American exorcist god.

Chapter 383 Bewitching

Chapter 383 Bewitching

The Kingdom of Pain was getting closer and closer to the Black Abyss. Freddy shuddered when he heard Xu Yi's words asking him to crash into it.

"Isn't this bad?" Freddy hesitated, "Have you forgotten that damn bug? Is my life still in Isosen's hands?"

"What are you afraid of? If you don't tell me, I won't tell you. How will Isosen know that you did it?"

Xu Yi quite hated him for not arguing. What kind of murderer could this rat have the guts to do?

As the "neighbor" of the soul-eating insect, of course he would know the other party specifically. The other party was sleeping in the core of Freddy's soul and had no spying function.

"That's right! Isosen didn't know I did it!" Freddy's eyes lit up instantly.

He stared at the black abyss above, his teeth chattering as all kinds of old and new hatreds surged into his heart.

The Kingdom of Pain accelerated in vain and crashed into the black abyss.

This collision was somewhat personal. It could be seen that Freddy had used all his strength to suck milk, but it was in vain. The black abyss did not move at all, but a huge crack appeared on the boundary membrane of the Kingdom of Pain.

"This won't work!" Freddy looked disappointed.

The sound of "buzzing" is endless, and the sky is full of huge insects flying. The insects are divided into dozens of groups, and their shapes are twisted and weird. The entire black abyss is simply a large insect cage.

"Wow! I'm alive again!" Although Freddy was a little confused about the situation, the moment the suction disappeared, he reacted immediately and quickly separated from Jason's legs to avoid being hurt.

"No!" Freddy screamed.

As soon as Xu Yi finished speaking, Hei Yuan suddenly "opened his huge mouth" and swallowed the Kingdom of Pain in one gulp.

But now the Kingdom of Pain has been swallowed up by the Black Abyss, and it will soon face its old enemy Isosen, so Os is flexible and changes its strategy decisively.

"Don't worry, the other party will take action."

After entering the black abyss, Freddy lost control of the Kingdom of Pain, and the Kingdom of Pain fell downwards with a crash and grass clippings flying wildly.

The airflow around Jason suddenly dissipated, and a huge suction force came over, and he was about to be sucked into the black vortex.

The land of the Black Abyss is covered with grass, and the long black grass floats in the wind, like the sea on a starless and moonless night, with surging waves.

A black-striped gray moth-like figure fell from the sky. Isosen ignored the projected "bullets". One of the centipedes rolled its long tail casually, and black flames engulfed Jason.

Since Isosen's goal is Roshan Os, he will definitely not miss such a good opportunity.

The Kingdom of Pain was shaken, and Jason was also affected. This external force became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

It can be seen from a series of previous events that Os's IQ is actually very high. The reason why the other party chose to exile Jason was to avoid the destruction of the Kingdom of Pain.

At this moment, the black vortex suddenly reversed, spinning in the opposite direction, the suction turned into repulsion, and Jason was violently "launched" like a cannonball.

The boundary membrane of the Kingdom of Pain is transparent. They can see the other side, and of course they can see the inside from the outside. At this moment, Roshan Es looks so miserable, covered in blood.

The reason why Xu Yi was able to see this was very simple. The direction where Jason was "shot" happened to be where Aesolson was.

The light in the black abyss was very dark, with only a purple-red light suspended in the center, like a solitary lamp.

Xu Yi could probably guess what was going on. The reason why Roshan Es suddenly "changed his mind" was of course because of Heiyuan.

Isosen didn't take Jason seriously at all, thinking he was just an ant who could be easily dealt with. He only had Os in his eyes at the moment.

As everyone knows, Es thought the same way more than ten minutes ago. He had already been educated by Jason.

Jason turned a blind eye to the black flames on his body, and condensed a machete in his hand again. The machete fell, and the bloody sword light flew towards Isosen. In Jason's eyes, there is no concept of camp at all. All living creatures are his targets anyway, so there is no feeling of being used as a weapon.

Isosen's left wing was cut open by the blood-colored sword light, and a large number of tentacles emerged from the cut. The tentacles interacted with each other, and the wings returned to their original state.

But after this stab, Isosen finally began to look at Jason seriously, but he did not have time to deal with Jason for the time being, because Os suddenly made a move.

The bloody mountain of flesh suddenly split and turned into "flesh snakes" all over the sky. In front of each flesh snake was a face twisted in pain.

The "flesh snake" flew towards the boundary membrane like a meteor shower passing by.

This is Isosen's territory. Of course, Os will not think about winning or losing with Isosen here, so retreating is the best option.

Isosen suddenly flapped his wings and appeared in front of Isosen with agility that was not suitable for his huge body. The giant wings he spread intercepted all the "meteors".

Of course he couldn't let Es leave easily.

Jason wanted to give chase, but the overwhelming monster insects swallowed him up.

"What are you doing?" Xu Yi suddenly said, looking at Freddy beside him in confusion.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or Freddy did this on purpose. The place where Freddy fell happened to be the place where Xu Yi’s illusion was.

The flat "Freddy's Worm" fell to the ground and began to squirm rapidly. After a while, it returned to its original appearance. It was just a few times thinner, but it looked in good spirits.

"Can't you see this?" Freddy ran wildly on the land of the Kingdom of Pain, heading toward the dark barrier in the distance. "Of course we are running away! If we don't run, we will be dead!"

"Why did you die?" Xu Yi asked softly.

Freddy was suddenly stunned and looked back. Isosen was busy dealing with Os, and Os was too distracted to take care of himself.

As for the swarms of insects in the sky, because there was no order from Isosen, and strictly speaking, Freddy was also a member of the Black Abyss, so not a single insect attacked him.

The kingdom of pain at your feet also changed the CD market again and fell into silence. Freddy had briefly gained control of the Kingdom of Pain, and now the Two-Face men were no longer attacking him.

"Yes! Why should I run away?" Freddy finally came to his senses. He was not in danger at all now.

"And even if you want to escape, where can you escape to? How do you cross the boundary membrane, and how do you cross the dream void?"

Xu Yi's voice was low and he began to be tempting. He felt that he was more like a devil than Freddy.

Freddy stood there, his eyes a little confused.

Xu Yi did not let Freddy go and pursued the victory, "And have you forgotten the bug in your body? Even if you can escape back to the amusement city, what will you do in the future? Will Isosen let you go? ?”

Xu Yi paused for a moment, leaving Freddy some time to think, "Even if Aesopson lets you go, are you willing to be Aesopson's dog for the rest of your life?"

Freddy turned his head suddenly and glared at Xu Yi with a ferocious expression.

He was completely off guard by Xu Yi, and his behavior at the moment was nothing but irritation.

Xu Yi didn't seem to see the fierce light in Freddy's eyes. He leaned close to Freddy's ear, lowered his voice and spoke softly.

Freddy raised his head suddenly and looked at Xu Yi in surprise. Xu Yi at this moment was terrifyingly unfamiliar.

What the other party said in his ear just now was: "Why don't you consider swallowing Isosen?"

(End of this chapter)

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