American exorcist god.

Chapter 381 It’s over

Chapter 381 It’s over

Xu Yi was suddenly surprised to find that those illusory faces seemed to be escaping from his soul.

He didn't feel happy when he saw this scene.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and he also needs these illusory faces to contribute to the progress of his divine transformation.

If conditions didn't allow it, he would have wanted to beg them not to leave.

A huge shadow hung over them, and the clouds were so dense that it was impossible to see what was above them, but Xu Yi could still roughly guess the identity of the other party.

I don't know when, the distant mountain peak where the royal court was located suddenly disappeared.

The shadow broke through the clouds and descended slowly. Jason looked up, with a rare solemn look in his eyes.

Xu Yi took a breath. It was a huge mountain of meat. The off-white fat was surging like waves, giving people an unspeakable feeling of discomfort.

There is a layer of "moss" attached to the mountain of flesh, which is formed by the connection of painfully twisted human faces.

Xu Yi was completely overwhelmed by pain. He felt like a small boat sailing in the sea of ​​pain. The boat was pushed into the bottom of the sea again and again by wind and waves, but with the protection of the World Tree, it floated up again and again.

It was pitch black in the mountain of flesh, but a faint red light suddenly lit up. The red light came from the surrounding flesh and blood, and the light became brighter and brighter.

The huge mountain of meat fell, but Jason was not crushed into mud. The moment he came into contact with the mountain of meat, the fat meat became as soft as cotton, and he was swallowed into the mountain of meat in an instant.

I don't know how long it took, but he was even a little numb from the pain, and the pain suddenly began to subside.

"I am xx Isosen! You fucking tricked me! This Kingdom of Pain is actually the territory of Os!" Freddy suddenly yelled angrily.

Before he completely lost consciousness, he glanced at the system panel.

Although Freddy screamed repeatedly, there was no sign of being dissolved.

This is not a good thing. As the red light appears, the temperature of the entire space begins to rise rapidly.

There is a huge flaming red lip in the center of the mountain. The red lips are slightly raised, as if they are smiling.

[Divine Leap, current progress: 56/100]

"It's all over now!" Freddy's transformed flesh worm writhed in pain.

The bloody sword light rose into the sky and struck at the bottom of the meat mountain. The fat mass of Roshan surged like a wave, and the sword light fell into it and was eliminated silently.

The flesh and blood are hot and shiny, the temperature is astonishingly high, and this high temperature is specifically targeted at the soul. Jason seemed to have fallen into a steel furnace. After struggling for a moment, his body was gradually melted.

Roshan Es moved towards Jason, as if the sky collapsed, and Jason's vision was completely occupied by Roshan.

The mountain of meat in front of him may not be as powerful as Aesopson, but it gives people an even more eerie feeling.

"This guy's vitality is really tenacious!" Xu Yi couldn't help but admire, he may have underestimated Freddy's "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds" ability.

But no matter who the enemy was, Jason did not hesitate at all, silently waving the machete in his hand.

Xu Yi soon had no time to pay attention to Freddy, because the severe pain appeared again. If the previous pain felt like a tide, then this time it was like a tsunami.

He was in so much pain that he wanted to commit suicide, but he didn't even have the ability to commit suicide and could only endure the endless pain.

Xu Yi's consciousness gradually returned, but he just stared blankly ahead, doing nothing and thinking about nothing.

After a long pause, he started to check the information on the system panel.

[Divine Leap, current progress: 91/100]

He only needed to hold on for a few more moments before the divine leap could reach its full value, but he didn't feel any pity at all.

If he had no choice but to passively endure it, he would have given up long ago.

That is simply not something a person can bear. He feels that he has some mental problems now, but now there is no chance to conduct self-examination.

It took a long time before Xu Yi was able to pay attention to the situation around him. What surprised him was that Freddy also survived. He was worthy of being an extremely rare domain soul, and indeed he still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

But it can be seen that Freddy is not feeling well either. The bug he transformed into has completely shriveled up and is lying in Jason's fleshy flesh without saying a word.

A hopeless talkative suddenly stopped talking. You can imagine how weak he was.

Xu Yi couldn't see Jason. All he could see in the "Blood Furnace" was a pile of rotten flesh.

It is conceivable that because the temperature was too high, Jason's body was melted as soon as he was resurrected.

But now the surrounding temperature is gradually decreasing, and the glaring red light is gradually dimming.

Xu Yi was a little confused. Did Es think it had killed Jason, so he stopped smelting?

From the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught sight of two eyes, as bright as gold, with lava flowing in their pupils.

Although the color had changed, the aura had also changed, but he still recognized it the same, it was Jason's eyes, the same indifference that regarded life as nothing.

"Sun Houhou developed his piercing eyes in Taishang Laojun's Bagua furnace. What did Jason do?" Xu Yi couldn't help but want to complain.

He suddenly understood why the temperature had dropped.

The eyes can be said to be the most fragile organ in the human body, but now that even the eyeballs cannot be melted, what else can this "red furnace" do?

Roshan Es must have noticed this, so he stopped the smelting.

Es is probably confused now. He used to have all-conquering methods, but now he can't kill any of the three people.

"It's a bit late!" Xu Yi sighed in his heart, of course he was referring to Es.

In his opinion, to deal with Jason, it is best to choose methods such as suppression. It is too difficult to completely kill the opponent.

Es only reacted now, it was a bit late, he could already feel the shuddering aura.

Taking the pupil as the origin, black tendons extended in all directions, forming a human shape. Flesh and blood grew rapidly on the meridians, and Jason was reborn!

Jason looked around. The furnace, whose temperature had not subsided, could not hurt him at all. He suddenly opened his mouth and roared, and a bloody beam of light spurted out from Jason's mouth.

Jason twisted his body, and the bloody light beam cut open the base of the meat mountain like a scalpel. The faces on the meat mountain all screamed in pain, and the blood dripping from the incision fell like a heavy rain.


Freddy tried to cheer, but he was too weak and his voice was hoarse. He slowly wrapped his arms around Jason's thigh... This could be considered a thigh hug in every sense of the word.

Perhaps thinking that Freddy was no threat, Jason ignored him for the time being. Jason rushed towards the meat mountain above. The meat mountain secreted a large amount of blood, and the blood condensed into a red crystal wall.

The crystal wall was far stronger than the boundary membrane, but in front of Jason, it was not much stronger, and the crystal wall shattered inch by inch.

Jason cut into the mountain of meat like a sharp knife. The faces of the people on the mountain showed expressions of fear and had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

The premonition came true. A bloody beam of light shot out from the inside of the mountain of flesh. The beam of light swept across, like a sharp knife, cutting into the mountain of meat. Large clumps of flesh and blood fell, and a rain of blood floated in the sky.

The human face on the mountain of meat let out a roar, and Jason completely angered it. The meat mountain began to shrink, and Jason was forced out.

Jason wanted to charge again, but he suddenly found that he couldn't move.

The flaming red lips on the mountain of meat opened silently, and a black vortex formed rapidly inside. A huge suction force acted on Jason, and Jason was slowly pulled toward the vortex.

Xu Yi's expression changed instantly. Compared to suppressing, Roshan Es chose a more ruthless method, which was to banish him.

On the other side of the exile is undoubtedly the horrific place of death.

He didn't know if Jason would survive, but he and Freddy were 90% dead.

Freddy also realized this and wanted to escape from Jason, but just when he wanted to leave Jason's lap, he was almost sucked away by the vortex.

Xu Yi stared at the black vortex between the red lips, feeling extremely anxious but unable to do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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