American exorcist god.

Chapter 389 Call x to wake up

Chapter 389 Call x to wake up
The moment the burning sensation swept over him, Xu Yi did not feel uncomfortable. Instead, he felt like a tired person soaking in the warm spring water and falling asleep.

This is the prelude to the evolution of the soul after swallowing Freddy's domain soul.

Xu Yi knew that he would fall into a deep sleep soon, so he had to hurry up.

Whether it was Os's distorted face or Isosen's creepy moth, everything seemed very dim at the moment, and the divine light of the Door of Truth kept washing over them.

In this way, the difficulty for Xu Yi to devour them can also be reduced.

Xu Yi controlled the scorched corpse and came to Es. The scorched corpse opened its mouth like a snake and swallowed Os in one bite.

A look of pain appeared on Os's face, but he failed to wake up and was still immersed in the dream woven by the lost ice crystals.

The burning sensation in his abdomen became more and more intense, as if there were charcoal balls rolling inside, and Xu Yi's sleepiness became more intense.

He quickly controlled the scorched corpse and came to Aesopson, wanting to repeat the same trick. Just before Aesopson was about to be swallowed, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Xu Yi was startled. Isosen was different from Freddy. If the other party woke up, he would definitely not be able to deal with it.

The intense sleepiness hit him, and he could no longer resist it and fell into a deep sleep.

The other party also failed to get rid of the illusion. It would be damned if the baptism of the door of truth was so easy to pass.

A burning sensation spread throughout his body, and he felt as if he had fallen into hot lava. He was so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyes.

The door of truth slowly closed and then disappeared. In the vast black abyss, there was only the body of the huge black-striped gray moth, floating slowly, and the two lands of the Kingdom of Pain and the City of Pleasure revolved around it.

If it weren't for this characteristic, Xu Yi wouldn't dare to swallow the souls of the three so boldly.

Xu Yi controlled the scorched corpse and crashed into the golden whirlpool, returning to the original place.

He felt like he was falling into a huge dye vat filled with dirty dyes that wanted to dye his soul into other colors.

Isosen has been devoured, the soul space has dissipated, and he appears directly inside Isosen's body, but he doesn't even have the ability to break out.

The scorched corpse swallowed Isosen in one gulp.

These soul marks are highly polluting. After being polluted, although the body will not be taken away, it is likely to lead to a series of symptoms such as schizophrenia.

Xu Yi had no time to worry about whether the Gate of Truth could kill Jason. He forced himself to brace himself and rushed towards the golden vortex.

After the divine transition, Xu Yi's soul crystallized, and the "immortal purity" properties obtained by the crystallization literally saved his life!

Xu Yi must face these soul marks if he wants to devour them.

Xu Yi did not completely lose consciousness, but fell into a state of half sleep and half awake.

The evolution of the soul requires a safe place, which obviously does not fit the current situation.

The transparent crystal floats and sinks in the large dye vat, but it is not stained with a trace of pollution.

These dyes are actually residual soul marks. Whether it is Os, Isosen or Freddy, their soul marks are not so easy to be erased.

Xu Yi's soul continues to grow and transform.

Jason stood on the desolate land, divine light constantly washing over his body.

But he soon breathed a sigh of relief. Isosen's eyes were dull and he just had a "stress reaction."

He must leave the Gate of Truth before falling completely into coma.


City of fun.

Hanton was lying on the grass, holding a piece of grass in his mouth and looking at the sky boredly.

Since Freddy disappeared, miners like them no longer have to risk their lives to work, but there is no way to leave. This place is like a huge cage. In the past, huge moth bodies could still be seen in the void, but as time passed, the moth bodies gradually weathered and scattered, and now only a "sun" remained, floating quietly in the sky.

The "sun" was originally black, like a coal ball, but gradually, the coal ball began to become clear, and now more than half of it has turned into a crystal ball.

At this moment, a meteor flew out from the "sun" and quickly approached the amusement city.

Hanton quickly jumped up from the ground.

This is the first time this has happened, but generally the probability of something bad happening is much greater than good.

The meteor fell directly in front of him, and the bright light exploded. The moment it hit the ground, it did not cause any movement.

The light gradually dissipated. Hanton saw the figure in the light clearly and said in surprise: "Xu Yi?"

He was stunned for a moment, suddenly reacted, and then danced with excitement, "Did the plan succeed? You finally woke up?"

"That's right!" Xu Yi greeted with a smile.

Hanton was a little confused. He was just awake, so why should he answer "so"? He glanced at the "sun" in the sky and realized something.

Xu Yi has not fully awakened, and his current state can be regarded as a divided soul.

The main soul is still transforming, and it will not be fully awakened until the "sun" in the sky becomes completely clear.

The reason why it takes so long is that in addition to devouring the three Freddys, it also needs to digest the power of the True God's Thread, which cannot be completed in a short time.

Splitting the soul will undoubtedly reduce the digestion efficiency and delay the time of complete awakening, but there is no way, he has a reason to do this.

He sensed Little Judy's call.

This was an agreement between him and Little Judy. If there was anything important, the other party would call him through the magic circle.

In fact, this is not the first time Huhu, it has happened once before, but at that time it was the critical moment of swallowing, and there was no way to respond.

Xu Yi felt the call in his mind, and his eyes suddenly became extremely deep. His eyes penetrated countless time and space and saw a blurry shadow.

He stretched out his hand, and invisible threads emerged from his hand. The thread swept towards the shadow, and the shadow was rolled over. The shadow gradually became clearer, and finally completely transformed into a human being.

"Hey! Isn't the magic circle fully activated? How could I come in?" Little Judy opened her eyes in confusion.

Of course this was done by Xu Yi. After swallowing Freddy, even if it was just a divided soul, he could still use some of Freddy's abilities.

Little Judy kept looking at Xu Yi and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Xu Yi was not only safe but also stronger. It seemed that Xu Yi's plan had been successful.

"Is there something important for calling me this time?" Xu Yi asked.

Little Judy took a deep breath and said slowly: "We have found the burial place of the gods!"

Xu Yi's eyes lit up, good things come in pairs, but little Judy's next words made him freeze in place.

"The burial place of the gods is indeed important, but compared to this, I think you have a more important thing to do."

Little Judy raised her head and stared at Xu Yi, "You'd better go see your daughter first, right?"


Xu Yi was a little confused. In his impression, Lisa was just pregnant. Did Little Judy want him to see the B-ultrasound pictures?
"In two days, it will be your daughter's second birthday!" Little Judy sighed.

Xu Yi was completely stunned. He asked for a long time before finally confirming one thing.

Almost three years have passed since he entered the dream world.

When devouring and merging, he couldn't feel the passage of time at all.

(End of this chapter)

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