American exorcist god.

Chapter 391 Conspiracy loudly

Chapter 391 Conspiracy loudly
Arctic Ocean, Wilkjan, harbor gas station.

No one could have imagined that in such a cold place, there would be a large gas station hidden in the cracks of the icebergs.

"Aren't you here yet?" Xu Yi looked through the window of the waiting room towards the end of the ice sea.

Xu Yi's soul is of course in the dream world. The reason why he can see the real world is the Annabell doll.

What he didn't expect was that he would actually discover Annabelle's dream in the river of dreams.

After so many years of growth, the soul born in the doll has become spiritually comparable to humans.

After he entered Annabelle's dream, the "Symbiotic Eyes" took effect again.

Not only the symbiotic eye, he can also speak through Annebell as a medium, but his voice has a "puppet" flavor, and he speaks every word.

"It should be soon." The voice came almost close to the ear.

Xu Yi turned his head, and the Annabell doll sat on Maria's shoulders.

The transporter will fill up with fuel here and then fly directly to the marine base in the Arctic Ocean.

"It's very possible." Maria nodded, "But this is our only choice. The most important thing is that his grandmother is being treated in a hospital in Boston at the moment."

Logically speaking, it is impossible for an organization that can suppress the Ring of Destruction to have such a thing.

"Of course there is, but the secret medicine requires points to be redeemed, and Bob is a peripheral member. When he accumulates enough points, I'm afraid his grandma will be buried in the grave." Maria said.

Maria had long hair, wearing a furry bearskin hat, with a long knife hanging on her waist, and the cold wind blew her woolen coat.

A figure suddenly broke into the waiting room. It was a young man in his twenties. His hair was disheveled, his face was pale, and his eyes were surrounded by thick black eyes. He looked frail and frail. But it has been hollowed out.”

Maria replied softly, "Now his grandma is seriously ill, and ordinary medical methods are useless. We promised him that as long as he sends the things to the burial ground, we will give him the secret medicine to cure grandma."

"Is this person trustworthy?" Xu Yi asked.

"We investigated him and found that he was abandoned by his parents when he was a child. His grandmother raised him by doing odd jobs for others. He is a filial person."

If you want to bury your body in a closely guarded burial ground, how can you do it without an insider?

After not seeing each other for many years, Maria has become much more mature than before, and is already a qualified warrior, but her eyes are still as clear as before.

"Hey! You are conspiring loudly in front of the person involved. Is this really okay?"

"The transport plane is coming! Get ready now!"

A black spot suddenly appeared at the end of the ice sea, getting closer and closer. Xu Yi gradually saw it clearly. It was a giant military transport aircraft. There was no national logo on the fuselage. It was a "three-no aircraft" .

"Does the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization not have this secret medicine?" Xu Yi was very confused.

This is the symbol of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, called "Ancient God Pattern".

Yes, the young man in front of him is a member of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization.

Xu Yi nodded. Boston was their base camp. Although the method was not too glorious, it was very necessary to have hostages on hand.

The young man was wrapped in a thick military coat, with a small logo on the collar of the coat. Lightning mixed with flames struck the ancient round stone monument.

"Since he can betray the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, is it possible for him to betray us?" Xu Yi frowned slightly.

There is no doubt that the transport plane in front of him belongs to the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, and it is also the hope for Xu Yi's body to enter the burial ground.

Bob couldn't stand it anymore, "And I'm not a traitor. I'm just a worker of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization. At most, I can get some kickbacks. Isn't this a very common thing?"

"Tell me about your plan?"

Xu Yi ignored the other party's complaints. The reason why he wanted to discuss this matter with Maria face to face was of course to beat the other party.

"The plan is very simple. You hide in the box and wait for the transport plane to take off. After more than ten rumbling hours, the box will arrive at the deep sea base. You can find an opportunity to hide in the boneyard and survive together!" Bob He clapped his hands.

"It sounds like it's as simple as taking a ride." Xu Yi said expressionlessly.

"Of course!" Bob looked confident. "Maria, is this person really reliable?" Xu Yi suddenly felt that the future was dark.

"Hey! You can question my character, but you can't question my ability!"

Bob was unwilling, "Sister Maria, you know that I am the most reliable person. It was with my help that you succeeded in killing that monster."

He stared at Maria, trying to get Maria to testify for him, and then the next second, he was "pierced by thousands of arrows."

"Bob is indeed unreliable, so we still need to work hard on our own in the follow-up." Maria replied.

A harsh friction sound was heard as the transport plane landed on the deceleration road and continued to approach the gas station.

"The transport plane is here, everything is going according to plan!" Bob had no time to chat and hurriedly opened the door and walked out.

The door of the transport plane opened, and the first person to step off the plane was a middle-aged man with a big belly. Bob greeted him with a smile on his face.

When people reach middle age, they will inevitably encounter the crisis of hair loss. The man's crisis was particularly serious, with only a few hairs clinging tenaciously to the top of his head.

The man wore a suit and tie and was carrying a black briefcase. He looked like an ordinary office worker in the city.

Could it be that the transport plane in front of me was not organized by the Ancient God Sacrifice? Xu Yi was filled with doubts.

But Bob didn't look like him. He was more than enthusiastic, he was simply flattering.

It’s impossible for Bob to mistake his immediate boss, right?

But soon, he no longer had this doubt.

Eight figures jumped off the plane. They lined up in front of the cabin door, wearing black "silkworm chrysalis armor". The aura they exuded made people feel suffocated.

If you want to enter the cabin safely, you must first lure these people away. Xu Yi is very curious about what means Bob will use.

"Manager Kaiding, our people have prepared a welcome banquet for you." Bob said softly.

Kaiding looked businesslike, "No need, the plane is full of fuel and we will leave immediately!"

"We can't delay things. Will it take some time to refill the gas? The banquet is carefully prepared by us."

Bob pointed in the direction of the living room.

Kaiding looked in the direction of Bob's finger. The metal door slowly opened, and the dancers with protruding front and back were sitting on both sides, ogling Kaiding, and their white thighs were deliberately exposed.

Kaiding swallowed secretly. Which cadre can withstand such a test?

"Since this is a banquet prepared by you sincerely, it would be a waste not to attend."

Kaidin coughed and then regained his composure, looking at the people present as if nothing had happened.

"These brothers have worked hard, so come together! It's so crowded!" Bob looked at the eight guards present.

Kaidin knew very well that if they were not allowed to go, people would disperse, but the transport plane could not be left unattended.

"No. 3 and No. 5 will stay for now, and they will change shifts in half an hour." After a while, the experienced Kaiding came up with a solution.

In the blink of an eye, there were only two guards left, and the difficulty of entering the cabin suddenly decreased. However, Xu Yi still underestimated Bob. Two female soldiers suddenly appeared and walked towards the remaining two guards.

Although they were wearing military uniforms, judging from their behavior, it was obvious that they were not real soldiers. They had flaming red lips, heavy makeup, and walked with their narrow waists twisted.

If it hadn't been too cold outside, Xu Yi felt that Bob might have asked them to wear skirts that were slit to the top of their thighs.

The "female soldier" started chatting with the remaining guard, getting closer and closer.

"Is this a military gas station or a nightclub?" Xu Yi said it was an eye-opener.

He suddenly changed his voice, "Since Bob has created such a good opportunity, we can't waste it and start taking action!"

(End of this chapter)

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