like farmers wielding sickles to harvest rice.

If he falls into magma and his body is repeatedly melted, after a few times, he will be able to evolve a body adapted to high temperatures.

No wonder the city looks so strange, because it is originally alive, every time it sleeps, because there are too many details in the city, it is impossible to restore them all.

Under the bloody sword light, no matter how many Two-faced people there were, they wouldn't be enough to kill him.

Then the whole city began to tremble, and it finally couldn't sit still and woke up.

Jason was carrying two dog-leg knives, which he took from the Two-Face Man.

"What kind of broken water is this!"

Freddy only felt that the surroundings had become colder, but Xu Yi lurking inside him was extremely frightened.

Xu Yi can get a brief respite every time he withstands a wave of bites on people's faces.

In a ball of meat, Freddy, who was also flat, rolled his eyes, looked left and right, and began to guess where Jason would be reborn later.

The rainwater that had been smashed into the street began to flow back, covering Freddy. He felt a chill coming over him and shuddered violently.

This is the power of the golden entry "Infinite Evolution". Every evolution of Jason is not random.

Every time Jason was about to die, Freddy would hide in hiding, wait until Jason was resurrected, and then immediately "stick" to him.

The high-rise building crushed down like a giant snake. Jason waved his knife to resist, but the two were not of the same magnitude at all. He was flattened on the road, and his flesh and mud spattered.

Their painfully twisted faces appeared on the surrounding building facades, staring coldly at Jason below.

As soon as he regained consciousness, he saw a wave of illusory human faces rushing toward him.

"This city is the breeding ground for the birth of illusory faces!" Xu Yi suddenly understood.

His heart instantly fell to the bottom, because he could not withstand the "tide of human faces" no matter what.

His soul was bitten by the dense crowd of human faces, and he, who was originally the flame of a candle in the wind, was extinguished in an instant, leaving only a withered "wick".

The face roared excitedly, and only Xu Yi could hear this sound.

Of course they are excited. As long as they swallow the "wick" in front of them, they can take Freddy's body and add another Two-Face to this city of pain.

Their sharp teeth bit into the "wick", and they were suddenly surprised to find that no matter how hard they tried, they could not damage the "wick" at all.

Xu Yi was already in despair, but he didn't expect a sudden turn of events. "It's a split soul!" Xu Yi suddenly figured it out.

Only the core part of his soul is left now, which is also the part that connects other souls.

His split soul has two parts, one of which is inside the charred corpse. After gradually merging with the core of the true god, it becomes tough.

But it was obviously not this part that could make him endure the bite.

He still has a part of his soul that remains in the body of the World Tree.

The relationship between the main soul and the split soul is like a person and a kite. There is an invisible line connecting them.

The main soul is destroyed, just like when a person leaves and cuts off the string of a kite, the kite goes with the wind, and without anyone's help, the only possibility is that the kite crashes.

That part of the soul not only belongs to Xu Yi, but also belongs to World Tree. World Tree is definitely not willing to lose this part of the soul, so it transmits energy to the main soul through the line.

"World Tree! Awesome!" Xu Yi wanted to cheer.

He took the World Tree's tree soul with the idea of ​​"long-term investment", but he didn't expect it to pay off so quickly.

But he was so excited not only because of this reason, but more importantly because of the divine leap.

[Divine Leap, current progress: 52/100]

The World Tree can only guarantee that his final soul will not be destroyed, but the pain he endured will not disappear. Now these pains have actually become the experience of divine leap!

"Let the pain be more intense!" Xu Yi shouted in his heart.

What was more intense was not the pain, but the tall buildings around me.

Jason's constant resurrection seems to have angered the city, with huge tall buildings merging with each other and turning into a "Hydra" with a sharp metal spire as the head.

"Hydra" violently attacked, and Jason was crushed again and again.

I don't know how long this situation lasted until a "sound of striking iron" resounded through the sky.

The "sound of iron striking" came from Jason's body. The huge metal spire bombarded Jason's body, as if it hit an alloy iron pier. Jason was actually unscathed.

"Don't be too outrageous. If you do this again...I'll kneel down for you!" Freddy couldn't help but break his tongue at any time.

Xu Yi also felt that it was outrageous. It was not because Jason had evolved a "King Kong body", but because of the power. Such a huge "tall building" was crushing Jason, and he actually didn't take a step back.

Jason, who was shrouded in tall buildings, suddenly raised his head, and the bloody light in his pupils was so rich that it seemed to be burning.

Jason stepped hard on the ground, and the ground cracked. He rose into the sky, and the blood-colored air flow from his body rose into the sky. The high-rise buildings that were affected by the air flow were instantly annihilated.

"Even this method has evolved!"

Xu Yi suddenly regretted letting Freddy take Jason into the dream world. If Jason returns to the real world, who knows what will happen.

If the other party evolves the ability to leave Crystal Lake, it will be a disaster for the real world.

But if Jason hadn't been brought in, Freddy, the domain soul, would be dead, and he might be trapped in this ghost place forever.

The blood-colored air flow converged toward Jason's hand and compressed into a blood-colored machete. He slashed out, and the huge sword light directly annihilated a building.

Jason was so frightened at this moment that even Freddy, who was talking nonsense, didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear of attracting Jason's attention, he would kill him conveniently.

The Jason just now couldn't do anything to him, but the Jason now is different.

Fortunately, this city brings a stronger sense of threat to Jason, and Jason wants to prioritize dealing with difficult enemies.

The whole city was shaking constantly, making loud rumbling noises as it moved, as if it was venting its anger.

But the next second, the restless city suddenly became quiet, and the high-rise buildings were lying on the ground, like a well-behaved kitten.

Xu Yi was suddenly stunned because the rain... stopped.

It's not that the rain has stopped, but that it has stopped in a physical sense. The blood-colored raindrops are hovering in the sky, and the entire space seems to be imprisoned.

At some point, this space was shrouded in a huge shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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