American exorcist god.

Chapter 382: Hit it!

Chapter 382: Hit it!

"It's over! To think that my great Freddy Krueger died here quietly like this. Even if I am going to die, I should be the center of attention!" Freddy's eyes were desperate.

At this moment, he saw an incredible figure in the city below and screamed, "Xu Yi! You're not dead?"

Xu Yi pushed open the manhole cover of the sewer and quietly stuck his head out.

No matter how Freddie never imagined that Xu Yi was still alive!

"Damn it!" Xu Yi cursed in his heart. Fortunately, this was just an image he created in Freddy's mind by interfering with him.

If all this is true, this voice can ruin the escape opportunity that Xu Yi finally created.

Freddy's thinking was very simple. He was afraid that Xu Yi would run away alone and not come to save him. Because if it were him, that's what he would do.

"Do you feel sorry?" Xu Yi rolled his eyes.

In Freddy's eyes, Xu Yi's face had two faces at the moment.

When Freddy sees this, he will automatically think of a way for him to survive to reduce the chance of being discovered.

"If you lie to me, you will be dead!" Freddy stared into Xu Yi's eyes, trying to judge whether the other party was lying to him.

Freddy couldn't see the flaw, and he really had no other choice but to take the risk.

As for whether it will succeed, only God knows.

In Xu Yi's view, his threat had no deterrent effect.

"Do you have a way? Tell me, brother! If I can leave here alive, I will definitely repay you." Freddy said in surprise.

But he didn't just talk nonsense, he made some basic judgments based on the current situation.

The black vortex turned faster and faster, and the suction force became stronger and stronger. Jason's body was covered in blood-colored airflow, resisting the suction of the vortex, but he still moved towards the vortex inch by inch.

"Esi is dealing with this hero wholeheartedly. It is when he is at his weakest. Hurry up and invade the opponent's core!" Xu Yi roared.

The bug transformed by Freddy suddenly twisted in pain and almost broke away from Jason's body and was sucked away by the black vortex. Fortunately, Xu Yi intervened.

"Are you telling the truth?" Freddy expressed doubt.

"If you want to die, just keep chatting with me here!" Xu Yi was completely disappointed with Freddy's character.

Of course Xu Yi didn't believe a word of Freddy's words, but who knew that the other party was the domain soul, and all the other party's abilities would soon belong to him.

His forehead suddenly split open, and his dark insect eyes were revealed, shooting out a green light. The light was illusory, ignoring the attraction of the black vortex and falling on the mountain of flesh.

"You are not loyal enough to have such a good idea, but you didn't tell me!" Freddy came and complained first.

The scene was temporarily deadlocked, and Jason was getting closer and closer to the dark vortex. If this situation continued, the final victory would definitely belong to Os.

Although only two or three seconds passed, Xu Yi felt that the time was so long.

"Body Seizing Invasion" is one of Freddy's abilities. Freddy originally wanted this ability to devour Xu Yi, but it was a pity that he was turned into a human by the Lost Soul Ice Crystal Cult.

"Believe me! I have absolute confidence!" Xu Yi shouted loudly.

What he thought was that even if he couldn't succeed, he could still disturb Os a little and prevent Jason from being exiled.

He was so confident that he was just trying to trick Freddy into treating a dead horse as a live doctor.

Xu Yi was not surprised by this scene. When he peeked into Freddy's memory, he specifically learned about this information, so he made this plan.

Sure enough, it still failed? Xu Yi's heart sank to the bottom, and the improvised method he came up with was indeed unreliable.

"Wow! Xu Yi, you are really good at predicting things!" Freddy's dull eyes suddenly lit up, and he let out a strange cry.

"You succeeded?" Xu Yi couldn't believe it. "It should be a success, right? I can now control the Kingdom of Pain." Freddy's tone was a little hesitant.

"Freddie is awesome!"

Xu Yi couldn't help but exclaimed. Normally, an invasion would first control the main body and then gain control of the other party's belongings. Unexpectedly, Freddy did it in one step.

"Freddy, why haven't you canceled the whirlpool yet? Do you want to travel to outer space?" Xu Yi glanced at the sky and was suddenly stunned.

The black vortex still existed, and Jason was getting closer and closer to the vortex. His body was shaking, and he looked like he might be sucked away at any time.

"What black vortex? Didn't I tell you? I gained control of the Kingdom of Pain!"

Freddy's voice was full of dissatisfaction and he said urgently, "Tell me! What should I do next? I'm going to be sucked away!"

"This dream does not belong to Os, it is also an intruder!" Xu Yi suddenly understood.

No wonder Freddy didn't know that Os was in the Kingdom of Pain. No wonder Freddy was able to seize control of the Kingdom of Pain so easily...

Because Os also took control of the Kingdom of Pain after devouring the original owner of this dream.

The connection between the snatched dreams was not close to begin with, and now that Jason had distracted most of his energy, it was understandable that Freddy took advantage of it.

"Think of a way quickly! If I can survive, I will definitely repay you! I swear!" Freddy looked at the black hole so close, completely anxious.

"Don't rush! I'm thinking of a way!" If it were an entity, Xu Yi would be sweating profusely now.

"Drive the Kingdom of Pain out of the thorn forest!" A flash of light suddenly flashed through Xu Yi's mind, and he suddenly thought of a way!

"What's the use of this?" Freddy really couldn't understand the purpose of doing this.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry!" Xu Yi urged.

Freddy also knew that the situation was urgent and did not dare to talk nonsense. The Kingdom of Pain shook with a bang, and then began to move slowly and accelerate.

In order to get a better view, Freddy turned the gray boundary film to transparent. The sky suddenly brightened, and they could see the red clouds surrounding the Kingdom of Pain.

The Kingdom of Pain is like a starship sailing in the red mist.

"Speed ​​up!" Xu Yi roared loudly.

"It's already the fastest speed!" With that said, Freddy still tried to make the Kingdom of Pain sail faster.

The Kingdom of Pain passed through the fog, and Jason and Freddy were less than three meters away from the black vortex. What was terrible was that the red airflow surrounding Jason suddenly began to fade.

If there is no red airflow to resist the suction, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a second!

"Sure enough, I guessed it right!" Xu Yi looked up at the sky and let out a sigh of relief.

After leaving the red mist, the line of sight was completely widened, and the familiar black "sun" was quietly suspended in the sky. It was the country of the Black Abyss belonging to Issosen.

He had just figured out Isosen's plan. The reason why the other party accepted Freddy was to use Freddy as cannon fodder to find out the details of the Kingdom of Pain.

Isosen's purpose from the beginning was to get rid of Os.

So after Freddy entered the Kingdom of Pain, the other party would definitely be watching from close range, and now it was just as he expected.

"Crash over!" Xu Yi suddenly said.

"What?" Freddy was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand what Xu Yi meant.

Xu Yi's eyes were fierce and he roared loudly, "Control the Kingdom of Pain and hit me towards the black abyss!"

(End of this chapter)

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