American exorcist god.

Chapter 390 Great changes in the world x News of the Boneyard

Chapter 390 Great changes in the world x News of the Boneyard

The huge "black sun" is speeding through the dream world. This is a brand-new country of the black abyss. After Xu Yi swallowed Isosen, he naturally became the master of the black abyss.

At this moment, the Kingdom of Black Abyss, after absorbing the City of Amusement and the Kingdom of Pain, has become stronger than before, and its speed is simply lightning fast.

The River of Dream Gap appeared in front, and Hanton had already arrived at the edge of the black abyss, eager to see through it.

At this moment, Xu Yi is just a divided soul. With his current ability, he still cannot leave the dream world, but he can use Freddy's dreaming ability.

Hanton was promised that he could return to his daughter. Xu Yi did not have this ability for the time being, but he could allow Hanton to see his daughter through dreaming.

Even so, Hanton was shaking with excitement.

The river of dreams is vast, and it is not easy to accurately find a person's dream.

After Xu Yi inherited Freddy's ability, he was able to search for key information.

His eyes suddenly froze and he couldn't move his eyes away, staring directly at one of the dream water drops.

In that drop of water, he felt the feeling of blood connection, so it was extremely easy for him to find it. It could be said that he saw it at a glance.

Lisa kept talking and Xu Yi listened quietly. Too many things have happened in the past three years.

"I'm sorry!" Xu Yi's eyes revealed a deep apology. As a little girl grows up, there is no way to make up for the lack of father's love.

The moment his finger touched Lisa's drop of dream water, his whole body was sucked in.

Xu Xiaoyu frowned in the water droplets, obviously having some kind of nightmare. Xu Yi tapped his fingertips, and a little stream of light flew out from his fingertips and fell into the dreamy water droplets.

Xu Yi found Lisa's dream in the river of dreams. He jumped into the river. The water had no temperature at all, and he couldn't feel any collision.

Xu Xiaoyu's frown slowly relaxed, and a sweet smile appeared on his face. Xu Yi's lips also involuntarily raised a smile. He dispelled Xu Xiaoyu's nightmare and gave her a good night's sleep.

Lisa saw Xu Yi in her dream and was not surprised. Little Judy had told her the matter in advance. Neither of them spoke, they just hugged each other for a long time.

"Do you know the reason?" Xu Yi frowned, which gave him a very bad feeling.

The little girl's figure flashed in the water. She was obviously a mixed race. She had platinum curly hair and dark pupils. Her facial features contained the exquisiteness of an Oriental, but her skin was exceptionally fair.

The most significant event is that sea levels around the world are rising, causing a large number of seaside countries to migrate, and rumors of the end of the world are rampant.

After a long time, the two began to talk.

This name was given by his father, Xu Changrong. It can be said to be very casual, but the moment Xu Yi heard this name, he fell in love with it.

Maybe no one would believe it. Xu Yi encountered countless terrifying creatures, including gods. But at this moment, he was a little afraid to face Xu Xiaoyu.

He didn't disturb Xu Xiaoyu, maybe because he didn't want their first meeting to be in a dream, or maybe because he was afraid...

Compared with the first one, the second method is undoubtedly milder.

"Dream" has two uses. One is to force people into the dream world, and the other is to enter other people's dreams.

"Xu Xiaoyu!" Xu Yi muttered to himself as he stared at the figure in the water.

Although it was an illusory world, Xu Yi seemed to smell the fragrance of Lisa's body, carrying the fragrance of lilies after the rain.

"All countries are doing their best to investigate, but so far, there is no explanation that can convince everyone." Lisa also frowned.

Xu Yi has been sleeping for three years, but she has been living in the real world. She knows better than Xu Yi how big the impact of this incident is.

The rate of sea level rise is extremely alarming. According to research by scientists, if this rate continues, the entire world's land will be submerged in another ten years. In order to cope with the crisis of sea level rise, many countries are already planning the "Noah's Ark" plan and starting to build a maritime survival fortress.

Lisa talked a lot about "little disasters" again.

"Small disasters" are only compared to rising sea levels. In fact, every disaster is a supernatural event that can destroy a country, and many countries have been destroyed as a result.

In the past three years, it can be said that life has been devastated.

"Not long ago, we found the burial place of the gods in the Arctic Ocean!" Lisa gradually brought the topic back on track.

Xu Yi was shocked. Such frequent disasters had already made him smell the coming storm.

If he wants to protect himself and his family in the face of a catastrophe, he must have strong strength. His desire to become stronger is getting stronger!

The way to become stronger is already clear, that is to become a "powerful god".

The three major conditions for a "powerful god" are domain soul, dark power, and the body of a god.

His soul at this moment is no longer just a domain soul. When the devouring and fusion is completed, he will become a more powerful soul master.

Anli has no clue yet, but "God's Body" can already see hope.

If you want to be promoted to the body of a god, the burial place of the gods is the key.

"But it's a pity that the burial place of the gods is already owned. We are trying to find a solution." Lisa said in a deep voice.

When Xu Yi heard this, his heart instantly cast a shadow.

With Lisa's strength, they can basically travel around the world. There are few organizations that can find so many people with the ability to be called exorcists.

Besides, for his sake, both New York, Boston, and the church can provide help. Lisa and her group are already at the top of the world's power.

But when Lisa talked about the Burial Ground of the Gods, she kept a secretive expression. It can be imagined that the organization that occupied the Burial Ground of the Gods must be extremely troublesome.

"Which organization is it?" Xu Yi asked.

"It's the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization." Lisa replied softly.

Xu Yi was silent for a moment. There is no doubt that the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization is a very terrifying opponent.

When he was in Atlantis, the two "Silkworm Chrysalis Men" left a very deep impression on him. Later, according to his investigation, those two "Silkworm Chrysalis Men" were just ordinary members of the ancient god's sacrificial organization.

I don’t know how many similar “silkworm chrysalis people” there are.

The Ancient God Sacrifice Organization is also the biggest enemy of the Ring of Destruction. The Ring of Destruction is so powerful, but it acts cautiously, avoiding the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization everywhere.

From this, we can know how terrifying the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization is.

In fact, the top leaders of all countries know that there is always an organization that is above them, and that is the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization.

No wonder Lisa was so secretive. Even Xu Yi now had no good way to face them.

"We have prepared the magic circle golden coffin for your body. The question now is how to bury the golden coffin in the burial ground of the gods." Lisa suddenly said, "We already have a rough plan for this. .”

Xu Yi's eyes lit up instantly and he asked hurriedly: "What's the plan?"

"Going head-on with the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization is obviously not a good choice. So we plan to ask the people from the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization to 'help' us bury the golden coffin." Lisa replied softly.

(End of this chapter)

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